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Select Committee on Estimates 2013-2014 - Inquiry into the ACT Appropriation Bill 2013-2014 and the Appropriation (Office of the Legislative Assembly) Bill 2013-2014 - Treasurer - Financial and Economic Management
8:59:32 am for 11 seconds | Link

Mr Andrew Barr MLA, Treasurer, (THE CHAIR (3) in background)
Minister/ Mr Smyth
9:42:00 am for 4 minutes, 15 seconds | Link

Ms Karen Doran, Executive Director, Investment and Economics Division
Ms Doran/ The Chair
9:58:44 am for 24 hours, 1 minute, 26 seconds | Link

Mr David Nicol, Under Treasurer, Investment and Economics Division
Mr Nicol/ The Chair
10:00:10 am for 4 minutes, 59 seconds | Link

Mr Patrick McAuliffe, Director, Investment Branch, Investment and Economics Division
Mr Mc Auliffe/ Dr Bourke
10:07:04 am for 1 minute, 27 seconds | Link

Mr David Nicol, Under Treasurer, Investment and Economics Division
Mr Nicol/ Mr Gentleman
10:30:31 am for 1 minute, 15 seconds | Link

Mr Patrick McAuliffe, Director, Investment Branch, Investment and Economics Division
Mr Mc Auliffe/ Mr Nicol
10:31:46 am for 2 minutes, 8 seconds | Link

Dr Chris Bourke MLA (Deputy Chair)
Dr Bourke/ Mr Nicol
10:33:54 am for 12 minutes, 19 seconds | Link