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Standing Committee on Public Accounts - Inquiry into Annual and Financial Reports 2020-2021
9:32:04 am for 2 seconds | Link

Mr Patrick McAuliffe, Executive Branch Manager, Investments and Borrowings
Mr Mcauliffe / Chair
9:34:29 am for 3 minutes, 28 seconds | Link

Mr Hamish Stephens, A/g Executive Branch Manager, Infrastructure Finance and Reform
Mr Stephens / Ms Lee
9:58:27 am for 5 minutes, 52 seconds | Link

Mr Stuart Hocking PSM, Under Treasurer
Minister / Mr Hocking
10:48:04 am for 1 minute, 56 seconds | Link

Mr Kim Salisbury, Executive Group Manager, Revenue Management
Minister / Mr Salisbury
11:09:17 am for 47 seconds | Link

Mr Michael Pettersson MLA (Acting Chair)
Acting Chair / Mr Braddock
11:33:33 am for 20 seconds | Link


Standing Committee on Environment, Climate Change and Biodiversity - Inquiry into Annual and Financial Reports 2020-2021
1:30:40 pm for 1 second | Link

Mr Andrew Barr MLA, Minister for Climate Action
Minister / Chair
1:31:52 pm for 4 minutes, 20 seconds | Link

Mr Sam Engele, Coordinator General, Office for Climate Change
Mr Engele / Chair
1:37:47 pm for 1 minute, 30 seconds | Link

Mr Geoffrey Rutledge, Deputy Director-General, Sustainability and the Built Environment
Mr Engele / Mr Rutledge
1:54:10 pm for 3 minutes, 35 seconds | Link

2:28:04 pm for 2 minutes, 37 seconds | Link

Mr Shane Rattenbury MLA, Minister for Water, Energy and Emissions Reduction
Chair / Minister
2:30:41 pm for 3 minutes, 19 seconds | Link

Mr Geoffrey Rutledge, Deputy Director-General, Environment, Water and Emissions Reduction
Mr Rutledge / Chair
2:34:00 pm for 2 minutes, 15 seconds | Link

Mr Ian Walker, Executive Group Manager, Environment, Heritage and Water
Minister / Mr Walker
2:57:00 pm for 1 minute, 17 seconds | Link

Mr Daniel Harding, Executive Branch Manager, Climate Change and Energy
Mr Harding / Ms Castley
3:28:30 pm for 1 minute, 48 seconds | Link


Standing Committee on Economy and Gender and Economic Equality - Inquiry into Annual and Financial Reports 2020-2021
3:46:38 pm for 1 second | Link

Mr Chris Steel MLA, Special Minister for State
Minister / Chair
3:48:30 pm for 1 minute, 23 seconds | Link

Mr Glenn Bain, Executive Group Manager, Procurement ACT
Minister / Mr Bain
3:50:11 pm for 1 minute, 59 seconds | Link

Mr Graham Tanton, Executive Group Manager, Property and Shared Services
Mr Tanton / Ms Orr
3:56:26 pm for 5 minutes, 58 seconds | Link

Ms Kathy Leigh, Head of Service, Director-General
Ms Leigh / Mr Cain
4:18:55 pm for 5 minutes, 32 seconds | Link

Mr Stuart Hocking PSM, Under Treasurer
Mr Hocking / Mr Bain
4:29:48 pm for 4 minutes, 7 seconds | Link

Ms Bettina Konti, Deputy Director-General and Chief Digital Officer
Ms Konti / Ms Orr
4:36:09 pm for 7 minutes, 45 seconds | Link

Ms Lisa Holmes, A/g MAI Commissioner and A/g LTCS Commissioner
Mr Bain / Ms Holmes
5:08:49 pm for 1 minute, 31 seconds | Link

Ms Leesa Croke, Deputy Director-General, Policy and Cabinet
Ms Croke / Mr Cain
5:39:01 pm for 28 seconds | Link

5:39:44 pm for 2 minutes, 2 seconds | Link