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Standing Committee on Public Accounts - 246A Relating to Reportable Contracts.
Mr Speaker/ Ms Le Couteur
10:02:21 am for 2 minutes, 58 seconds | Link

Public Advocate into Residential Care Placements for Children and Young People.
Ms Burch/ Mr Speaker
10:05:19 am for 2 minutes, 53 seconds | Link

Public Advocate into Residential Care Placements for Children and Young People.
Mr Seselja/ Mr Speaker
10:08:12 am for 11 seconds | Link

Public Advocate into Residential Care Placements for Children and Young People.
Ms Burch/ Mr Speaker
10:08:23 am for 46 seconds | Link

Evidence Amendment Bill 2011
Mr Seselja/ Madam Assistant Speaker Ms Le Couteur
10:09:18 am for 3 minutes, 34 seconds | Link

Evidence Amendment Bill 2011
Mr Rattenbury/ Madam Assistant Speaker Ms Le Couteur
10:12:52 am for 3 minutes, 35 seconds | Link

Evidence Amendment Bill 2011
Resolved in affirmative
Mr Corbell/ Madam Assistant Speaker Ms Le Couteur
10:25:00 am for 59 seconds | Link

Evidence (Consequential Amendments) Bill 2011
Clerk/ Madam Assistant Speaker Ms Le Couteur
10:25:59 am for 13 seconds | Link

Evidence (Consequential Amendments) Bill 2011
Mr Rattenbury/ Madam Assistant Speaker Ms Le Couteur
10:26:12 am for 46 seconds | Link

Evidence (Consequential Amendments) Bill 2011
Mr Seselja/ Madam Assistant Speaker Ms Le Couteur
10:26:58 am for 1 minute, 32 seconds | Link

Evidence (Consequential Amendments) Bill 2011
Mr Corbell
10:28:30 am for 1 minute, 30 seconds | Link

Evidence (Consequential Amendments) Bill 2011
Resolved in affirmative
Mr Corbell/ Madam Assistant Speaker Ms Le Couteur
10:30:00 am for 2 minutes, 16 seconds | Link

Justice and Community Safety Legislation Amendment Bill 2011 (No. 3)
Clerk/ Madam Assistant Speaker Ms Le Couteur
10:32:16 am for 14 seconds | Link

Justice and Community Safety Legislation Amendment Bill 2011 (No. 3)
Mr Seselja
10:32:30 am for 6 minutes, 11 seconds | Link

Justice and Community Safety Legislation Amendment Bill 2011 (No. 3)
Mr Rattenbury/ Madam Assistant Speaker Ms Le Couteur
10:38:41 am for 1 minute, 10 seconds | Link

Justice and Community Safety Legislation Amendment Bill 2011 (No. 3)
Mr Corbell
10:39:51 am for 6 minutes, 46 seconds | Link

Standing Committee on Justice and Community Safety - Scrutiny Report 45
Mr Hargreaves/ Madam Assistant Speaker Ms Le Couteur
10:46:37 am for 3 minutes, 1 second | Link

Q1-1115 Environment - plastic bags fines
Mr Corbell/ Mr Speaker
2:02:26 pm for 1 minute, 37 seconds | Link

Q2-1115 Youth Justice - strip-searches
Ms Burch/ Mr Speaker
2:04:53 pm for 4 minutes, 10 seconds | Link

Q5-1115 Transport - city cycle loop
Mr Corbell/ Mr Speaker
2:22:42 pm for 2 minutes, 29 seconds | Link

Q6-1115 Crime - Penalty for manslaughter
Mr Doszpot/ Mr Speaker
2:25:11 pm for 1 minute, 12 seconds | Link

Q6-1115 Crime - Penalty for manslaughter
Mr Corbell/ Mr Speaker
2:26:23 pm for 2 minutes, 2 seconds | Link

Q7-1115 Trade mission to United States
Mr Barr/ Mr Speaker
2:28:38 pm for 7 minutes, 43 seconds | Link

Q8-1115 Alexander Maconochie Centre - capacity
Mr Hanson/ Mr Speaker
2:36:21 pm for 45 seconds | Link

Q8-1115 Alexander Maconochie Centre - capacity
Mr Corbell/ Mr Speaker
2:37:06 pm for 4 minutes, 20 seconds | Link

Q10-1115 Emergency Services Agency - headquarters
Mr Smyth/ Mr Speaker
2:45:29 pm for 42 seconds | Link

Q10-1115 Emergency Services Agency - headquarters
Mr Corbell/ Mr Speaker
2:46:11 pm for 3 minutes, 16 seconds | Link

Q11-1115 National Multicultural Festival
Ms Burch/ Mr Speaker
2:49:45 pm for 4 minutes, 35 seconds | Link

Rostered Minister's questions Minister for Tourism, Sport and Recreation
Mr Speaker
2:54:20 pm for 4 seconds | Link

QR2-1115 Sportsgrounds - cooch grass
Mr Barr/ Mr Speaker
2:56:11 pm for 1 minute, 36 seconds | Link

QR3-1115 Festival funding program
Mr Barr/ Mr Speaker
2:57:55 pm for 3 minutes, 6 seconds | Link

QR4-1115 Lake - recreational activities
Mr Barr/ Mr Speaker
3:01:13 pm for 1 minute, 34 seconds | Link

Presentation of papers - (Chief Minister), (Minister for Health)
Ms Gallagher/ Mr Assistant Speaker Mr Hargreaves
3:08:13 pm for 58 seconds | Link

Presentation of papers - (Chief Minister), (Minister for Health)
Mr Barr/ Mr Assistant Speaker Mr Hargreaves
3:09:11 pm for 3 minutes, 34 seconds | Link

