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Assembly Business Order of the day No. 1 Standing Committee on Justice and Community Safety Amendment to resolution That the resolution of the Assembly of 72011, referring the ACT Electoral Commission's report, entitled Report on the ACT Legislative Assem
Mrs Dunne/ Mr Speaker
10:03:31 am for 1 minute, 40 seconds | Link

Assembly Business Order of the day No. 1 Standing Committee on Justice and Community Safety Amendment to resolution That the resolution of the Assembly of 72011, referring the ACT Electoral Commission's report, entitled Report on the ACT Legislative Assem
Resolved in
Mr Speaker
10:05:11 am for 6 seconds | Link

Executive Business Notice No. 1 Working with Vulnerable People (Consequential Amendments) Bill 2011
Clerk/ Mr Speaker
10:05:17 am for 37 seconds | Link

Executive Business Notice No. 1 Working with Vulnerable People (Consequential Amendments) Bill 2011
Bill be agreed to in principle
Ms Burch/ Mr Speaker
10:05:54 am for 5 minutes, 13 seconds | Link

Executive Business Notice No. 1 Working with Vulnerable People (Consequential Amendments) Bill 2011
Debate adjourned
Mrs Dunne/ Mr Speaker
10:11:07 am for 18 seconds | Link

Executive Business Notice No. 2 Children and Young People (Education and Care Services National Law) Consequential Amendment Bill 2011
Clerk/ Mr Speaker
10:11:25 am for 35 seconds | Link

Executive Business Notice No. 2 Children and Young People (Education and Care Services National Law) Consequential Amendment Bill 2011
Bill be agreed to in principle
Ms Burch/ Mr Speaker
10:12:00 am for 4 minutes, 40 seconds | Link

Executive Business Notice No. 2 Children and Young People (Education and Care Services National Law) Consequential Amendment Bill 2011
Debate adjourned
Mrs Dunne/ Mr Speaker
10:16:40 am for 21 seconds | Link

Assembly Business Notice No. 1 Referral of annual and financial reports to standing committees
Clerk/ Mr Speaker
10:17:01 am for 5 seconds | Link

Assembly Business Notice No. 1 Referral of annual and financial reports to standing committees
Resolved in affirmative
Ms Gallagher/ Mr Speaker
10:17:06 am for 20 seconds | Link

Assembly Business Notice No. 2 Proposed establishment of a select committee to inquire into supermarket competition policy No.3 Proposed establishment of a select committee to inquire into supermarket competition (Cognate debate)
Clerk/ Mr Speaker
10:17:26 am for 1 minute, 30 seconds | Link

Assembly Business Notice No. 2 Proposed establishment of a select committee to inquire into supermarket competition policy No.3 Proposed establishment of a select committee to inquire into supermarket competition (Cognate debate)
Motion be agreed to, amendment
Mr Seselja/ Mr Speaker
10:18:56 am for 11 minutes, 17 seconds | Link

Assembly Business Notice No. 2 Proposed establishment of a select committee to inquire into supermarket competition policy No.3 Proposed establishment of a select committee to inquire into supermarket competition (Cognate debate)
Ms Le Couteur
10:30:13 am for 5 minutes, 7 seconds | Link

Assembly Business Notice No. 2 Proposed establishment of a select committee to inquire into supermarket competition policy No.3 Proposed establishment of a select committee to inquire into supermarket competition (Cognate debate)
Continuing, Mr Seselja interjecting
Ms Le Couteur/ Mr Speaker
10:35:20 am for 4 minutes, 12 seconds | Link

Assembly Business Notice No. 2 Proposed establishment of a select committee to inquire into supermarket competition policy No.3 Proposed establishment of a select committee to inquire into supermarket competition (Cognate debate)
Mr Barr
10:39:32 am for 6 minutes, 3 seconds | Link

Assembly Business Notice No. 2 Proposed establishment of a select committee to inquire into supermarket competition policy No.3 Proposed establishment of a select committee to inquire into supermarket competition (Cognate debate)
Continuing, amendment
Mr Barr/ Mr Speaker
10:45:35 am for 1 minute, 1 second | Link

