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Select Committee on Estimates ACT Budget 2014-2015 - Community and Industry Groups of the ACT
9:29:23 am for 1 second | Link

Dr Warwick Scott Cathro, Member, Canberra
Dr Cathro
9:30:50 am for 14 minutes, 56 seconds | Link

Ms Mary Porter AM MLA (Deputy Chair)
Ms Porter/ Mr Creaser
9:45:46 am for 4 minutes, 43 seconds | Link

Mr Nigel Featherstone, Coordinator, The Childers Group, opening statement
Mr Featherstone
10:04:52 am for 6 minutes, 23 seconds | Link

Professor David Williams AM, Spokesperson, The Childers Group
Prof Williams/ The Chair
10:11:15 am for 5 minutes, 6 seconds | Link

Ms Mary Porter AM MLA (Deputy Chair)
The Chair/ Ms Porter
10:16:21 am for 5 minutes, 7 seconds | Link

Select Committee on Estimates ACT Budget 2014-2015 - Community and Industry Groups of the ACT
10:45:36 am for 2 seconds | Link

Ms Frances Crimmins, Executive Director, YWCA of Canberra, opening statement
Ms Crimmins
10:46:23 am for 7 minutes, 26 seconds | Link

Ms Fiona Macgregor, Director of Community Services, YWCA of Canberra
Ms Macgregor/ Ms Berry
10:56:32 am for 11 minutes, 29 seconds | Link

Ms Mary Porter AM MLA (Deputy Chair)
Ms Porter/ Ms Macgregor
11:08:01 am for 6 minutes, 14 seconds | Link

Mr Anthony Robert Hedley, Vice President, Property Council
The Chair/ Mr Hedley
11:14:24 am for 16 minutes, 9 seconds | Link

Ms Mary Porter AM MLA (Deputy Chair)
The Chair/ Ms Porter
11:35:15 am for 2 minutes, 47 seconds | Link

End of session, Hearing adjourned to 12:15pm
The Chair
11:46:36 am for 27 minutes, 22 seconds | Link

Select Committee on Estimates ACT Budget 2014-2015 - Community and Industry Groups of the ACT
12:13:58 pm for 1 second | Link

Ms Sarah Jewell, Deputy Director, Youth Coalition of the ACT, opening statement
Ms Jewell
12:14:50 pm for 7 minutes, 12 seconds | Link

Ms Mary Porter AM MLA (Deputy Chair)
Ms Porter/ Ms Jewell
12:23:00 pm for 5 minutes, 3 seconds | Link

Ms Rebecca Cuzzillo, Policy and Sector Development Officer, Youth Coalition of the ACT
The Chair/ Ms Cuzzillo
12:45:47 pm for 15 seconds | Link


Select Committee on Estimates ACT Budget 2014-2015 - ACT Auditor-General
2:28:14 pm for 1 minute, 6 seconds | Link

Dr Maxine Cooper, ACT Audit General, opening statement
Dr Cooper
2:29:20 pm for 15 minutes, 20 seconds | Link

Mr Brett Stanton, Director, Performance Audits and Corporate Services
Mr Stanton/ The Chair
2:44:40 pm for 48 seconds | Link

Ms Mary Porter AM MLA (Deputy Chair)
Ms Porter/ The Chair
2:45:28 pm for 4 minutes, 8 seconds | Link

Mr Bernie Sheville, Director, Financial Audits
Mr Sheville/ Ms Porter
2:50:34 pm for 5 minutes, 2 seconds | Link

Mr Malcolm Prentice, Principle Financial Audit
Mr Prentice/ The Chair
3:04:21 pm for 2 minutes, 43 seconds | Link

Ms Mary Porter AM MLA (Deputy Chair)
Ms Porter/ Dr Cooper
3:07:26 pm for 5 minutes, 16 seconds | Link

Mr Brett Stanton, Director, Performance Audits and Corporate Services
Mr Stanton/ Ms Berry
3:12:42 pm for 11 minutes, 31 seconds | Link

Ms Yvette Berry MLA, (THE CHAIR (3) in background)
Ms Berry/ Dr Cooper
3:24:13 pm for 5 minutes, 48 seconds | Link

Select Committee on Estimates ACT Budget 2014-2015 - ACT Electoral Commissioner
3:45:09 pm for 1 second | Link

Mr Phillip Green, ACT Electoral Commissioner
Mr Green/ The Chair
3:46:20 pm for 5 minutes, 20 seconds | Link