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Standing Committee on Standing Committee on Public Accounts - Inquiry into Appropriation Bill 2019-2020 (No2)
12:58:58 pm for 2 seconds | Link
Mr Chris Steel MLA, Minister for Transport, Minister for City Services
Minister/ Chair
1:01:03 pm for 30 seconds | Link
Mr Duncan Edghill, Chief Projects Officer, Major Projects Canberra
Mr Edghill/ Chair
1:01:33 pm for 4 minutes, 1 second | Link
Ms Jo Dawson, Executive Branch Manager, Light Rail Operations
Ms Dawson/ Ms Cheyne
1:12:55 pm for 6 minutes, 41 seconds | Link
Ms Alison Playford, Director-General, Transport Canberra and City Services
Minister/ Ms Playford
1:19:36 pm for 4 minutes, 25 seconds | Link
Mr Ben McHugh, A/g Deputy Director-General, Transport Canberra
Minister/ Mr Mchugh
1:24:01 pm for 28 minutes, 25 seconds | Link
Ms Judith Sturman, Executive Group Manager,Transport Operations
Ms Sturman/ Chair
1:52:26 pm for 2 minutes, 17 seconds | Link
Mr Andrew Pedersen, Chief Financial Officer, Transport Canberra and City Services
Mr Pedersen/ Chair
1:54:43 pm for 5 minutes, 37 seconds | Link
Mr Jeremy Smith, Executive Branch Manager, Infrastructure Delivery, City Services
Mr Smith/ Chair
2:00:20 pm for 25 minutes, 55 seconds | Link
Mr Chris Steel MLA, Minister for Recyling and Waste Reducation, Minister for Roads and Active Travel
3:02:24 pm for 25 seconds | Link
Mr Jim Corrigan, Deputy Director-General, City SErvices
Mr Corrigan/ Chair
3:02:49 pm for 2 minutes, 58 seconds | Link
Ms Meghan Oldfield, Executive Group Branch, Infrastructure Delivery and Waste
Minister/ Ms Oldfield
3:05:47 pm for 31 minutes, 12 seconds | Link