Assembly Business Notice No. 2 Proposed establishment of a select committee to inquire into supermarket competition policy No.3 Proposed establishment of a select committee to inquire into supermarket competition (Cognate debate)
Mr Seselja/ Mr Speaker
10:46:36 am for 1 minute, 56 seconds | Link

Assembly Business Notice No. 2 Proposed establishment of a select committee to inquire into supermarket competition policy No.3 Proposed establishment of a select committee to inquire into supermarket competition (Cognate debate)
Ms Le Couteur
10:48:32 am for 53 seconds | Link

Assembly Business Notice No. 2 Proposed establishment of a select committee to inquire into supermarket competition policy No.3 Proposed establishment of a select committee to inquire into supermarket competition (Cognate debate)
Resolved in negative
Mr Speaker
10:49:25 am for 14 seconds | Link

Assembly Business Notice No. 2 Proposed establishment of a select committee to inquire into supermarket competition policy No.3 Proposed establishment of a select committee to inquire into supermarket competition (Cognate debate)
Resolved in affirmative
Mr Speaker
10:49:39 am for 28 seconds | Link

Assembly Business Notice No. 2 Proposed establishment of a select committee to inquire into supermarket competition policy No.3 Proposed establishment of a select committee to inquire into supermarket competition (Cognate debate)
Close the debate
Mr Seselja
10:50:07 am for 44 seconds | Link

Assembly Business Notice No. 2 Proposed establishment of a select committee to inquire into supermarket competition policy No.3 Proposed establishment of a select committee to inquire into supermarket competition (Cognate debate)
Resolved in affirmative
Mr Speaker
10:50:51 am for 30 seconds | Link

Committee Report Standing Committee on Justice and Community Safety Report 7 entitled A review of campaign financing laws in the ACT
Mrs Dunne/ Mr Speaker
10:51:21 am for 15 minutes, 28 seconds | Link

Committee Report Standing Committee on Justice and Community Safety Report 7 entitled A review of campaign financing laws in the ACT
Mr Hargreaves
11:06:49 am for 13 minutes, 16 seconds | Link

Committee Report Standing Committee on Justice and Community Safety Report 7 entitled A review of campaign financing laws in the ACT
Continuing, Mrs Dunne interjecting
Mr Hargreaves/ Madam Assistant Speaker Ms Le Couteur
11:20:05 am for 1 minute, 55 seconds | Link

Committee Report Standing Committee on Justice and Community Safety Report 7 entitled A review of campaign financing laws in the ACT
Ms Hunter
11:22:00 am for 9 minutes, 57 seconds | Link

Committee Report Standing Committee on Justice and Community Safety Report 7 entitled A review of campaign financing laws in the ACT
Point of order
Mr Hargreaves/ Madam Assistant Speaker Ms Le Couteur
11:31:57 am for 1 minute, 12 seconds | Link

Committee Report Standing Committee on Justice and Community Safety Report 7 entitled A review of campaign financing laws in the ACT
Close the debate
Mrs Dunne
11:33:09 am for 3 minutes, 58 seconds | Link

Committee Statement Standing Committee on Health, Community and Social Services - a statement pursuant to standing order 246A relating to an inquiry to be undertaken by the Committee on the provision of social housing.
Mr Doszpot/ Madam Assistant Speaker Ms Le Couteur
11:37:07 am for 2 minutes, 50 seconds | Link

Executive Business - Statement pursuant to the resolution of the Assembly of 22 June 2011 relating to the cost of living and the conduct of poverty impact analysis
Ms Gallagher/ Madam Assistant Speaker Ms Le Couteur
11:39:57 am for 3 minutes, 33 seconds | Link

Executive Business - statement regarding unmet need and recommendation 4 of Report 6 of the Standing Committee on Health, Community and Social Services entitled Report on Annual and Financial Reports 2009-2010.
Ms Burch/ Madam Assistant Speaker Ms Le Couteur
11:43:30 am for 7 minutes, 21 seconds | Link

Executive Business Order of the day No. 1 Security Industry Amendment Bill 2011
Clerk/ Madam Assistant Speaker Ms Le Couteur
11:50:51 am for 7 seconds | Link

