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Select Committee on Estimates - Inquiry into ACT Budget 2024-2025
9:01:02 am for 1 second | Link

Ms Anita Perkins, Acting Deputy Director-General
Ms Perkins / Chair
9:04:10 am for 2 minutes, 12 seconds | Link

Ms Catherine Rule, Director-General, Community Services Directorate
Ms Rule / Chair
9:06:22 am for 1 minute, 39 seconds | Link

Ms Yvette Berry MLA, Minister for Women, Minister for the Prevention of Domestic and Family Violence
Minister / Chair
9:08:01 am for 1 minute, 35 seconds | Link

Miss Laura Nuttall MLA (Committee Member)
Miss Nuttall / Minister
9:09:36 am for 2 minutes, 9 seconds | Link

Ms Vasiliki Bogiatzis, Acting Executive Group Manager, Inclusion Division
Ms Bogiatzis / Miss Nuttall
9:11:45 am for 8 minutes, 43 seconds | Link

Ms Lauren Callaghan, Chief Finance Officer
Ms Callaghan / Chair
9:47:58 am for 13 minutes, 28 seconds | Link

10:01:43 am for 1 minute, 18 seconds | Link

Ms Erika Hudleston, A/g Chief Operating Officer
Chair / Ms Hudleston
10:03:01 am for 44 seconds | Link

Mr Michael Harris, ACT Auditor-General, ACT Audit Office
Mr Harris / Chair
10:03:45 am for 2 minutes, 23 seconds | Link

Mr Andrew Braddock MLA, (Visiting Member)
Mr Braddock / Mr Harris
10:09:14 am for 21 minutes, 5 seconds | Link

Ms Janet Zagari, Acting Chief Executive Officer, Canberra Health Services
Chair / Ms Zagari
10:45:48 am for 45 seconds | Link

Mr Richard Glenn, Director-General, Justice and Community Safety Directorate
Mr Glenn
10:46:37 am for 2 seconds | Link

Ms Emma Davidson MLA, Minister for Community Services, Senior and Veterans, Minister for Corrections and Justice Health, Minister for Mental Health, Minister for Population Health
10:46:39 am for 3 seconds | Link

Mr Bruno Aloisi, Acting Commissioner, ACT Corrective Services
Mr Aloisi
10:46:42 am for 3 seconds | Link

Mr Ray Johnson, Deputy Director-General, Community Safety
Mr Johnson / Chair
10:46:45 am for 5 minutes, 53 seconds | Link

Dr Marisa Paterson MLA, (Visiting Member)
Dr Paterson / Minister
10:52:38 am for 2 minutes, 1 second | Link

Mr Mark Parton MLA, (Visiting Member)
Mr Parton / Minister
10:54:39 am for 4 minutes, 20 seconds | Link

Ms Leanne Castley MLA, (Visiting Member)
Chair / Ms Castley
11:01:45 am for 55 minutes, 44 seconds | Link


Select Committee on Estimates - Inquiry into ACT Budget 2024-2025
1:02:18 pm for 0 seconds | Link

Ms Janet Zagari, Acting Chief Executive Officer, Canberra Health Services
Ms Zagari
1:03:53 pm for 2 seconds | Link

Mr Dave Peffer, Director-General, ACT Health Directorate
Mr Peffer / Chair
1:04:01 pm for 1 minute, 16 seconds | Link

Ms Wendy Kipling, A/g Executive Branch Manager, Mental Health and Suicide Prevention Division
Minister / Ms Kipling
1:05:17 pm for 6 minutes, 44 seconds | Link

Miss Laura Nuttall MLA (Committee Member)
Miss Nuttall / Minister
1:12:01 pm for 1 minute, 53 seconds | Link

Mr Muku Ganeshalingam, Chief Finance Officer
Mr Ganeshalingam / Ms Orr
1:23:41 pm for 20 minutes, 4 seconds | Link

Ms Liz Lopa, Deputy Director-General, Corporate, Communications and Delivery
Ms Lopa / Ms Orr
1:51:19 pm for 8 minutes, 16 seconds | Link

Mr Craig Gillman, Chief Executive Officer, City Renewal Authority
Mr Gillman
2:14:45 pm for 9 seconds | Link

Mr Tom Gordon, Executive Director, Land Supply Group, Suburban Land Agency
Mr Gordon
2:14:54 pm for 8 seconds | Link

Ms Elizabeth Lee MLA, (Visiting Member)
Ms Lee / Minister
2:22:38 pm for 8 minutes, 24 seconds | Link

2:35:01 pm for 1 minute, 21 seconds | Link

Ms Lisa Carmody, Deputy Director-General, Office of Industrial Relations and Workforce Capability
Chair / Ms Carmody
2:36:22 pm for 33 seconds | Link

Ms Kathy Leigh, Head of Service and Director-General Chief Minister, Treasury and Economic Development Directorate
Ms Leigh
2:36:55 pm for 10 seconds | Link

Ms Leese Croke, Deputy Director-General, Policy and Cabinet Division
Ms Croke / Chair
2:37:05 pm for 13 minutes, 6 seconds | Link

Mr Peter Robinson, EBM, Wellbeing, Policy and Cabinet Division
Minister / Mr Robinson
2:50:11 pm for 5 minutes, 52 seconds | Link

Mr Robert Gott, EBM, Wellbeing, Policy and Cabinet Division
Mr Gott / Ms Orr
2:56:03 pm for 10 minutes, 29 seconds | Link

Ms Fiona Barbaro, EGM, Policy and Cabinet Division
Minister / Ms Barbaro
3:06:32 pm for 1 minute, 31 seconds | Link

Dr David Clapham, EBM, Regional Infrastructure, Planning and Transport Branch
Dr Clapham / Chair
4:06:46 pm for 7 minutes, 43 seconds | Link

Ms Trish Johnston, EGM/Public Information Coordinator C&E Executive Branch
Ms Leigh / Ms Johnston
4:43:08 pm for 3 minutes, 31 seconds | Link