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Mr Shane Rattenbury MLA, Minister for Corrections and Minister for Mental Health
9:30:47 am for 7 minutes, 31 seconds | Link

Ms Katrina Bracher, Executive Director, Mental Health Justice Health, Alcohol and Drug Services
Ms Bracher/ Mrs Jones
9:41:58 am for 4 minutes, 41 seconds | Link

Mr Shane Rattenbury MLA, Minister for Corrections and Minister for Mental Health
Minister/ Mrs Dunne
10:13:09 am for 2 minutes, 51 seconds | Link

Mrs Elizabeth Kikkert MLA (Deputy Chair)
Mrs Kikkert/ Minister
10:16:00 am for 1 minute, 55 seconds | Link

Mr Matthew Richter, Executive Director, Mental Health, Policy and Stakeholder Relations
Mr Richter/ Ms Le Couteur
10:18:12 am for 3 minutes, 3 seconds | Link

Ms Katrina Bracher, Executive Director, Mental Health Justice Health, Alcohol and Drug Services
Mrs Dunne/ Ms Bracher
10:21:15 am for 9 minutes, 23 seconds | Link

Ms Linda Kohlhagen, Executive Director, Rehabilitation, Aged and Community Care
Ms Kohlhagen
10:54:05 am for 9 seconds | Link

Mr Colm Mooney, Executive Director, Health Infrastructure Services
Mr Mooney/ Ms Kohlhagen
10:54:14 am for 2 minutes, 32 seconds | Link

Ms Caroline Le Couteur MLA
Ms Le Couteur/ Minister
10:56:46 am for 24 hours, 6 minutes, 25 seconds | Link

Mr Chris Bone, Deputy Director-General, Canberra Hospital Health Service
Mrs Kikkert/ Mr Bone
11:03:11 am for 1 minute, 12 seconds | Link

Ms Nicole Feely, Director-General
Ms Feely/ Mrs Kikkert
11:04:35 am for 2 minutes, 19 seconds | Link

Mrs Elizabeth Kikkert MLA (Deputy Chair)
Mrs Kikkert/ Mr Bone
11:06:54 am for 2 minutes, 56 seconds | Link

Mr Matthew Richter, Executive Director, Mental Health, Policy and Stakeholder Relations
Minister/ Mr Richter
11:09:50 am for 8 minutes, 30 seconds | Link

Mr Lynton Norris, Deputy Director-General, Performance, Reporting and Data
Mr Norris/ Minister
11:22:48 am for 6 minutes, 59 seconds | Link

Mr Chris Bone, Deputy Director-General, Canberra Hospital Health Service
Mr Bone/ Mr Petterssom
11:29:57 am for 3 minutes, 1 second | Link

Ms Nicole Feely, Director-General
Ms Feely/ Mr Petterssom
11:32:58 am for 5 minutes, 1 second | Link

Mrs Elizabeth Kikkert MLA (Deputy Chair)
The Chair/ Mrs Kikkert
11:56:10 am for 1 minute, 48 seconds | Link

Mr Colm Mooney, Executive Director, Health Infrastructure Services
Mr Mooney/ Mrs Kikkert
11:57:58 am for 1 minute, 58 seconds | Link

Ms Meegan Fitzharris MLA, Minister for Health
Minister/ Mr Mooney
11:59:56 am for 3 minutes, 26 seconds | Link

Mr Chris Bone, Deputy Director-General, Canberra Hospital Health Service
Mr Bone/ Mrs Dunne
12:09:06 pm for 1 minute, 28 seconds | Link

Ms Jane Murkin, Deputy Director-General, Quality Governance and Risk
Ms Feely/ Ms Murkin
12:10:34 pm for 3 minutes, 13 seconds | Link

Mr Trevor Vivien, Chief Finance Officer
Ms Feely/ Ms Murkin
12:13:47 pm for 1 minute, 23 seconds | Link

Ms Vanessa Brady, Executive Director, Health Services Program
Ms Brady/ Minister
12:27:09 pm for 56 seconds | Link


Dr Maxine Cooper, Auditor-General, ACT Audit Office
Dr Cooper
12:44:43 pm for 12 minutes, 11 seconds | Link

Mr Ajay Sharma, Acting Director, Financial Audit
Mr Sharma/ The Chair
12:56:54 pm for 5 minutes, 28 seconds | Link

