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Executive Business Notice No. 1 Australian Capital Territory (Ministers) Bill 2013 (No. 2)
Clerk/ Madam Speaker
10:15:28 am for 27 seconds | Link

Executive Business Notice No. 1 Australian Capital Territory (Ministers) Bill 2013 (No. 2)
Bill be agreed to in principle
Ms Gallagher/ Madam Speaker
10:15:55 am for 4 minutes, 27 seconds | Link

Executive Business Notice No. 1 Australian Capital Territory (Ministers) Bill 2013 (No. 2)
Debate adjourned
Mr Hanson/ Madam Speaker
10:20:22 am for 19 seconds | Link

Executive Business Notice No. 2 Payroll Tax Amendment Bill 2013 (No. 2)
Clerk/ Madam Speaker
10:20:41 am for 28 seconds | Link

Executive Business Notice No. 2 Payroll Tax Amendment Bill 2013 (No. 2)
Bill be agreed to in principle
Ms Gallagher/ Madam Speaker
10:21:09 am for 3 minutes, 18 seconds | Link

Executive Business Notice No. 2 Payroll Tax Amendment Bill 2013 (No. 2)
Debate adjourned
Mr Smyth/ Madam Speaker
10:24:27 am for 17 seconds | Link

Executive Business Notice No. 3 Crimes Legislation Amendment Bill 2013
Clerk/ Madam Speaker
10:24:44 am for 26 seconds | Link

Executive Business Notice No. 3 Crimes Legislation Amendment Bill 2013
Bill be agreed to in principle
Mr Corbell/ Madam Speaker
10:25:10 am for 11 minutes, 20 seconds | Link

Executive Business Notice No. 3 Crimes Legislation Amendment Bill 2013
Debate adjourned
Mr Hanson/ Madam Speaker
10:36:30 am for 17 seconds | Link

Executive Business Notice No. 4 Long Service Leave (Portable Schemes) Amendment Bill 2013
Clerk/ Madam Speaker
10:36:47 am for 25 seconds | Link

Executive Business Notice No. 4 Long Service Leave (Portable Schemes) Amendment Bill 2013
Bill be agreed to in principle
Mr Corbell/ Madam Speaker
10:37:12 am for 6 minutes, 55 seconds | Link

Executive Business Notice No. 4 Long Service Leave (Portable Schemes) Amendment Bill 2013
Debate adjourned
Mr Smyth/ Madam Speaker
10:44:07 am for 26 seconds | Link

Presentation of paper - exposure draft of the Nature Conservation Bill 2013.
Mr Corbell/ Madam Speaker
10:44:33 am for 10 minutes, 17 seconds | Link

Assembly Business Notice No. 1 Proposed amendments to standing order 77(e)
Clerk/ Madam Speaker
10:54:50 am for 5 seconds | Link

Assembly Business Notice No. 1 Proposed amendments to standing order 77(e)
Motion be agreed
Mr Gentleman/ Madam Speaker
10:54:55 am for 30 seconds | Link

Assembly Business Notice No. 1 Proposed amendments to standing order 77(e)
Mr Hanson/ Madam Speaker
10:55:25 am for 2 minutes, 53 seconds | Link

Assembly Business Notice No. 1 Proposed amendments to standing order 77(e)
Close the debate
Mr Gentleman
10:58:18 am for 13 seconds | Link

Assembly Business Notice No. 1 Proposed amendments to standing order 77(e)
Resolved in affirmative
Madam Speaker
10:58:31 am for 6 seconds | Link

Assembly Business Order of the day No. 1 Proposed appointment of a commissioner for standards
Clerk/ Madam Speaker
10:58:37 am for 13 seconds | Link

Assembly Business Order of the day No. 1 Proposed appointment of a commissioner for standards
Resumption of the debate
Ms Gallagher
10:58:50 am for 7 minutes, 17 seconds | Link

