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Transport Canberra bus advertising following certain public comments by broadcaster Alan Jones—Ms Le Couteur
10:01:45 am for 7 minutes, 59 seconds | Link

COMMITTEE REPORT - Standing Committee on Justice and Community Safety—Scrutiny Report 36
Mrs Jones
10:09:44 am for 33 seconds | Link

Ms Berry (Minister for the Prevention of Domestic and Family Violence)—ACT Government response to "We Don't Shoot Our Wounded" and the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Community Forum on Domestic and Family Violence.
Madam Speaker
10:10:17 am for 5 minutes, 56 seconds | Link

Ms Berry (Minister for the Prevention of Domestic and Family Violence)—ACT Government response to "We Don't Shoot Our Wounded" and the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Community Forum on Domestic and Family Violence.
Ms Berry
10:16:13 am for 4 minutes, 10 seconds | Link

Ms Berry (Minister for the Prevention of Domestic and Family Violence)—ACT Government response to "We Don't Shoot Our Wounded" and the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Community Forum on Domestic and Family Violence.
Ms Berry
10:20:23 am for 5 minutes, 49 seconds | Link

Ms Berry (Minister for the Prevention of Domestic and Family Violence)—ACT Government response to "We Don't Shoot Our Wounded" and the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Community Forum on Domestic and Family Violence.
Ms Berry
10:26:12 am for 3 minutes, 32 seconds | Link

Ms Berry (Minister for the Prevention of Domestic and Family Violence)—ACT Government response to "We Don't Shoot Our Wounded" and the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Community Forum on Domestic and Family Violence.
Response - Mrs Kikkert
Madam Speaker/ Mrs Kikkert
10:29:44 am for 3 minutes, 54 seconds | Link

Ms Berry (Minister for the Prevention of Domestic and Family Violence)—ACT Government response to "We Don't Shoot Our Wounded" and the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Community Forum on Domestic and Family Violence.
Ms Le Couteur
10:33:38 am for 4 minutes, 22 seconds | Link

Ms Berry (Minister for the Prevention of Domestic and Family Violence)—ACT Government response to "We Don't Shoot Our Wounded" and the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Community Forum on Domestic and Family Violence.
Ms Le Couteur
10:38:00 am for 2 minutes, 7 seconds | Link

Ms Berry (Minister for the Prevention of Domestic and Family Violence)—ACT Government response to "We Don't Shoot Our Wounded" and the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Community Forum on Domestic and Family Violence.
Motion agreed to / (2 MINUTE BREAK)
Madam Speaker
10:40:07 am for 5 minutes, 34 seconds | Link

Ms Berry (Minister for the Prevention of Domestic and Family Violence)—ACT Government response to "We Don't Shoot Our Wounded" and the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Community Forum on Domestic and Family Violence.
Madam Speaker
10:45:41 am for 11 seconds | Link

Mr Rattenbury (Minister for Mental Health)—Suicide Prevention in the ACT.
Mr Rattenbury
10:45:52 am for 5 minutes, | Link

Mr Rattenbury (Minister for Mental Health)—Suicide Prevention in the ACT.
Mr Rattenbury
10:50:52 am for 4 minutes, 23 seconds | Link

Mr Rattenbury (Minister for Mental Health)—Suicide Prevention in the ACT.
Mr Rattenbury
10:55:15 am for 3 minutes, 46 seconds | Link

Mr Rattenbury (Minister for Mental Health)—Suicide Prevention in the ACT.
Motion agreed to
Madam Speaker
10:59:01 am for 10 seconds | Link

Crimes (Protection of Police, Firefighters and Paramedics) Amendment Bill 2019—Mr Gentleman (Minister for Police and Emergency Services) to present Bill. Agreement in principle to be moved. Debate to be adjourned.
Mr Gentleman
10:59:11 am for 5 minutes, 19 seconds | Link

Crimes (Protection of Police, Firefighters and Paramedics) Amendment Bill 2019—Mr Gentleman (Minister for Police and Emergency Services) to present Bill. Agreement in principle to be moved. Debate to be adjourned.
Mr Gentleman
11:04:30 am for 4 minutes, 39 seconds | Link

Crimes (Protection of Police, Firefighters and Paramedics) Amendment Bill 2019—Mr Gentleman (Minister for Police and Emergency Services) to present Bill. Agreement in principle to be moved. Debate to be adjourned.
Mr Gentleman
11:09:09 am for 1 minute, 3 seconds | Link

Crimes (Protection of Police, Firefighters and Paramedics) Amendment Bill 2019—Mr Gentleman (Minister for Police and Emergency Services) to present Bill. Agreement in principle to be moved. Debate to be adjourned.
Madam Speaker
11:10:12 am for 41 seconds | Link

Crimes (Protection of Police, Firefighters and Paramedics) Amendment Bill 2019—Mr Gentleman (Minister for Police and Emergency Services) to present Bill. Agreement in principle to be moved. Debate to be adjourned.
Mr Wall
11:10:53 am for 4 minutes, 57 seconds | Link

Crimes (Protection of Police, Firefighters and Paramedics) Amendment Bill 2019—Mr Gentleman (Minister for Police and Emergency Services) to present Bill. Agreement in principle to be moved. Debate to be adjourned.
Mr Wall
11:15:50 am for 39 seconds | Link

