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Standing Committee on Health and Community Wellbeing - Inquiry into West Belconnen supercell thunderstorm
1:30:24 pm for 1 second | Link

Mr James Milligan MLA (Deputy Chair)
Mr Milligan / Mr Sesterka
1:52:52 pm for 3 minutes, 17 seconds | Link

2:02:31 pm for 1 minute, 28 seconds | Link

Mr Matt Watts, Deputy Chair, Belconnen Community Council
Mr Watts / Chair
2:04:08 pm for 3 minutes, 55 seconds | Link

2:30:36 pm for 51 seconds | Link

Mr Michael Young, Disaster Relief Australia
Chair / Mr Young
2:31:27 pm for 24 minutes, 17 seconds | Link

Mr Peter Billing, General Manager, Evoenergy
Mr Billing / Chair
3:19:39 pm for 9 minutes, 28 seconds | Link

4:05:12 pm for 2 minutes, 24 seconds | Link

Ms Emma Davidson MLA, Assistant Minister for Families and Community Services
Chair / Minister
4:07:36 pm for 5 minutes, 13 seconds | Link

Mr Jim Corrigan, A/g Director-General, Transport Canberra and City Services
Mr Corrigan / Chair
4:12:49 pm for 7 minutes, 59 seconds | Link

Ms Jo Wood, A/g Director-General, Community Services Directorate
Ms Wood / Mr Milligan
4:20:48 pm for 2 minutes, 50 seconds | Link

Mr Richard Glenn, Directorate-General, Justice and Community Safety Directorate
Minister / Mr Glenn
4:23:38 pm for 10 minutes, 14 seconds | Link

Mr Jason Jones, Assistant Commissioner, Risk and Planning, Emergency Services Agency, Justice and Community Safety Directorate
Mr Glenn / Mr Jones
4:33:52 pm for 15 minutes, 26 seconds | Link

Ms Tamerra Rogers, Executive Branch Manager, Communications and Engagement, Chief Minister, Treasury and Economic Development Directorate
Chair / Ms Rogers
4:49:18 pm for 4 minutes, 48 seconds | Link