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Select Committee on Drugs of Dependence (Personal Use) - Inquiry into Drugs of Dependence (Personal Use) Amendment Bill (2021)
1:01:59 pm for 1 second | Link

Mr Peter Somerville, Chief Executive Officer, Australian Medical Association (ACT) Ltd
Mr Somerville/ Chair
1:04:45 pm for 17 seconds | Link

A/Prof Jeffery Looi, AMA, ACT Board Member, Australian Medical Association (ACT) Ltd (Telephone- Link)
A/Prof Looi/ Chair
1:05:02 pm for 20 seconds | Link

Professor Diana Egerton-Warburton, Australian College for Emergency Medicine (Telephone- Link)
Prof Egerton-Warburton/ Chair
1:05:22 pm for 13 minutes, 21 seconds | Link

Ms Anusha Goonetilleke, Program Manager and Senior Solicitor (Street Law, Social Security and Housing Law (Telephone- Link)
Chair/ Ms Goonetilleke
1:46:49 pm for 1 minute, 24 seconds | Link

Mr Michael Kukulies-Smith, Chairperson of the Criminal Law Committee, ACT Law Society
Mr Kukulies-Smith/ Chair
1:48:13 pm for 12 seconds | Link

Mr Paul Edmonds, Member of the Criminal Law Committee, ACT Law Society
Mr Edmonds/ Chair
1:48:25 pm for 41 minutes, 13 seconds | Link

Dr Devin Bowles, CEO, Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Drug Association ACT
Chair/ Dr Bowles
2:45:08 pm for 1 minute, 2 seconds | Link

Mr Troy Roberts, Media and Government Relations Manager, Australian Federal Police Association (AFPA)
Chair/ Mr Roberts
3:30:31 pm for 29 seconds | Link

Mr Matthew Peterson, Legal and Industrial Relations Manager
Mr Peterson
3:31:00 pm for 4 seconds | Link