Crimes (Protection of Police, Firefighters and Paramedics) Amendment Bill 2019—Mr Gentleman (Minister for Police and Emergency Services) to present Bill. Agreement in principle to be moved. Debate to be adjourned.
Mr Rattenbury
11:16:29 am for 4 minutes, 28 seconds | Link

Crimes (Protection of Police, Firefighters and Paramedics) Amendment Bill 2019—Mr Gentleman (Minister for Police and Emergency Services) to present Bill. Agreement in principle to be moved. Debate to be adjourned.
Mr Ramsay
11:20:57 am for 4 minutes, 5 seconds | Link

Crimes (Protection of Police, Firefighters and Paramedics) Amendment Bill 2019—Mr Gentleman (Minister for Police and Emergency Services) to present Bill. Agreement in principle to be moved. Debate to be adjourned.
Mr Ramsay
11:25:02 am for 3 minutes, 7 seconds | Link

Crimes (Protection of Police, Firefighters and Paramedics) Amendment Bill 2019—Mr Gentleman (Minister for Police and Emergency Services) to present Bill. Agreement in principle to be moved. Debate to be adjourned.
Ms Orr
11:28:09 am for 6 minutes, 35 seconds | Link

Crimes (Protection of Police, Firefighters and Paramedics) Amendment Bill 2019—Mr Gentleman (Minister for Police and Emergency Services) to present Bill. Agreement in principle to be moved. Debate to be adjourned.
Ms Orr
11:34:44 am for 2 minutes, 57 seconds | Link

Crimes (Protection of Police, Firefighters and Paramedics) Amendment Bill 2019—Mr Gentleman (Minister for Police and Emergency Services) to present Bill. Agreement in principle to be moved. Debate to be adjourned.
Mr Wall
11:37:41 am for 1 minute, 3 seconds | Link

Crimes (Protection of Police, Firefighters and Paramedics) Amendment Bill 2019—Mr Gentleman (Minister for Police and Emergency Services) to present Bill. Agreement in principle to be moved. Debate to be adjourned.
Mr Wall
11:38:44 am for 1 minute, 37 seconds | Link

Crimes (Protection of Police, Firefighters and Paramedics) Amendment Bill 2019—Mr Gentleman (Minister for Police and Emergency Services) to present Bill. Agreement in principle to be moved. Debate to be adjourned.
Ms Orr
11:40:21 am for 59 seconds | Link

Crimes (Protection of Police, Firefighters and Paramedics) Amendment Bill 2019—Mr Gentleman (Minister for Police and Emergency Services) to present Bill. Agreement in principle to be moved. Debate to be adjourned.
Mr Rattenbury
11:41:20 am for 8 minutes, | Link

Crimes (Protection of Police, Firefighters and Paramedics) Amendment Bill 2019—Mr Gentleman (Minister for Police and Emergency Services) to present Bill. Agreement in principle to be moved. Debate to be adjourned.
Ms Orr
11:49:20 am for 3 minutes, 18 seconds | Link

Sitting suspended from 11:52am to 2.00pm
Madam Assistant Speaker Ms Lee
11:52:38 am for 3 minutes, 30 seconds | Link

Ministerial arrangements
Supplementary question
Ms Le Couteur
2:04:28 pm for 1 minute, 4 seconds | Link

Ministerial arrangements
Access Canberra - Littering Reports
Ms Lawder
2:05:32 pm for 1 minute, 36 seconds | Link

Ministerial arrangements
ACT Health - SPIRE Project
Mr Gupta
2:09:50 pm for 2 minutes, 1 second | Link

Ministerial arrangements
Supplementary question
Mrs Dunne
2:13:51 pm for 2 minutes, 23 seconds | Link

Ministerial arrangements
Transport - active travel
Ms Cheyne
2:23:35 pm for 2 minutes, 18 seconds | Link

Ministerial arrangements
Supplementary question
Ms Cheyne
2:25:53 pm for 1 minute, 29 seconds | Link

Ministerial arrangements
Supplementary question
Mr Pettersson
2:27:22 pm for 2 minutes, 5 seconds | Link

Ministerial arrangements
Supplementary question
Mrs Dunne
2:33:41 pm for 1 minute, 54 seconds | Link

Ministerial arrangements
Mental Health - cannabis
Mrs Kikkert
2:35:35 pm for 1 minute, 36 seconds | Link

Ministerial arrangements
Canberra Hospital - security
Mr Milligan
2:38:47 pm for 1 minute, 20 seconds | Link

Ministerial arrangements
Emergency Services - infrastructure plan
Mr Pettersson
2:41:35 pm for 1 minute, 33 seconds | Link

Ministerial arrangements
Supplementary question
Mr Pettersson
2:43:08 pm for 1 minute, 6 seconds | Link

Ministerial arrangements
Further questions without notice to be placed on notice paper
Ms Berry/ Madam Speaker
2:53:53 pm for 5 minutes, 31 seconds | Link

Official visitor - children and young peopole
Ms Stephen-Smith
2:57:54 pm for 4 minutes, 44 seconds | Link

Rehabilitative Justice
Mr Assistant Speaker Mr Pettersson
3:02:38 pm for 4 minutes, 52 seconds | Link

Assembly adjourned at 5.20pm until Wednesday 23 October 2019 at 10am
5:20:31 pm for 17 seconds | Link