Executive Business Order of the day No. 1 Security Industry Amendment Bill 2011
Resumption of debate
Mrs Dunne
11:50:58 am for 7 minutes, 16 seconds | Link

Executive Business Order of the day No. 1 Security Industry Amendment Bill 2011
Mr Rattenbury/ Mr Assistant Speaker Mr Hargreaves
11:58:14 am for 4 minutes, 4 seconds | Link

Executive Business Order of the day No. 1 Security Industry Amendment Bill 2011
Close the debate
Ms Gallagher
12:02:18 pm for 14 minutes, 17 seconds | Link

Executive Business Order of the day No. 1 Security Industry Amendment Bill 2011
Quorum formed
Dr Bourke/ Mr Assistant Speaker Mr Hargreaves
12:16:35 pm for 2 minutes, 23 seconds | Link

Executive Business Order of the day No. 2 Road Transport (Safety and Traffic Management) Amendment Bill 2011
Clerk/ Mr Assistant Speaker Mr Hargreaves
12:18:58 pm for 27 seconds | Link

Executive Business Order of the day No. 2 Road Transport (Safety and Traffic Management) Amendment Bill 2011
Amendment be agreed to
Mr Coe/ Mr Assistant Speaker Mr Hargreaves
12:19:25 pm for 33 seconds | Link

Executive Business Order of the day No. 2 Road Transport (Safety and Traffic Management) Amendment Bill 2011
Ms Bresnan/ Mr Assistant Speaker Mr Hargreaves
12:19:58 pm for 23 seconds | Link

Executive Business Order of the day No. 2 Road Transport (Safety and Traffic Management) Amendment Bill 2011
Ms Gallagher
12:20:21 pm for 1 minute, 12 seconds | Link

Executive Business Order of the day No. 2 Road Transport (Safety and Traffic Management) Amendment Bill 2011
Mr Coe/ Mr Assistant Speaker Mr Hargreaves
12:21:33 pm for 1 minute, 22 seconds | Link

Executive Business Order of the day No. 2 Road Transport (Safety and Traffic Management) Amendment Bill 2011
Ms Gallagher/ Mr Assistant Speaker Mr Hargreaves
12:22:55 pm for 1 minute, 59 seconds | Link

Executive Business Order of the day No. 2 Road Transport (Safety and Traffic Management) Amendment Bill 2011
Mr Coe/ Mr Assistant Speaker Mr Hargreaves
12:24:54 pm for 18 seconds | Link

Executive Business Order of the day No. 2 Road Transport (Safety and Traffic Management) Amendment Bill 2011
Ms Bresnan
12:25:12 pm for 2 minutes, 23 seconds | Link

Q1-0922 Energy-feed-in tariff
Mr Corbell/ Mr Speaker
2:01:56 pm for 1 minute, 19 seconds | Link

Q3-0922 Territory and municipal services - fire management unit
Mr Smyth/ Mr Speaker
2:05:23 pm for 41 seconds | Link

Q3-0922 Territory and municipal services - fire management unit
Mr Corbell/ Mr Speaker
2:06:04 pm for 1 minute, 32 seconds | Link

Q5-0922 Canberra Institute of Technology - alleged bullying
Mr Doszpot/ Mr Speaker
2:10:52 pm for 27 seconds | Link

Q5-0922 Canberra Institute of Technology - alleged bullying
Mr Barr/ Mr Speaker
2:11:19 pm for 42 seconds | Link

Q7-0922 Alexander Maconochie Centre - capacity
Mr Hanson/ Mr Speaker
2:20:49 pm for 1 minute, 3 seconds | Link

Q7-0922 Alexander Maconochie Centre - capacity
Mr Corbell/ Mr Speaker
2:21:52 pm for 1 minute, 23 seconds | Link

Q8-0922 Jack Sullivan - death
Ms Burch/ Mr Speaker
2:23:56 pm for 1 minute, 33 seconds | Link

Q9-0922 Children and young people - care
Ms Burch/ Mr Speaker
2:26:01 pm for 2 minutes, 7 seconds | Link

