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Executive Business Notice No. 1 Food Amendment Bill 2011
Mr Speaker/ Clerk
10:02:00 am for 23 seconds | Link

Executive Business Notice No. 1 Food Amendment Bill 2011
Bill be agreed to in principle
Ms Gallagher/ Mr Speaker
10:02:23 am for 9 minutes, 22 seconds | Link

Executive Business Notice No. 1 Food Amendment Bill 2011
Debate adjourned
Mr Hanson/ Mr Speaker
10:11:45 am for 19 seconds | Link

Executive Business Notice No. 2 Public Unleased Land Bill 2011
Clerk/ Mr Speaker
10:12:04 am for 23 seconds | Link

Executive Business Notice No. 2 Public Unleased Land Bill 2011
Bill be agreed to in principle
Ms Gallagher/ Mr Speaker
10:12:27 am for 8 minutes, 51 seconds | Link

Executive Business Notice No. 2 Public Unleased Land Bill 2011
Debate adjourned
Mr Coe/ Madam Deputy Speaker Ms Porter
10:21:18 am for 19 seconds | Link

Executive Business Notice No. 3 Government Procurement Amendment Bill 2011
Clerk/ Madam Deputy Speaker Ms Porter
10:21:37 am for 22 seconds | Link

Executive Business Notice No. 3 Government Procurement Amendment Bill 2011
Bill be agreed to in principle
Mr Barr/ Madam Deputy Speaker Ms Porter
10:21:59 am for 5 minutes, 27 seconds | Link

Executive Business Notice No. 3 Government Procurement Amendment Bill 2011
Debate adjourned
Mr Smyth/ Madam Deputy Speaker Ms Porter
10:27:26 am for 16 seconds | Link

Executive Business Notice No. 4 Civil Unions Bill 2011
Clerk/ Madam Deputy Speaker Ms Porter
10:27:42 am for 31 seconds | Link

Executive Business Notice No. 4 Civil Unions Bill 2011
Bill be agreed to in principle
Mr Corbell/ Madam Deputy Speaker Ms Porter
10:28:13 am for 9 minutes, 3 seconds | Link

Executive Business Notice No. 4 Civil Unions Bill 2011
Debate adjourned
Mrs Dunne/ Madam Deputy Speaker Ms Porter
10:37:16 am for 20 seconds | Link

Executive Business Notice No. 5 Crimes Legislation Amendment Bill 2011
Clerk/ Madam Deputy Speaker Ms Porter
10:37:36 am for 24 seconds | Link

Executive Business Notice No. 5 Crimes Legislation Amendment Bill 2011
Bill be agreed to in principle
Mr Corbell/ Madam Deputy Speaker Ms Porter
10:38:00 am for 8 minutes, 11 seconds | Link

Executive Business Notice No. 5 Crimes Legislation Amendment Bill 2011
Debate adjourned
Mrs Dunne/ Madam Deputy Speaker Ms Porter
10:46:11 am for 19 seconds | Link

Executive Business Notice No. 6 Road Transport (General) Amendment Bill 2011
Clerk/ Madam Deputy Speaker Ms Porter
10:46:30 am for 24 seconds | Link

Executive Business Notice No. 6 Road Transport (General) Amendment Bill 2011
Bill be agreed to in principle
Mr Corbell/ Madam Deputy Speaker Ms Porter
10:46:54 am for 13 minutes, 55 seconds | Link

Executive Business Notice No. 6 Road Transport (General) Amendment Bill 2011
Debate adjourned
Mrs Dunne/ Madam Deputy Speaker Ms Porter
11:00:49 am for 26 seconds | Link

Executive Business Notice No. 7 Children and Young People (Transition from Out-of-Home Care)
Clerk/ Madam Deputy Speaker Ms Porter
11:01:15 am for 28 seconds | Link

Executive Business Notice No. 7 Children and Young People (Transition from Out-of-Home Care)
Bill be agreed to in principle
Ms Burch/ Madam Deputy Speaker Ms Porter
11:01:43 am for 11 minutes, 54 seconds | Link

Executive Business Notice No. 7 Children and Young People (Transition from Out-of-Home Care)
Debate adjourned
Mrs Dunne/ Madam Deputy Speaker Ms Porter
11:13:37 am for 17 seconds | Link

Executive Business Notice No. 8 Long Service Leave (Portable Schemes) Amendment Bill 2011
Clerk/ Madam Deputy Speaker Ms Porter
11:13:54 am for 30 seconds | Link

Executive Business Notice No. 8 Long Service Leave (Portable Schemes) Amendment Bill 2011
Bill be agreed to in principle
Dr Bourke/ Madam Deputy Speaker Ms Porter
11:14:24 am for 9 minutes, 1 second | Link

