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PRIVATE MEMBERS' BUSINESS No. 1 Animal Welfare Legislation Amendment Bill 2011
Clerk / Mr Speaker
10:01:32 am for 7 seconds | Link

PRIVATE MEMBERS' BUSINESS No. 1 Animal Welfare Legislation Amendment Bill 2011
Bill presented
Ms Le Couteur
10:01:39 am for 27 seconds | Link

PRIVATE MEMBERS' BUSINESS No. 1 Animal Welfare Legislation Amendment Bill 2011
Bill be agreed to
Ms Le Couteur/ Mr Speaker
10:02:06 am for 8 seconds | Link

PRIVATE MEMBERS' BUSINESS No. 1 Animal Welfare Legislation Amendment Bill 2011
Ms Le Couteur
10:02:14 am for 18 minutes, 36 seconds | Link

PRIVATE MEMBERS' BUSINESS No. 1 Animal Welfare Legislation Amendment Bill 2011
Debate adjourned
Mr Assistant Speaker/ Mr Stanhope
10:20:50 am for 21 seconds | Link

No. 2 Food (Nutritional Information) Amendment Bill 2011
Bill presented
Ms Bresnan
10:21:16 am for 23 seconds | Link

No. 2 Food (Nutritional Information) Amendment Bill 2011
Bill be agreed to
Ms Bresnan
10:21:39 am for 7 seconds | Link

No. 2 Food (Nutritional Information) Amendment Bill 2011
Ms Bresnan
10:21:46 am for 11 minutes, 7 seconds | Link

No. 2 Food (Nutritional Information) Amendment Bill 2011
Debate adjourned
Mr Assistant Speaker/ Ms Gallagher
10:32:53 am for 19 seconds | Link

Presentation of paper, by leave Mr Rattenbury to seek leave to present an exposure draft of the Residential Tenancies (Minimum Housing Standards) Amendment Bill 2011
Clerk / Mr Rattenbury
10:33:12 am for 21 seconds | Link

Presentation of paper, by leave Mr Rattenbury to seek leave to present an exposure draft of the Residential Tenancies (Minimum Housing Standards) Amendment Bill 2011
Bill presented
Mr Rattenbury
10:33:33 am for 13 seconds | Link

Presentation of paper, by leave Mr Rattenbury to seek leave to present an exposure draft of the Residential Tenancies (Minimum Housing Standards) Amendment Bill 2011
Mr Rattenbury
10:33:46 am for 13 minutes, 32 seconds | Link

No. 3 Accessibility of electronic government communications
Clerk / Mr Assistant Speaker
10:47:18 am for 23 seconds | Link

No. 3 Accessibility of electronic government communications
Amendment moved
Ms Le Couteur
10:47:41 am for 13 seconds | Link

No. 3 Accessibility of electronic government communications
Motion be agreed to
Ms Le Couteur/ Mr Assistant Speaker
10:47:54 am for 0 seconds | Link

No. 3 Accessibility of electronic government communications
Ms Le Couteur
10:47:54 am for 15 minutes, 13 seconds | Link

No. 3 Accessibility of electronic government communications
Mrs Dunne
11:03:07 am for 8 minutes, 31 seconds | Link

No. 3 Accessibility of electronic government communications
Amendment moved
Mr Corbell/ Mr Speaker
11:11:38 am for 12 seconds | Link

No. 3 Accessibility of electronic government communications
Mr Corbell
11:11:50 am for 4 minutes, 33 seconds | Link

No. 3 Accessibility of electronic government communications
Ms Le Couteur
11:16:23 am for 2 minutes, 40 seconds | Link

No. 3 Accessibility of electronic government communications
Division called
Mr Speaker
11:19:03 am for 4 minutes, 25 seconds | Link

No. 3 Accessibility of electronic government communications
Question put
Mr Speaker
11:23:28 am for 1 minute, 13 seconds | Link

No. 3 Accessibility of electronic government communications
Question resolved in the negative
Mr Speaker
11:24:41 am for 8 seconds | Link

No. 3 Accessibility of electronic government communications
Motion be agreed to
Mr Speaker
11:24:49 am for 4 seconds | Link

No. 3 Accessibility of electronic government communications
Ms Le Couteur
11:24:53 am for 1 minute, 20 seconds | Link

No. 3 Accessibility of electronic government communications
Motion agreed to
Mr Speaker
11:26:13 am for 13 seconds | Link

No. 4 Proposed censure of the Attorney-General regarding the Alexander Maconochie Centre
11:26:26 am for 6 seconds | Link

No. 4 Proposed censure of the Attorney-General regarding the Alexander Maconochie Centre
Motion be agreed to
Mr Speaker
11:26:32 am for 10 seconds | Link

No. 4 Proposed censure of the Attorney-General regarding the Alexander Maconochie Centre
Mr Hanson
11:26:42 am for 15 minutes, | Link

No. 4 Proposed censure of the Attorney-General regarding the Alexander Maconochie Centre
Ms Bresnan
11:41:42 am for 15 minutes, 7 seconds | Link

No. 4 Proposed censure of the Attorney-General regarding the Alexander Maconochie Centre
Mr Seselja
11:56:49 am for 10 minutes, 10 seconds | Link

No. 4 Proposed censure of the Attorney-General regarding the Alexander Maconochie Centre
Mr Corbell
12:06:59 pm for 15 minutes, | Link