Assembly Business Order of the day No. 1 Proposed appointment of a commissioner for standards
Debate, amendments
Mr Rattenbury/ Mr Assistant Speaker Mr Doszpot
11:06:07 am for 4 minutes, 48 seconds | Link

Assembly Business Order of the day No. 1 Proposed appointment of a commissioner for standards
Mr Hanson/ Mr Assistant Speaker Mr Doszpot
11:10:55 am for 3 minutes, 38 seconds | Link

Assembly Business Order of the day No. 1 Proposed appointment of a commissioner for standards
Close the debate
Mr Rattenbury
11:14:33 am for 2 minutes, 2 seconds | Link

Executive Members Business Notice No. 1 Management of children with learning difficulties
Clerk/ Mr Assistant Speaker Mr Doszpot
11:16:35 am for 12 seconds | Link

Executive Members Business Notice No. 1 Management of children with learning difficulties
Motion be agreed to
Mr Rattenbury/ Mr Assistant Speaker Mr Doszpot
11:16:47 am for 15 minutes, 3 seconds | Link

Executive Members Business Notice No. 1 Management of children with learning difficulties
Mr Doszpot/ Mr Assistant Speaker Mr Gentleman
11:31:50 am for 4 minutes, 49 seconds | Link

Executive Members Business Notice No. 1 Management of children with learning difficulties
Ms Berry/ Mr Assistant Speaker Mr Gentleman
11:36:39 am for 4 minutes, 9 seconds | Link

Executive Members Business Notice No. 1 Management of children with learning difficulties
Ms Burch
11:40:48 am for 9 minutes, 38 seconds | Link

Executive Members Business Notice No. 1 Management of children with learning difficulties
Close the debate
Mr Rattenbury/ Mr Assistant Speaker Mr Doszpot
11:50:26 am for 6 minutes, 1 second | Link

Executive Business Order of the day No. 1 Justice and Community Safety Legislation Amendment Bill 2013 (No. 4)
Clerk/ Mr Assistant Speaker Mr Doszpot
11:56:27 am for 12 seconds | Link

Executive Business Order of the day No. 1 Justice and Community Safety Legislation Amendment Bill 2013 (No. 4)
Resumption of debate
Mr Hanson/ Madam Speaker
11:56:39 am for 3 minutes, 1 second | Link

Executive Business Order of the day No. 1 Justice and Community Safety Legislation Amendment Bill 2013 (No. 4)
Mr Rattenbury/ Madam Speaker
11:59:40 am for 2 minutes, 37 seconds | Link

Executive Business Order of the day No. 1 Justice and Community Safety Legislation Amendment Bill 2013 (No. 4)
Close the debate
Mr Corbell
12:02:17 pm for 7 seconds | Link

Executive Business Order of the day No. 1 Justice and Community Safety Legislation Amendment Bill 2013 (No. 4)
Resolved in affirmative
Madam Speaker
12:02:24 pm for 19 seconds | Link

Executive Business Order of the day No. 2 Workers Compensation Amendment Bill 2013
Clerk/ Madam Speaker
12:02:43 pm for 17 seconds | Link

Executive Business Order of the day No. 2 Workers Compensation Amendment Bill 2013
Resumption of debate
Mr Smyth
12:03:00 pm for 8 minutes, 20 seconds | Link

Executive Business Order of the day No. 2 Workers Compensation Amendment Bill 2013
Mr Rattenbury
12:11:20 pm for 6 minutes, 10 seconds | Link

Executive Business Order of the day No. 2 Workers Compensation Amendment Bill 2013
Close the debate
Mr Corbell
12:17:30 pm for 7 minutes, 44 seconds | Link

Executive Business Order of the day No. 2 Workers Compensation Amendment Bill 2013
Resolved in affirmative
Madam Speaker/ Clerk
12:25:14 pm for 1 minute, 21 seconds | Link

Q1 Gaming - Casino Canberra
Ms Burch/ Madam Speaker
2:30:28 pm for 3 minutes, 39 seconds | Link

