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Denis Strangman AM, Council member and Life Member, ACT Right to Life Association Inc.
Mr Strangman/ The Chair
2:02:26 pm for 2 minutes, 53 seconds | Link

Mrs Beverly Cains, President, ACT Right to Life Association Inc.
Mrs Cains/ The Chair
2:10:11 pm for 26 seconds | Link

Mrs Moya Homan. Council Member, ACT Right to Life Association Inc.
Mrs Homan/ Mrs Dunne
2:10:37 pm for 1 minute, 27 seconds | Link

Ms Rachel Wong, Managing Director, Women's Forum Australia, (by conference phone)
Ms Wong/ The Chair
2:39:29 pm for 7 minutes, 48 seconds | Link

Ms Tara Cheyne MLA, (Ms Wong in background)
The Chair/ Ms Cheyne
2:47:17 pm for 3 minutes, 22 seconds | Link

Associate Professor Arnold Gillespie, Doctors for Assisted Dying Choice, (by conference phone)
Ass. Prof. Gillespie/ The Chair
3:24:19 pm for 3 minutes, 51 seconds | Link

Dr David Leaf, Doctors for Assisted Dying Choice, (by conference phone)
Dr Leaf/ The Chair
3:28:10 pm for 2 minutes, 9 seconds | Link

Dr Richard Lugg, Doctors for Assisted Dying Choice, (by conference phone)
Prof Lugg/ The Chair
3:30:19 pm for 45 seconds | Link

Mrs Vicki Dunne MLA (Deputy Chair)
Mrs Dunne/ Ass. Prof. Gillespie
3:31:04 pm for 1 minute, 14 seconds | Link

Archbishop Christopher Prowse, Catholic Archbishop of Canberra Goulburn
Mr Prowse/ The Chair
4:06:02 pm for 3 minutes, 46 seconds | Link

Mrs Lara Kirk, Co-ordinator Marriage and Family Relationship
Mr Prowse/ Mrs Kirk
4:21:39 pm for 10 minutes, 11 seconds | Link

Mr Jeremy Stuparich, Public Policy Officer, Australian Catholic Bishops Conference
Mr Prowse/ Mr Stuparich
4:33:30 pm for 5 minutes, 11 seconds | Link

Dr David Swanton, ACT Chapter Coordinator, Exit International (ACT Chapter)
Dr Swanton/ The Chair
4:49:09 pm for 5 minutes, 37 seconds | Link

Mr Tony Whelan, Member, Exit International (ACT Chapter)
Mr Whelan/ Dr Swanton
4:57:49 pm for 3 minutes, 58 seconds | Link