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Select Committee on Estimates 2023-2024 - Inquiries into ACT Budget 2023-2024 - EPSD / CMTEDD
9:01:14 am for 0 seconds | Link
Ms Rebecca Vassarotti MLA, Minister for Heritage
Minister / Chair
9:02:31 am for 1 minute, 57 seconds | Link
Mr Geoffrey Rutledge, Deputy Director-General, Environment Water and Emissions Reduction
Mr Rutledge / Chair
9:04:28 am for 6 minutes, 22 seconds | Link
Ms Meaghan Russell, Manager, Approvals and Advice
Mr Rutledge / Ms Russell
9:24:13 am for 3 minutes, 48 seconds | Link
Mr Bren Burkevics, Executive Group Manager
Mr Burkevics / Chair
9:28:01 am for 2 minutes, 15 seconds | Link
9:30:16 am for 3 minutes, 13 seconds | Link
Ms Kathy Leigh, Head of Service, Director-General
Ms Leigh / Chair
9:34:37 am for 2 minutes, 20 seconds | Link
Ms Trish Johnston, Executive Group Manager, Communications and Engagement
Minister / Ms Johnson
9:36:57 am for 7 minutes, 29 seconds | Link
Ms Leesa Croke, Deputy Director-General, policy and Cabinet Division
Ms Croke / Ms Castley
10:28:48 am for 1 minute, 49 seconds | Link
Mr Brendan Smyth, Commissioner for International Engagement
Mr Smyth / Mr Pettersson
11:12:30 am for 10 minutes, 52 seconds | Link
Mr Andrew Mehrton, Executive Branch Manager
Minister / Mr Mehrton
11:43:19 am for 2 minutes, 50 seconds | Link
Mr David Clapham, Executive Branch Manager, Regional, Infrastrcture, Planning and Transport
Mr Clapham / Ms Clay
11:54:19 am for 3 minutes, 46 seconds | Link
Select Committee on Estimates 2023-2024 - Inquiries into ACT Budget 2023-2024 - JCSD / EPSDD / CSD
1:01:11 pm for 0 seconds | Link
Ms Zoe Hutchinson, Executive Branch Manager, Justice Reform Branch, Legislation, Policy and Programs Division
Minister/ Ms Hutchinson
1:07:28 pm for 5 minutes, 51 seconds | Link
Ms Jennifer McNeil, Deputy Director-General Justice
Ms McNeil / Ms Clay
1:13:19 pm for 26 seconds | Link
1:32:32 pm for 12 minutes, 34 seconds | Link
Mr Shane Rattenbury MLA, Attorney-General
Dr Paterson / Minister
1:45:06 pm for 8 minutes, 29 seconds | Link
Ms Amanda Nuttall, Principal Registrar and COE, ACT Courts And Tribunal
Ms Nuttall / Ms Clay
2:03:03 pm for 14 minutes, 22 seconds | Link
Mr Daniel Ng, Executive Branch manager, Civil Law, Legislation, Policy And Programs Division, Justice And Community Safety Directorate
Mr Ng / Ms Clay
2:33:35 pm for 10 minutes, 35 seconds | Link
Mr Peter Garrisson, AM SC Solicitor-General, ACT Government Solicitor
Minister / Mr Garrisson
2:44:10 pm for 1 minute, 50 seconds | Link
2:46:00 pm for 3 minutes, 21 seconds | Link
Ms Rebecca Vassarotti MLA, Minister for Sustainable Buildings and Construction
Minister / Mr Bennett / Mr Ponton
2:49:21 pm for 1 minute, 32 seconds | Link
Mr James Bennett, Executive Branch Manager, Building Reform, Unit Titles and Design Services, Environment, Planning and Sustainable Development
Mr Bennett / Chair
2:50:53 pm for 25 minutes, 3 seconds | Link
3:15:56 pm for 14 minutes, 45 seconds | Link
Ms Rebecca Vassarotti MLA, Minister for Sustainable Buildings and Construction
Ms Clay / Minister
3:30:41 pm for 3 minutes, 45 seconds | Link
4:01:25 pm for 4 minutes, 55 seconds | Link
Ms Jo Wood, Director-General, Community Services Directorate
Ms Wood / Chair
4:06:20 pm for 42 seconds | Link
Ms Rebecca Vassarotti MLA, Minister for Homelessness and Housing Services
Minister / Chair
4:07:02 pm for 15 minutes, 6 seconds | Link
Ms Valerie Spencer, Executive Branch Manager, Homelessness and Housing Programs, Community Services Directorate
Ms Spencer / Mr Pettersson
4:22:08 pm for 9 minutes, 7 seconds | Link
Mr Geoff Ainger, Executive Group Manager, Housing Assistance Division, Community Services Directorate
Mr Ainger
4:31:15 pm for 2 minutes, 14 seconds | Link
Ms Samantha Henry, Executive Branch Manager, Client Services Branch, , Community Services Directorate
Ms Henry / Chair
4:33:29 pm for 4 minutes, 38 seconds | Link
Hearing adjourned
5:01:54 pm for 0 seconds | Link