Executive Business Notice No. 8 Long Service Leave (Portable Schemes) Amendment Bill 2011
Debate adjourned
Mrs Dunne/ Mr Speaker
11:23:25 am for 22 seconds | Link

Assembly Business Notice No. 1 Membership of the Standing Committee on Administration and Procedure
Clerk/ Mr Speaker
11:23:47 am for 4 seconds | Link

Assembly Business Notice No. 1 Membership of the Standing Committee on Administration and Procedure
Motion be agreed to
Mr Hargreaves/ Mr Speaker
11:23:51 am for 9 minutes, 32 seconds | Link

Assembly Business Notice No. 1 Membership of the Standing Committee on Administration and Procedure
Mrs Dunne/ Mr Speaker
11:33:23 am for 5 minutes, 24 seconds | Link

Assembly Business Notice No. 1 Membership of the Standing Committee on Administration and Procedure
Ms Bresnan/ Mr Speaker
11:38:47 am for 30 seconds | Link

Assembly Business Notice No. 1 Membership of the Standing Committee on Administration and Procedure
Point of order
Mr Seselja/ Mr Speaker
11:39:17 am for 5 minutes, 14 seconds | Link

Assembly Business Notice No. 1 Membership of the Standing Committee on Administration and Procedure
Mr Seselja/ Mr Speaker
11:44:31 am for 3 minutes, 46 seconds | Link

Assembly Business Notice No. 1 Membership of the Standing Committee on Administration and Procedure
Mr Hanson/ Mr Speaker
11:48:17 am for 4 minutes, 27 seconds | Link

Assembly Business Notice No. 1 Membership of the Standing Committee on Administration and Procedure
Mr Smyth
11:52:44 am for 6 minutes, 12 seconds | Link

Assembly Business Notice No. 1 Membership of the Standing Committee on Administration and Procedure
Ms Hunter/ Mr Speaker
11:58:56 am for 3 minutes, 7 seconds | Link

Assembly Business Notice No. 1 Membership of the Standing Committee on Administration and Procedure
Point of order
Mrs Dunne/ Mr Speaker
12:02:03 pm for 1 minute, 45 seconds | Link

Assembly Business Notice No. 1 Membership of the Standing Committee on Administration and Procedure
Close the debate
Mr Hargreaves/ Mr Speaker
12:03:48 pm for 5 minutes, 46 seconds | Link

Assembly Business Notice No. 1 Membership of the Standing Committee on Administration and Procedure
Assembly business extended by thirty minutes
Mr Speaker/ Mr Corbell
12:09:34 pm for 5 minutes, 38 seconds | Link

Assembly Business Notice No. 1 Membership of the Standing Committee on Administration and Procedure
Resolved in affirmative
Mr Speaker/ Clerk
12:15:12 pm for 1 minute, 5 seconds | Link

Assembly Business Notice No. 1 Membership of the Standing Committee on Administration and Procedure (continue)
Mr Hargreaves/ Mr Speaker
12:16:17 pm for 25 seconds | Link

Assembly Business Notice No. 1 Membership of the Standing Committee on Administration and Procedure (continue)
Resolved in affirmative
Mr Hargreaves
12:16:42 pm for 15 seconds | Link

Assembly Business Notice No. 2 Proposed sitting pattern for 2012
Clerk/ Mr Speaker
12:16:57 pm for 7 seconds | Link

Assembly Business Notice No. 2 Proposed sitting pattern for 2012
Motion be agreed to
Mr Corbell/ Mr Speaker
12:17:04 pm for 1 minute, 18 seconds | Link

Assembly Business Notice No. 2 Proposed sitting pattern for 2012
Debate, amendment
Ms Bresnan/ Mr Speaker
12:18:22 pm for 2 minutes, 34 seconds | Link

Assembly Business Notice No. 2 Proposed sitting pattern for 2012
Mrs Dunne
12:20:56 pm for 4 minutes, 29 seconds | Link

Assembly Business Notice No. 2 Proposed sitting pattern for 2012
Resolved in negative
Mr Speaker/ Clerk
12:25:25 pm for 1 minute, 6 seconds | Link

Assembly Business Notice No. 2 Proposed sitting pattern for 2012
Resolved in affirmative
Mr Speaker
12:26:31 pm for 4 seconds | Link

Assembly Business No. 3 Roster for Rostered Ministers' Questions
Clerk/ Mr Speaker
12:26:35 pm for 3 seconds | Link

Assembly Business No. 3 Roster for Rostered Ministers' Questions
Motion be agreed to
Mr Hargreaves/ Mr Speaker
12:26:38 pm for 58 seconds | Link

Assembly Business No. 3 Roster for Rostered Ministers' Questions
Mr Coe/ Mr Speaker
12:27:36 pm for 2 minutes, 19 seconds | Link

Assembly Business No. 3 Roster for Rostered Ministers' Questions
Close the debate
Mr Hargreaves
12:29:55 pm for 1 minute, 52 seconds | Link

