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Dr John Boersig, CEO, ACT Legal Aid
Dr Boersig/ The Chair
10:15:38 am for 1 minute, 7 seconds | Link

Mrs Vicki Dunne MLA (Deputy Chair)
Mrs Dunne/ Dr Boersig
10:16:45 am for 5 minutes, 31 seconds | Link

Dr John Boersig, CEO, ACT Legal Aid
Mrs Dunne/ Dr Boersig
10:51:10 am for 4 minutes, 58 seconds | Link

Dr Helen Watchirs, President and Human Rights Commissioner, ACT Human Rights Commission
Dr Watchirs/ The Chair
11:12:30 am for 7 minutes, 46 seconds | Link

Ms Gabrielle McKinnon, Human Rights Law & Policy, ACT Human Rights Commission
Ms Mckinnon/ Mrs Dunne
11:26:40 am for 3 minutes, 4 seconds | Link

Dr Helen Watchirs, President and Human Rights Commissioner, ACT Human Rights Commission
Mrs Dunne/ Dr Watchirs
11:48:49 am for 1 minute, 21 seconds | Link

Mrs Vicki Dunne MLA (Deputy Chair)
Dr Watchirs/ Mrs Dunne
11:50:10 am for 4 minutes, 26 seconds | Link

Ms Caroline Le Couteur MLA, (Mrs Dunne in background)
Ms Mckinnon/ Ms Le Couteur
11:54:36 am for 5 minutes, 15 seconds | Link


Ms Chin Wong, Canberra Multicultural Community Forum
Ms Wong
2:31:02 pm for 5 minutes, 19 seconds | Link

Ms Yelin Hung, Canberra Multicultural Community Forum
Ms Hung
2:36:21 pm for 2 minutes, 7 seconds | Link

Ms Suzanne Eastwood, Canberra Multicultural Community Forum
Ms Eastwood/ The Chair
2:39:13 pm for 3 minutes, 24 seconds | Link

Ms Tracey Pell, (THE CHAIR (4) in background)
Ms Pell/ Mrs Dunne
3:12:51 pm for 5 minutes, 53 seconds | Link

Ms Heather Gridley, Australian Psychological Society (by conference phone)
Ms Gridley/ The Chair
3:58:57 pm for 7 minutes, 3 seconds | Link

Mrs Vicki Dunne MLA (Deputy Chair)
Mrs Dunne/ Ms Gridley
4:21:55 pm for 9 minutes, 17 seconds | Link