Presentation of papers - (Chief Minister), (Minister for Health)
(Minister for Economic Development)
Mr Barr/ Mr Assistant Speaker Mr Hargreaves
3:12:45 pm for 1 minute, 28 seconds | Link

Presentation of papers - (Chief Minister), (Minister for Health)
Mr Barr/ Mr Assistant Speaker Mr Hargreaves
3:14:13 pm for 4 minutes, 51 seconds | Link

Presentation of papers - (Chief Minister), (Minister for Health)
Debate adjourned
Mr Smyth/ Mr Assistant Speaker Mr Hargreaves
3:19:04 pm for 2 minutes, 25 seconds | Link

Presentation of papers - (Chief Minister), (Minister for Health)
Debate adjourned
Mr Smyth/ Mr Assistant Speaker Mr Hargreaves
3:21:29 pm for 2 minutes, 58 seconds | Link

Presentation of papers - (Chief Minister), (Minister for Health)
Mr Corbell/ Mr Assistant Speaker Mr Hargreaves
3:24:27 pm for 11 minutes, 49 seconds | Link

Presentation of papers - (Chief Minister), (Minister for Health)
(Minister for the Environment and Sustainable Development)
Mr Corbell/ Mr Assistant Speaker Mr Hargreaves
3:36:16 pm for 17 minutes, 51 seconds | Link

Presentation of papers - (Chief Minister), (Minister for Health)
(Minister for Territory and Municipal Services)
Mr Corbell/ Mr Assistant Speaker Mr Hargreaves
3:54:07 pm for 1 minute, 22 seconds | Link

Discussion of Matter of Public Importance - The importance of targeted assistance in the ACT.
Mr Assistant Speaker Mr Hargreaves
3:55:29 pm for 29 seconds | Link

Discussion of Matter of Public Importance - The importance of targeted assistance in the ACT.
Dr Bourke
3:55:58 pm for 11 minutes, 43 seconds | Link

Discussion of Matter of Public Importance - The importance of targeted assistance in the ACT.
Mr Seselja
4:07:41 pm for 15 minutes, 10 seconds | Link

Discussion of Matter of Public Importance - The importance of targeted assistance in the ACT.
Ms Hunter
4:22:51 pm for 10 minutes, 4 seconds | Link

Discussion of Matter of Public Importance - The importance of targeted assistance in the ACT.
Mr Smyth
4:32:55 pm for 10 minutes, 11 seconds | Link

Discussion of Matter of Public Importance - The importance of targeted assistance in the ACT.
Ms Gallagher
4:43:06 pm for 10 minutes, 25 seconds | Link

Executive Business - Statement by Minister, statement regarding the inquiry by the Public Advocate into residential care placements for children and young people.
Clerk/ Madam Assistant Speaker Ms Le Couteur
4:53:31 pm for 15 seconds | Link

Executive Business - Statement by Minister, statement regarding the inquiry by the Public Advocate into residential care placements for children and young people.
Mrs Dunne
4:53:46 pm for 14 minutes, 44 seconds | Link

Executive Business - Statement by Minister, statement regarding the inquiry by the Public Advocate into residential care placements for children and young people.
Ms Hunter
5:08:30 pm for 7 minutes, 3 seconds | Link

Executive Business - Statement by Minister, statement regarding the inquiry by the Public Advocate into residential care placements for children and young people.
Ms Gallagher/ Madam Deputy Speaker Ms Porter
5:15:33 pm for 2 minutes, 55 seconds | Link

Executive Business - Statement by Minister, statement regarding the inquiry by the Public Advocate into residential care placements for children and young people.
Mr Hargreaves/ Madam Deputy Speaker Ms Porter
5:18:28 pm for 1 minute, 47 seconds | Link

Executive Business - Statement by Minister, statement regarding the inquiry by the Public Advocate into residential care placements for children and young people.
Point of order
Mrs Dunne/ Madam Deputy Speaker Ms Porter
5:20:15 pm for 8 seconds | Link

Executive Business - Statement by Minister, statement regarding the inquiry by the Public Advocate into residential care placements for children and young people.
Point of order
Mr Hargreaves
5:20:23 pm for 9 seconds | Link

Executive Business - Statement by Minister, statement regarding the inquiry by the Public Advocate into residential care placements for children and young people.
Point of order
Mrs Dunne
5:20:32 pm for 2 minutes, 58 seconds | Link

Executive Business - Statement by Minister, statement regarding the inquiry by the Public Advocate into residential care placements for children and young people.
Paper be noted?
Mrs Dunne/ Madam Deputy Speaker Ms Porter
5:23:30 pm for 1 minute, 39 seconds | Link

Leader of Opposition, Mr Jeremy Hanson
Ms Gallagher/ Madam Deputy Speaker Ms Porter
5:25:09 pm for 4 minutes, 42 seconds | Link

Uranium - proposed sale to India
Ms Le Couteur/ Mr Speaker
5:29:51 pm for 4 minutes, 27 seconds | Link

Special Olympics, St Peter's Memorial Lutheran Church
Mr Doszpot/ Mr Speaker
5:37:14 pm for 4 minutes, 27 seconds | Link

Australian Services Union - equal pay
Ms Hunter/ Mr Speaker
5:41:41 pm for 3 minutes, 43 seconds | Link

Tuggeranong Evening VIEW Club, Deepavali 2011, Canberra Tamil association
Ms Bresnan/ Mr Speaker
5:49:41 pm for 3 minutes, 43 seconds | Link

Order of Australian association, ACT Student Awards for citizenship and community service
Mr Coe/ Mr Speaker
5:53:24 pm for 2 minutes, 6 seconds | Link