Assembly Business No. 3 Roster for Rostered Ministers' Questions
Resolved in affirmative
Mr Speaker
12:31:47 pm for 14 seconds | Link


Q1 Gas-fired power station
Ms Gallagher/ Mr Speaker
2:01:32 pm for 3 minutes, 41 seconds | Link

Q2 Children and young people - care and protection
Ms Hunter/ Mr Speaker
2:05:13 pm for 21 seconds | Link

Q2 Children and young people - care and protection
Ms Burch/ Mr Speaker
2:05:34 pm for 3 minutes, 32 seconds | Link

Q3 Planning - Molonglo Valley
Mr Corbell/ Mr Speaker
2:09:36 pm for 7 minutes, 32 seconds | Link

Q4 Chifley Wellness Centre - landscaping
Ms Burch/ Mr Speaker
2:17:44 pm for 1 minute, 56 seconds | Link

Q5 Environment - climate change impact assessment
Ms Le Couteur/ Mr Speaker
2:19:40 pm for 31 seconds | Link

Q5 Environment - climate change impact assessment
Ms Gallagher/ Mr Speaker
2:20:11 pm for 3 minutes, 15 seconds | Link

Q7 Schools - speed zones
Ms Gallagher/ Mr Speaker
2:28:49 pm for 2 minutes, 57 seconds | Link

Q8 Gungahlin Drive extension - choke point
Ms Gallagher/ Mr Speaker
2:32:14 pm for 4 minutes, 10 seconds | Link

Q9 Disability services - housing
Ms Burch/ Mr Speaker
2:37:01 pm for 2 minutes, 37 seconds | Link

Q11 Alexander Maconochie Centre- Solarus therapeutic community
Ms Porter/ Mr Speaker
2:44:55 pm for 16 seconds | Link

Q11 Alexander Maconochie Centre- Solarus therapeutic community
Dr Bourke/ Mr Speaker
2:45:11 pm for 3 minutes, 27 seconds | Link

Standing and Temporary orders suspension
Ms Le Couteur/ Mr Speaker
3:00:17 pm for 3 minutes, 8 seconds | Link

Standing and Temporary orders suspension
Mr Corbell
3:03:25 pm for 2 minutes, 26 seconds | Link

Standing and Temporary orders suspension
Resolved in negative
Mr Speaker/ Clerk
3:05:51 pm for 2 minutes, 14 seconds | Link

Discussion of Matter of Public Importance - The impact of ACT Government taxes and charges on Canberra families
Madam Assistant Speaker Ms Le Couteur
3:08:05 pm for 29 seconds | Link

Discussion of Matter of Public Importance - The impact of ACT Government taxes and charges on Canberra families
Mrs Dunne
3:08:34 pm for 14 minutes, 8 seconds | Link

Discussion of Matter of Public Importance - The impact of ACT Government taxes and charges on Canberra families
Mr Barr
3:22:42 pm for 15 minutes, 4 seconds | Link

Discussion of Matter of Public Importance - The impact of ACT Government taxes and charges on Canberra families
Mr Seselja
3:37:46 pm for 10 minutes, 8 seconds | Link

Discussion of Matter of Public Importance - The impact of ACT Government taxes and charges on Canberra families
Mr Smyth
3:47:54 pm for 7 minutes, 56 seconds | Link

Discussion of Matter of Public Importance - The impact of ACT Government taxes and charges on Canberra families
Ms Hunter
3:55:50 pm for 8 minutes, 24 seconds | Link

Discussion of Matter of Public Importance - The impact of ACT Government taxes and charges on Canberra families
Point of order
Mr Hanson/ Madam Assistant Speaker Ms Le Couteur
4:04:14 pm for 18 seconds | Link

Discussion of Matter of Public Importance - The impact of ACT Government taxes and charges on Canberra families
Point of order
Mr Barr/ Madam Assistant Speaker Ms Le Couteur
4:04:32 pm for 1 minute, 52 seconds | Link

Discussion of Matter of Public Importance - The impact of ACT Government taxes and charges on Canberra families
Ms Burch/ Madam Assistant Speaker Ms Le Couteur
4:06:24 pm for 1 minute, 58 seconds | Link

Justice and Community Safety - Standing Committee
Mrs Dunne/ Madam Assistant Speaker Ms Le Couteur
4:08:22 pm for 48 seconds | Link

Executive Business Order of the day No. 1 Work Health and Safety (Consequential Amendments) Bill 2011
Clerk/ Madam Assistant Speaker Ms Le Couteur
4:09:10 pm for 11 seconds | Link

Executive Business Order of the day No. 1 Work Health and Safety (Consequential Amendments) Bill 2011
Resumption of debate
Mrs Dunne/ Madam Assistant Speaker Ms Le Couteur
4:09:21 pm for 12 seconds | Link

