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Jules Kelly, Australian Unemployed Workers Union
Ms Kelly / Chair
9:02:44 am for 4 minutes, 22 seconds | Link

Dr Marisa Paterson MLA (Deputy Chair)
Dr Paterson / Ms Kelly
9:07:06 am for 3 minutes, 6 seconds | Link

9:30:02 am for 3 minutes, 32 seconds | Link

Mr Michael Dillane, Tomorrow Movement
Mr Dillane / Chair
9:33:56 am for 27 minutes, 34 seconds | Link

Morning Tea Break to 10.15am
10:01:30 am for 17 minutes, 13 seconds | Link

Ms Lily Harrison, ACT Youth Advisory Council, Co-Chair
Ms Harrison / Chair
10:18:43 am for 8 seconds | Link

Mr Nicholas Villiers, ACT Youth Advisory Council, Co-Chair
Mr Villiers / Chair
10:18:51 am for 29 minutes, 33 seconds | Link

Mr Ashok Jain, Multicultural Associate of Australia, Member
Mr Jain / Chair
11:22:27 am for 16 seconds | Link

Mr Ramesh Malik, Multicultural Associate of Australia, Member
Mr Malik / Chair
11:22:43 am for 21 seconds | Link

Ms Nishi Puri, Multicultural Associate of Australia, President
Ms Puri / Chair
11:23:04 am for 39 seconds | Link

Mr Subhash Dang, Multicultural Associate of Australia, Member
Mr Dang / Chair
11:23:43 am for 22 seconds | Link

Mr Mohan Singh, Multicultural Associate of Australia, Member
Mr Singh / Chair
11:24:05 am for 22 minutes, 6 seconds | Link

To Be Resumed at 12.45pm
11:46:11 am for 0 seconds | Link

Mr Stephen Miners, Deputy Under Treasurer, Economic, Revenue and Insurance, CMTEDD
Mr Miners / Chair
12:47:39 pm for 9 seconds | Link

Mr Stuart Hocking PSM, Under Treasurer, CMTEDD
Mr Hocking / Chair
12:47:50 pm for 10 minutes, 44 seconds | Link

2:16:22 pm for 3 minutes, 51 seconds | Link

Ms Morgan Eddey, Senior Director, Community Relations and Funding Support, CSD
Ms Eddey / Chair
2:20:13 pm for 13 seconds | Link

Dr Elizabeth Moore, Coordinator-General Mental Health, Health Directorate
Dr Moore / Chair
2:20:39 pm for 8 seconds | Link

Ms Catherine Rule, Director-General, CSD (via Webex)
Ms Rule / Chair
2:20:47 pm for 40 minutes, 10 seconds | Link

Adjourned Until 3.15pm
3:00:57 pm for 18 minutes, 18 seconds | Link

Mr Craig Wallace, Advocacy for Inclusion, Head of Policy
Mr Wallace / Chair
3:19:54 pm for 27 minutes, 47 seconds | Link

Dr Tanya Robertson, Deep End Canberra, Co-Convenor
Dr Robertson / Chair
3:47:41 pm for 29 minutes, 58 seconds | Link

Ms Hannah Andrevski, Roundabout Canberra, Founder & CEO
Ms Andrevski / Chair
4:17:39 pm for 27 minutes, 43 seconds | Link

Hearing Adjourned at 4.45pm
4:45:22 pm for 0 seconds | Link