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Motion - Centenary of Canberra.
Ms Gallagher/ Madam Acting Speaker
10:01:42 am for 37 minutes, 12 seconds | Link

Sitting suspended from 10.38am until ringing of the bells
Madam Acting Speaker
10:38:54 am for 6 seconds | Link

Committee Report - Standing Committee on Justice and Community Safety - Scrutiny Report 4
Mr Doszpot/ Mr Assistant Speaker Mr Gentleman
11:23:51 am for 46 seconds | Link

Committee Statement - Standing Committee on Education, Training and Youth Affairs - statement pursuant to standing order 246A relating to statutory appointments.
Ms Porter/ Mr Assistant Speaker Mr Gentleman
11:24:37 am for 1 minute, 43 seconds | Link

Executive Business - Presentation of paper - the government response to the report entitled Beyond Binary legal recognition of sex and gender diversity in the ACT
Mr Corbell
11:26:20 am for 46 minutes, 36 seconds | Link


Q1 Canberra Hospital - Infrastructure planning
Mr Hanson/ Madam Acting Speaker
2:30:06 pm for 30 seconds | Link

Q1 Canberra Hospital - Infrastructure planning
Ms Gallagher/ Madam Acting Speaker
2:30:36 pm for 6 minutes, 52 seconds | Link

Q2 Housing - stamp duty
Mr Barr/ Madam Acting Speaker
2:37:49 pm for 11 minutes, 29 seconds | Link

Q4 Children and young people - care and protection
Mrs Jones/ Madam Acting Speaker
2:49:18 pm for 44 seconds | Link

Q4 Children and young people - care and protection
Ms Burch/ Madam Acting Speaker
2:50:02 pm for 5 minutes, 59 seconds | Link

Q5 Land - Denman Prospect
Mr Barr/ Madam Acting Speaker
2:56:15 pm for 13 minutes, 33 seconds | Link

Q7 Schools - Catholic schools week
Ms Burch/ Madam Acting Speaker
3:10:14 pm for 9 minutes, 45 seconds | Link

Q8 Schools - ACT School Canteen Association
Mr Doszpot/ Madam Acting Speaker
3:19:59 pm for 30 seconds | Link

Q8 Schools - ACT School Canteen Association
Ms Burch/ Madam Acting Speaker
3:20:29 pm for 7 minutes, 41 seconds | Link

Q9 Planning - supermarkets
Mr Corbell/ Madam Acting Speaker
3:28:33 pm for 3 minutes, 11 seconds | Link

Q9 Planning - supermarkets
Point of order
Dr Bourke/ Madam Acting Speaker
3:31:44 pm for 53 seconds | Link

Discussion of Matter of Public Importance - The importance of good infrastructure planning in the ACT
Mr Assistant Speaker Mr Doszpot
3:42:52 pm for 26 seconds | Link

Discussion of Matter of Public Importance - The importance of good infrastructure planning in the ACT
Mr Smyth
3:43:18 pm for 15 minutes, 10 seconds | Link

Discussion of Matter of Public Importance - The importance of good infrastructure planning in the ACT
Mr Barr/ Mr Assistant Speaker Mr Doszpot
3:58:28 pm for 10 minutes, 31 seconds | Link

Discussion of Matter of Public Importance - The importance of good infrastructure planning in the ACT
Mr Rattenbury
4:08:59 pm for 8 minutes, 40 seconds | Link

Discussion of Matter of Public Importance - The importance of good infrastructure planning in the ACT
Mr Hanson/ Mr Assistant Speaker Mr Doszpot
4:17:39 pm for 10 minutes, 18 seconds | Link

Model car racing, Gold awards
Mr Gentleman/ Mr Assistant Speaker Mr Doszpot
4:27:57 pm for 2 minutes, 51 seconds | Link

Work place violence
Dr Bourke/ Mr Assistant Speaker Mr Gentleman
4:30:48 pm for 3 minutes, 30 seconds | Link

Arthritis awareness week
Mr Wall/ Mr Assistant Speaker Mr Gentleman
4:34:18 pm for 6 minutes, 4 seconds | Link

Canberra - centenary
Mr Doszpot/ Mr Assistant Speaker Mr Doszpot
4:40:22 pm for 4 minutes, 10 seconds | Link