Executive Business Order of the day No. 1 Work Health and Safety (Consequential Amendments) Bill 2011
Mr Rattenbury/ Madam Assistant Speaker Mrs Dunne
4:09:33 pm for 23 seconds | Link

Executive Business Order of the day No. 1 Work Health and Safety (Consequential Amendments) Bill 2011
Close the debate
Dr Bourke/ Madam Assistant Speaker Mrs Dunne
4:09:56 pm for 1 minute, 46 seconds | Link

Executive Business Order of the day No. 1 Work Health and Safety (Consequential Amendments) Bill 2011
Ms Bresnan/ Madam Assistant Speaker Mrs Dunne
4:11:42 pm for 3 minutes, 8 seconds | Link

Executive Business Order No. 2 Electricity Feed-in (Large-scale Renewable Energy Generation) Bill 2011
Clerk/ Madam Assistant Speaker Mrs Dunne
4:14:50 pm for 25 seconds | Link

Executive Business Order No. 2 Electricity Feed-in (Large-scale Renewable Energy Generation) Bill 2011
Resumption of debate, amendments
Mr Corbell/ Madam Assistant Speaker Mrs Dunne
4:15:15 pm for 6 minutes, 52 seconds | Link

Executive Business Order No. 2 Electricity Feed-in (Large-scale Renewable Energy Generation) Bill 2011
Mr Seselja
4:22:07 pm for 8 minutes, 34 seconds | Link

Executive Business Order No. 2 Electricity Feed-in (Large-scale Renewable Energy Generation) Bill 2011
Mr Rattenbury
4:30:41 pm for 10 minutes, 4 seconds | Link

Executive Business Order No. 2 Electricity Feed-in (Large-scale Renewable Energy Generation) Bill 2011
Mr Hanson/ Madam Assistant Speaker Mrs Dunne
4:40:45 pm for 3 minutes, 56 seconds | Link

Executive Business Order No. 2 Electricity Feed-in (Large-scale Renewable Energy Generation) Bill 2011
Close the debate
Mr Corbell/ Madam Assistant Speaker Mrs Dunne
4:44:41 pm for 2 minutes, 31 seconds | Link

Executive Business Order No. 2 Electricity Feed-in (Large-scale Renewable Energy Generation) Bill 2011
Point of order
Mr Rattenbury/ Madam Assistant Speaker Mrs Dunne
4:47:12 pm for 28 seconds | Link

Executive Business Order No. 2 Electricity Feed-in (Large-scale Renewable Energy Generation) Bill 2011
Point of order
Mr Seselja/ Madam Assistant Speaker Mrs Dunne
4:47:40 pm for 8 minutes, 34 seconds | Link

Executive Business Order No. 2 Electricity Feed-in (Large-scale Renewable Energy Generation) Bill 2011
Mr Seselja
4:56:14 pm for 8 minutes, 12 seconds | Link

Executive Business Order No. 2 Electricity Feed-in (Large-scale Renewable Energy Generation) Bill 2011
Resolved in affirmative
Madam Deputy Speaker Ms Porter/ Clerk
5:04:26 pm for 1 minute, 19 seconds | Link

Executive Business Order No. 2 Electricity Feed-in (Large-scale Renewable Energy Generation) Bill 2011
Resolved in affirmative, bill as amended agreed to
Madam Deputy Speaker Ms Porter/ Clerk
5:05:45 pm for 1 minute, 5 seconds | Link

Executive Business Order of the day No. 3 Corrections and Sentencing Legislation Amendment Bill 2011
Clerk/ Madam Deputy Speaker Ms Porter
5:06:50 pm for 13 seconds | Link

Executive Business Order of the day No. 3 Corrections and Sentencing Legislation Amendment Bill 2011
Resumption of debate
Mr Hanson/ Madam Deputy Speaker Ms Porter
5:07:03 pm for 1 minute, 35 seconds | Link

Executive Business Order of the day No. 3 Corrections and Sentencing Legislation Amendment Bill 2011
Ms Bresnan/ Madam Deputy Speaker Ms Porter
5:08:38 pm for 2 minutes, 30 seconds | Link

Executive Business Order of the day No. 3 Corrections and Sentencing Legislation Amendment Bill 2011
Close the debate
Dr Bourke
5:11:08 pm for 8 minutes, 25 seconds | Link

Committee Statement - Standing Committee on Administration and Procedure (Chair) to make a statement pursuant to standing order 246A relating to a new inquiry.
Mr Rattenbury/ Madam Deputy Speaker Ms Porter
5:19:33 pm for 47 minutes, 27 seconds | Link

Sitting suspended from 6.26pm to 14 February 2012 at 10.00am
Mr Speaker
6:26:41 pm for 0 seconds | Link