No. 4 Proposed censure of the Attorney-General regarding the Alexander Maconochie Centre
Mr Stanhope
12:21:59 pm for 10 minutes, 16 seconds | Link


Q1-0406 Alexander Maconochie Centre - drugs
Ms Gallagher
2:00:49 pm for 5 minutes, 21 seconds | Link

Q3-0406 - ACT Corrective Services - Hamburger review
Mr Speaker/ Mr Hanson
2:12:53 pm for 33 seconds | Link

Q3-0406 - ACT Corrective Services - Hamburger review
Mr Corbell
2:13:26 pm for 6 minutes, 43 seconds | Link

Q4-0406 Planning - Northbourne Avenue
Mr Stanhope
2:20:38 pm for 6 minutes, 23 seconds | Link

Q5-0406 - ACT Corrective Services - Hamburger review
Mr Speaker/ Mr Coe
2:27:01 pm for 58 seconds | Link

Q5-0406 - ACT Corrective Services - Hamburger review
Mr Corbell
2:27:59 pm for 4 minutes, 40 seconds | Link

Q6-0406 - Transport sector - greenhouse gas emissions
Mr Speaker/ Ms Bresnan
2:32:39 pm for 1 minute, 8 seconds | Link

Q6-0406 - Transport sector - greenhouse gas emissions
Mr Speaker/ Mr Stanhope
2:33:47 pm for 8 minutes, 8 seconds | Link

Q9-0406 - Public housing - energy and water efficiency
Mr Speaker/ Mr Hargreaves
2:50:57 pm for 17 seconds | Link

Q9-0406 - Public housing - energy and water efficiency
Ms Burch
2:51:14 pm for 3 minutes, 6 seconds | Link

Alexander Maconochie Centre - methadone program
Mr Speaker/ Ms Gallagher
2:57:13 pm for 21 seconds | Link

No. 5 Afterschool care for students with disabilities
Clerk / Mr Speaker
3:23:29 pm for 5 seconds | Link

No. 5 Afterschool care for students with disabilities
Ms Hunter
3:23:34 pm for 15 minutes, 17 seconds | Link

No. 5 Afterschool care for students with disabilities
Ms Burch
3:38:51 pm for 9 minutes, 26 seconds | Link

No. 5 Afterschool care for students with disabilities
Mr Doszpot
3:48:17 pm for 9 minutes, 8 seconds | Link

No. 5 Afterschool care for students with disabilities
Ms Hunter/ Madam Assistant Speaker Ms Le Couteur
3:57:25 pm for 9 minutes, 41 seconds | Link

No. 5 Afterschool care for students with disabilities
Division called
Mr Assistant Speaker
4:07:06 pm for 3 minutes, 45 seconds | Link

No. 5 Afterschool care for students with disabilities
Amendment negatived
Mr Assistant Speaker
4:10:51 pm for 9 seconds | Link

No. 5 Afterschool care for students with disabilities
Amendment agreed to
Mr Assistant Speaker
4:11:00 pm for 8 seconds | Link

No. 5 Afterschool care for students with disabilities
Motion as amended agreed to
Mr Assistant Speaker
4:11:08 pm for 14 seconds | Link

No. 6 Educational services at Bimberi
Mrs Dunne/ Mr Assistant Speaker
4:11:33 pm for 15 minutes, 25 seconds | Link

No. 6 Educational services at Bimberi
Mr Seselja
4:48:56 pm for 10 minutes, 26 seconds | Link

No. 7 National concession card for students
Clerk / Madam Assistant Speaker Ms Le Couteur
5:29:24 pm for 9 seconds | Link

No. 7 National concession card for students
Mr Hargreaves
5:29:33 pm for 8 minutes, 9 seconds | Link

No. 7 National concession card for students
Mr Speaker/ Mrs Dunne
5:37:42 pm for 26 seconds | Link

No. 7 National concession card for students
Mr Speaker/ Ms Hunter
5:38:08 pm for 4 minutes, 25 seconds | Link

No. 7 National concession card for students
Mr Speaker/ Ms Burch
5:42:33 pm for 3 minutes, 49 seconds | Link

No. 7 National concession card for students
Mr Speaker/ Mr Hargreaves
5:46:22 pm for 2 minutes, 10 seconds | Link

No. 7 National concession card for students
Motion agreed to
Mr Speaker
5:48:32 pm for 9 seconds | Link

No. 8 Jamison Group Centre
Adjournment motion negatived
Mr Barr
6:00:31 pm for 3 minutes, 46 seconds | Link

No. 8 Jamison Group Centre
Mr Speaker/ Ms Le Couteur
6:19:32 pm for 14 minutes, 17 seconds | Link

No. 8 Jamison Group Centre
Mr Speaker/ Ms Le Couteur
6:45:57 pm for 1 minute, 33 seconds | Link

ACT Cricket annual presentation night
Mr Speaker/ Mr Doszpot
7:08:42 pm for 5 minutes, 11 seconds | Link

Calvary Hospital - community open day
Mr Speaker/ Mr Coe
7:13:53 pm for 2 minutes, 46 seconds | Link

Calvary Hospital - community open day
Question resolved in the affirmative
Mr Speaker
7:16:39 pm for 9 seconds | Link