Q11-0922 Transport - passenger information system
Dr Bourke/ Mr Speaker
2:29:57 pm for 15 seconds | Link

Q11-0922 Transport - passenger information system
Mr Corbell/ Mr Speaker
2:30:12 pm for 3 minutes, 48 seconds | Link

Mr Brendan Smyth - motion of censure
Point of order
Mr Seselja/ Mr Speaker
2:39:37 pm for 1 minute, 48 seconds | Link

Mr Brendan Smyth - motion of censure
Motion be agreed to
Mr Barr
2:41:25 pm for 1 minute, 48 seconds | Link

Mr Brendan Smyth - motion of censure
Point of order
Mrs Dunne/ Mr Speaker
2:43:13 pm for 1 minute, 18 seconds | Link

Mr Brendan Smyth - motion of censure
Point of order
Mrs Dunne/ Mr Speaker
2:44:31 pm for 16 seconds | Link

Mr Brendan Smyth - motion of censure
Point of order
Mr Corbell/ Mr Speaker
2:44:47 pm for 1 minute, 47 seconds | Link

Mr Brendan Smyth - motion of censure
Point of order
Mr Seselja
2:46:34 pm for 1 minute, 6 seconds | Link

Mr Brendan Smyth - motion of censure
Point of order
Mrs Dunne/ Mr Speaker
2:47:40 pm for 3 minutes, 54 seconds | Link

Mr Brendan Smyth - motion of censure
Mr Smyth/ Mr Speaker
2:51:34 pm for 2 minutes, 35 seconds | Link

Mr Brendan Smyth - motion of censure
Point of order
Dr Bourke/ Mr Speaker
2:54:09 pm for 5 minutes, 51 seconds | Link

Mr Brendan Smyth - motion of censure
Continuing, Mr Hanson interjecting
Mr Smyth/ Mr Speaker
3:00:00 pm for 6 minutes, 6 seconds | Link

Mr Brendan Smyth - motion of censure
Mr Hargreaves
3:06:06 pm for 5 minutes, 10 seconds | Link

Mr Brendan Smyth - motion of censure
Point of order
Mr Seselja/ Mr Speaker
3:11:16 pm for 3 minutes, 54 seconds | Link

Mr Brendan Smyth - motion of censure
Ms Hunter/ Mr Speaker
3:24:37 pm for 5 minutes, 31 seconds | Link

Mr Brendan Smyth - motion of censure
Debate, Mr Doszpot interjecting
Ms Gallagher/ Mr Speaker
3:30:08 pm for 3 minutes, 34 seconds | Link

Mr Brendan Smyth - motion of censure
Point of order
Mrs Dunne/ Mr Speaker
3:33:42 pm for 25 seconds | Link

Mr Brendan Smyth - motion of censure
Point of order
Mr Seselja/ Mr Speaker
3:34:07 pm for 2 minutes, 11 seconds | Link

Mr Brendan Smyth - motion of censure
Mr Hanson/ Mr Speaker
3:36:18 pm for 5 minutes, 39 seconds | Link

Mr Brendan Smyth - motion of censure
Point of order
Mr Hargreaves/ Mr Speaker
3:41:57 pm for 38 seconds | Link

Mr Brendan Smyth - motion of censure
Point of order
Mr Corbell/ Mr Speaker
3:42:35 pm for 34 seconds | Link

Mr Brendan Smyth - motion of censure
Point of order
Mr Seselja/ Mr Speaker
3:43:09 pm for 5 minutes, 4 seconds | Link

Mr Brendan Smyth - motion of censure
Point of order
Mr Seselja/ Mr Speaker
3:51:43 pm for 38 seconds | Link

Mr Brendan Smyth - motion of censure
Mr Seselja interjecting
Mr Corbell/ Mr Speaker
3:52:21 pm for 28 seconds | Link

Mr Brendan Smyth - motion of censure
Continuing, Mr Smyth interjecting
Mr Corbell/ Mr Speaker
3:52:49 pm for 1 minute, 45 seconds | Link