Q2 Gaming - poker machines
Point of order
Mr Corbell/ Madam Speaker
2:34:18 pm for 54 seconds | Link

Q2 Gaming - poker machines
Point of order
Mr Corbell/ Madam Speaker
2:35:12 pm for 36 seconds | Link

Q2 Gaming - poker machines
Ms Burch/ Madam Speaker
2:36:45 pm for 4 minutes, 5 seconds | Link

Q3 Planning - proposed Civic stadium
Mr Barr/ Madam Speaker
2:41:03 pm for 3 minutes, 26 seconds | Link

Q4 Government - executive contracts
Ms Gallagher/ Madam Speaker
2:44:52 pm for 1 minute, 53 seconds | Link

Q5 National Arboretum Canberra - success
Mr Gentleman/ Madam Speaker
2:46:45 pm for 17 seconds | Link

Q5 National Arboretum Canberra - success
Ms Gallagher/ Madam Speaker
2:47:02 pm for 8 minutes, 32 seconds | Link

Q6 National Arboretum Canberra - photography
Mrs Jones/ Madam Speaker
2:55:34 pm for 41 seconds | Link

Q6 National Arboretum Canberra - photography
Ms Gallagher/ Madam Speaker
2:56:15 pm for 4 minutes, 25 seconds | Link

Q7 Human services - blueprint
Mr Barr/ Madam Speaker
3:00:56 pm for 7 minutes, 25 seconds | Link

Q8 Emergency services - fire and emergency services levy
Mr Wall/ Madam Speaker
3:08:21 pm for 18 seconds | Link

Q8 Emergency services - fire and emergency services levy
Mr Barr/ Madam Speaker
3:08:39 pm for 58 seconds | Link

Q9 ACT Ambulance Service - culture
Mr Corbell/ Madam Speaker
3:10:21 pm for 4 minutes, 35 seconds | Link

Q10 Health - reusable bags
Ms Gallagher/ Madam Speaker
3:15:34 pm for 3 minutes, 11 seconds | Link

Q11 Courts - Industrial court
Mr Corbell/ Madam Speaker
3:19:00 pm for 2 minutes, 30 seconds | Link

Discussion of Matter of Public Importance - The importance of early intervention in improving outcomes for Canberra's children and young people.
Mr Assistant Speaker Mr Doszpot
3:41:57 pm for 28 seconds | Link

Discussion of Matter of Public Importance - The importance of early intervention in improving outcomes for Canberra's children and young people.
Mr Gentleman
3:42:25 pm for 15 minutes, 6 seconds | Link

Discussion of Matter of Public Importance - The importance of early intervention in improving outcomes for Canberra's children and young people.
Mr Rattenbury
3:57:31 pm for 8 minutes, 49 seconds | Link

Discussion of Matter of Public Importance - The importance of early intervention in improving outcomes for Canberra's children and young people.
Mr Doszpot
4:06:20 pm for 6 minutes, 53 seconds | Link

Discussion of Matter of Public Importance - The importance of early intervention in improving outcomes for Canberra's children and young people.
Ms Burch
4:13:13 pm for 8 minutes, 25 seconds | Link

Discussion of Matter of Public Importance - The importance of early intervention in improving outcomes for Canberra's children and young people.
Ms Berry/ Madam Speaker
4:21:38 pm for 3 minutes, 35 seconds | Link

Discussion of Matter of Public Importance - The importance of early intervention in improving outcomes for Canberra's children and young people.
Presentation of paper
Madam Speaker
4:25:13 pm for 19 seconds | Link

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders - elected body
Dr Bourke/ Madam Speaker
4:25:32 pm for 4 minutes, 10 seconds | Link

Uniting Care Kippax anti-poverty forum
Ms Berry/ Madam Speaker
4:31:52 pm for 3 minutes, 17 seconds | Link

Sitting suspended from 4:46pm to 26 November 2013 at 10:00am
4:46:41 pm for 1 hour, 5 minutes, 30 seconds | Link