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Mr Shane Rattenbury MLA, Minister for Mental Health
Minister/ Chair
9:31:31 am for 1 minute, 9 seconds | Link

Ms Katrina Bracher, Executive Director, Mental Health, Justice Health and Alcohol and Drug Services
Ms Bracher/ Chair
9:32:40 am for 1 minute, 33 seconds | Link

Ms Amber Shuhyta, Director, Mental Health Policy Unit
Ms Shuhyta/ Ms Orr
9:59:18 am for 24 hours, 4 minutes, 28 seconds | Link

Mr Shane Rattenbury MLA, Minister for Mental Health
Ms Shuhyta/ Minister
10:09:41 am for 2 minutes, 50 seconds | Link

Mr Michael De'Ath, Interim Director-General
Mr De'ath/ Ms Lee
10:12:31 am for 3 minutes, 46 seconds | Link

Ms Katrina Bracher, Executive Director, Mental Health, Justice Health and Alcohol and Drug Services
Ms Bracher/ Ms Lee
10:18:53 am for 5 minutes, 52 seconds | Link

Ms Meegan Fitzharris MLA, Minister for Health and Wellbeing
Minister/ Chair
10:47:47 am for 14 seconds | Link

Ms Karen Doran, Acting Deputy Director General, Corporate
Ms Doran/ Mrs Dunne
10:50:56 am for 6 minutes, 44 seconds | Link

Mr Michael De'Ath, Interim Director-General
Mr De'ath/ Minister
10:57:40 am for 2 minutes, 59 seconds | Link

Mr Chris Bone, Deputy Director-General, Canberra Hospital and Health Services
Mr Bone/ Ms Orr
11:02:43 am for 8 minutes, 16 seconds | Link

Ms Linda Kohlhagen, Executive Director, University of Canberra Hospital - Commissioning
Ms Kohlhagen/ Ms Orr
11:15:34 am for 10 minutes, 50 seconds | Link

Ms Karen Doran, Acting Deputy Director General, Corporate
Chair/ Ms Doran
11:30:17 am for 1 minute, 7 seconds | Link

Ms Elizabeth Chatham, Executive Director, Women Youth and Children
Ms Chatham/ Ms Le Couteur
11:31:53 am for 2 minutes, 49 seconds | Link

Ms Meegan Fitzharris MLA, Minister for Health and Wellbeing
Minister/ Ms Chatham
11:34:42 am for 30 seconds | Link

Mr Michael De'Ath, Interim Director-General
Mr De'ath/ Ms Chatham
11:42:24 am for 6 minutes, 7 seconds | Link

Ms Jodie Chamberlain, Executive Director, Territory Wide Services Redesign
Ms Chamberlain/ Minister
11:48:31 am for 14 minutes, 24 seconds | Link

Ms Linda Kohlhagen, Executive Director, University of Canberra Hospital - Commissioning
Ms Kohlhagen/ Mrs Dunne
12:02:55 pm for 4 minutes, 44 seconds | Link

Ms Meegan Fitzharris MLA, Minister for Health and Wellbeing
Ms Lee/ Minister
12:07:39 pm for 1 minute, 2 seconds | Link

Mr Colm Mooney, Executive Director, Health Infrastructure Services
Mr Mooney/ Ms Lee
12:08:41 pm for 5 minutes, 1 second | Link

Ms Karen Doran, Acting Deputy Director General, Corporate
Ms Doran/ Minister
12:24:14 pm for 7 minutes, 46 seconds | Link


Select Committee on Estimates 2018-2019 - Inquiry into the ACT Appropriation Bill 2018-2019 and the Appropriation (Office of the Legislative Assembly) Bill 2018 - 2019
2:00:42 pm for 1 second | Link

Mr Duncan Edghill, Deputy Director-General, Transport Canberra
Mr Edghill/ Ms Orr
2:03:03 pm for 1 minute, 47 seconds | Link

Ms Meegan Fitzharris MLA, Minister for Transport and City Services
Minister/ Ms Orr
2:04:50 pm for 10 minutes, 47 seconds | Link

Ms Emma Thomas, Director-General, Transport Canberra and City Services
Ms Thomas/ Chair
2:15:37 pm for 37 seconds | Link

Ms Tara Cheyne MLA (Deputy Chair)
Ms Cheyne/ Ms Le Couteur
2:16:14 pm for 10 minutes, 14 seconds | Link

Mr Ian McGlinn, Director, Transport Canberra Operations
Mr Mcglinn/ Ms C Burch
2:29:00 pm for 20 minutes, 56 seconds | Link

Mr Duncan Edghill, Deputy Director-General, Transport Canberra
Mr Edghill/ Chair
2:49:56 pm for 7 minutes, 30 seconds | Link

Ms Meegan Fitzharris MLA, Minister for Transport and City Services
Minister/ Ms Le Couteur
3:33:22 pm for 48 seconds | Link

Mr Duncan Edghill, Deputy Director-General, Transport Canberra
Mr Edghill/ Ms Le Couteur
3:34:10 pm for 3 minutes, 37 seconds | Link

Ms Emma Thomas, Director-General, Transport Canberra and City Services
Ms Thomas/ Ms Le Couteur
3:37:47 pm for 50 seconds | Link

Mr Jim Corrigan, Deputy Director-General, City Services, Transport Canberra and City Services
Mr Corrigan/ Ms Orr
3:58:46 pm for 34 seconds | Link

Mr Ken Marshall, Director, Roads ACT
Mr Marshall/ Ms Lawder
4:01:31 pm for 9 minutes, 47 seconds | Link

Mr Duncan Edghill, Deputy Director-General, Transport Canberra
Ms Thomas/ Mr Edghill
4:11:18 pm for 8 minutes, 25 seconds | Link

Mr Michael Manthorpe, ACT Ombudsman, Office of the Commonwealth Ombudsman
Mr Manthorpe
4:34:08 pm for 23 seconds | Link

Mr Paul Pfitzner, Senior Assistant Ombudsman, ACT and Defence Branch
Mr Pfitzner/ Mr Hanson
4:49:27 pm for 9 minutes, 29 seconds | Link