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Standing Committee on Education and Community Inclusion - Inquiry into the management of ACT school infrastructure
1:32:40 pm for 1 second | Link

Ms Tiffany Karlsson, Lyneham Primary School Board
Ms Karlsson/ Chair
1:34:38 pm for 10 minutes, 23 seconds | Link

Ms Tina Tilley, Mount Stromlo High School Parents and Citizens Association
Ms Tilley/ Chair
1:45:01 pm for 6 minutes, 2 seconds | Link

Su Wild-River, UC High School Kaleen Parents an Citizens Association
Ms Wild-River/ Chair
1:51:03 pm for 15 minutes, 37 seconds | Link

Mr Johnathan Davis MLA (Deputy Chair)
Mr Davis/ Ms Karlsson
2:06:40 pm for 4 minutes, 7 seconds | Link