Mr Brett Stanton, Director, Performance Audit
Dr Cooper/ Mr Stanton
1:03:13 pm for 6 minutes, 11 seconds | Link

Mr Michael Pettersson MLA (Deputy Chair)
The Chair/ Mr Pettersson
1:09:24 pm for 2 minutes, 56 seconds | Link

Dr Maxine Cooper, Auditor-General, ACT Audit Office
Mr Coe/ Dr Cooper
1:15:42 pm for 5 minutes, 56 seconds | Link

Ms Rosario San Miguel, Acting Principal, Professional Services
Dr Cooper/ Ms Miguel
1:23:47 pm for 2 minutes, 35 seconds | Link

Mr Ajay Sharma, Acting Director, Financial Audit
Mr Sharma/ Ms Cheyne
1:26:22 pm for 19 minutes, 17 seconds | Link


Ms Yvette Berry MLA, Minister for Education and Early Childhood Development
1:59:38 pm for 1 minute, 29 seconds | Link

Ms Meredith Whiten, Deputy Director-General, Business Services Division
Ms Whitten
2:01:07 pm for 1 minute, 40 seconds | Link

Mr Rodney Bray, Director Infastructure and Capital Works
Mr Bray/ The Chair
2:02:47 pm for 5 minutes, 14 seconds | Link

Ms Natalie Howson, Director-General, Education Directorate
Mr Wall/ Ms Howson
2:08:01 pm for 1 minute, 41 seconds | Link

Mrs Elizabeth Kikkert MLA (Deputy Chair)
Mr Bray/ Mrs Kikkert
2:11:09 pm for 2 minutes, 20 seconds | Link

Ms Sam Seton, Director, Student Enagement
Ms Seton/ Minister
2:13:29 pm for 1 minute, 8 seconds | Link

Ms Josephine Andersen, A/g Director Learning and Teaching
Ms Howson/ Ms Andersen
2:15:44 pm for 15 minutes, 22 seconds | Link

Mr Rodney Bray, Director Infastructure and Capital Works
Mr Wall/ Mr Bray
2:31:06 pm for 2 minutes, 31 seconds | Link

Ms Yvette Berry MLA, Minister for Education and Early Childhood Development
Minister/ Mr Bray
2:33:37 pm for 2 minutes, 49 seconds | Link

Ms Meredith Whiten, Deputy Director-General, Business Services Division
Mr Wall/ Ms Whitten
2:36:26 pm for 1 minute, 37 seconds | Link

Ms Jessica Summerrell, A/g Director Governance and Community Liaison
The Chair/ Ms Summerrell
2:41:06 pm for 2 minutes, 10 seconds | Link

Ms Josephine Andersen, A/g Director Learning and Teaching
Ms Andersen/ Ms Howson
2:43:45 pm for 2 minutes, 51 seconds | Link

Ms Meg Brighton, Deputy Director-General
Ms Brighton/ Mr Bray
2:50:53 pm for 2 minutes, 21 seconds | Link

Mr Mark Whybrow, Chief Financial Officer strategic Finance
Mr Whybrow/ Mr Wall
2:54:12 pm for 1 minute, 31 seconds | Link

Mr John Stenhouse, Director Board of Senior Secondary Studies
Mr Stenhouse/ Mr Wall
2:55:43 pm for 9 minutes, 4 seconds | Link

Mr Michael Pettersson MLA, (Chair)
The Chair/ Ms Brighton
3:04:47 pm for 2 minutes, 55 seconds | Link

Ms Natalie Howson, Director-General, Education Directorate
Ms Howson/ Ms Brighton
3:07:42 pm for 3 minutes, 29 seconds | Link

Ms Sam Seton, Director, Student Enagement
Ms Howson/ Ms Seton
3:11:11 pm for 2 minutes, 3 seconds | Link

Ms Claudia Hale, Director Professional Learning and Regulation, ACT Teacher Quality Institute
Mr Steel/ Ms Hale
3:13:14 pm for 2 minutes, 49 seconds | Link

Mr Robert Gotts, Director Planning and Analytics
Ms Howson/ Mr Gotts
3:25:08 pm for 6 minutes, 4 seconds | Link

Ms Yvette Berry MLA, Minister for Education and Early Childhood Development
Minister/ Ms Howson
3:31:12 pm for 34 seconds | Link