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Standing Committee on Education, Training and Youth Affairs - Inquiry into Annual and Financial Reports 2014-2015 - Arts
2:04:37 pm for 1 minute, 39 seconds | Link

Ms Louise Gilding, A/g Deputy Director-General, Arts, Business, Events, Sport and Tourism Division
Minister/ Ms Gilding
2:09:03 pm for 5 minutes, 38 seconds | Link

Mr David Dawes, Director-General, Economic Development, Chief Minister, Treasury and Economic Development Directorate
Mr Dawes/ Minister
2:14:41 pm for 2 minutes, 39 seconds | Link

Nr Adam Stankevicius, Director, arts ACT and Events ACT
Mr Stankevicius/
2:17:20 pm for 2 minutes, 1 second | Link

Mr Steve Doszpot MLA, (Deputy Chair)
The Chair/ Mr Doszpot
2:22:38 pm for 6 minutes, 38 seconds | Link

Ms Harriet Elvin, Chief Executive Officer, Cultural Facilities Corporation
Ms Fitzharris/ Ms Elvin
2:32:00 pm for 9 minutes, 34 seconds | Link

Nr Adam Stankevicius, Director, arts ACT and Events ACT
Mr Stankevicius/ Ms Jones
2:52:00 pm for 19 seconds | Link

Mr Glenn Carter, Chief Executive Officer, ACT Building and Construction Industry Training Fund Authority, opening statement
Mr Carter
3:01:31 pm for 4 minutes, 50 seconds | Link

Mr Steve Doszpot MLA, (Deputy Chair)
Mr Doszpot/ Mr Carter
3:06:21 pm for 3 minutes, 16 seconds | Link

Ms Joy Burch MLA, Minister for Education, Training and Youth Affairs
Minister/ Ms Fitzharris
3:11:55 pm for 6 minutes, 18 seconds | Link

Ms Joy Burch MLA, Minister for Education, Training and Youth Affairs, opening statement
3:19:16 pm for 5 minutes, 7 seconds | Link

Ms Leanne Cover, Chief Executive Officer, Canberra Institute of Technology
Ms Cover/ The Chair
3:24:23 pm for 1 minute, 38 seconds | Link

Ms Carolyn Grayson, Deputy Chief Executive Officer, Brand and Business Development
Minister/ Ms Grayson
3:27:05 pm for 2 minutes, 7 seconds | Link

Mr Craig Sloan, Board Chair, Canberra Institute of Technology
Minister/ Mr Sloan
3:29:12 pm for 5 minutes, 12 seconds | Link

Dr Nicole Stenlake, Executive Director, People and Organisational Governance
Dr Stenlake/ The Chair
3:49:32 pm for 6 minutes, 40 seconds | Link