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Standing Committee on Public Accounts - Inquiry into Financial Management Amendment Bill 2021 (No2)
9:31:34 am for 1 minute, 56 seconds | Link

Mr Tom Duncan, Clerk of the Legislative Assembly for the ACT
Mr Duncan
9:33:30 am for 12 seconds | Link

Mr David Skinner, Senior Director, Office of Clerk
Mr Skinner / Chair
9:33:42 am for 15 seconds | Link

10:06:44 am for 23 seconds | Link

10:18:43 am for 17 minutes, 37 seconds | Link

Hon Michael Adams QC, Integrity Commissioner, ACT Integrity Commission
Chair / Hon Adams
10:36:20 am for 43 seconds | Link

10:58:42 am for 2 minutes, 43 seconds | Link

Mr Ajay Sharma, Acting Auditor-General, ACT Audit Office
Chair / Mr Sharma
11:01:25 am for 4 minutes, 46 seconds | Link

11:09:45 am for 27 minutes, 51 seconds | Link

Mr Damian Cantwell AM CSC, Electoral Commissioner, ACT Electoral Commission
Chair / Mr Cantwell
11:37:36 am for 7 minutes, 8 seconds | Link