Mr Brendan Smyth - motion of censure
Mrs Dunne/ Mr Speaker
3:54:34 pm for 2 minutes, 41 seconds | Link

Mr Brendan Smyth - motion of censure
Point of order
Mr Hargreaves/ Mr Speaker
3:57:15 pm for 22 seconds | Link

Mr Brendan Smyth - motion of censure
Point of order
Mr Seselja/ Mr Speaker
3:57:37 pm for 21 seconds | Link

Mr Brendan Smyth - motion of censure
Point of order
Ms Gallagher/ Mr Speaker
3:57:58 pm for 2 minutes, 31 seconds | Link

Mr Brendan Smyth - motion of censure
Point of order
Mr Hargreaves/ Mr Speaker
4:00:29 pm for 57 seconds | Link

Mr Brendan Smyth - motion of censure
Point of order
Mr Corbell/ Mr Speaker
4:01:26 pm for 22 seconds | Link

Mr Brendan Smyth - motion of censure
Point of order
Mr Seselja/ Mr Speaker
4:01:48 pm for 4 minutes, 15 seconds | Link

Mr Brendan Smyth - motion of censure
Ms Le Couteur/ Mr Speaker
4:06:03 pm for 37 seconds | Link

Mr Brendan Smyth - motion of censure
Mr Smyth/ Mr Speaker
4:06:40 pm for 10 minutes, 17 seconds | Link

Mr Brendan Smyth - motion of censure
Close the debate
Mr Barr/ Mr Speaker
4:16:57 pm for 4 minutes, 46 seconds | Link

Mr Brendan Smyth - motion of censure
Resolved in affirmative
Mr Speaker/ Clerk
4:21:43 pm for 13 minutes, 1 second | Link

Select Committee on Supermarket Competition Policy - members appointed, resolved in affirmative
Mr Corbell/ Madam Assistant Speaker Mrs Dunne
4:34:44 pm for 14 seconds | Link

Discussion of Matter of Public Importance - "Low income households in housing stress"
Madam Assistant Speaker Mrs Dunne
4:34:58 pm for 25 seconds | Link

Discussion of Matter of Public Importance - "Low income households in housing stress"
Ms Bresnan
4:35:23 pm for 11 minutes, 57 seconds | Link

Discussion of Matter of Public Importance - "Low income households in housing stress"
Mr Barr
4:47:20 pm for 11 minutes, 52 seconds | Link

Discussion of Matter of Public Importance - "Low income households in housing stress"
Mr Coe/ Mr Assistant Speaker Mr Hargreaves
4:59:12 pm for 3 minutes, 38 seconds | Link

Discussion of Matter of Public Importance - "Low income households in housing stress"
Ms Burch
5:02:50 pm for 9 minutes, 17 seconds | Link

Discussion of Matter of Public Importance - "Low income households in housing stress"
Ms Le Couteur
5:12:07 pm for 10 minutes, 1 second | Link

Discussion of Matter of Public Importance - "Low income households in housing stress"
Mr Seselja
5:22:08 pm for 10 minutes, 9 seconds | Link

Discussion of Matter of Public Importance - "Low income households in housing stress"
Mr Corbell/ Mr Assistant Speaker Mr Hargreaves
5:32:17 pm for 52 minutes, 50 seconds | Link

International affairs - Iran, Canberra Chronicle
Mr Coe/ Madam Assistant Speaker Ms Le Couteur
6:35:57 pm for 2 minutes, 47 seconds | Link

Defence Force widows support group
Mr Hanson/ Madam Assistant Speaker Ms Le Couteur
6:38:44 pm for 2 minutes, 16 seconds | Link

Tiny's Green Shed, Karinya House
Dr Bourke/ Madam Assistant Speaker Ms Le Couteur
6:41:00 pm for 3 minutes, 32 seconds | Link

ACT Greens - email
Mr Rattenbury/ Madam Assistant Speaker Ms Le Couteur
6:44:32 pm for 4 minutes, 7 seconds | Link

Sitting suspended from 6.53pm to 18 October 2011 at 10am
Madam Assistant Speaker Ms Le Couteur
6:53:33 pm for 0 seconds | Link