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Mr Michael Manthorpe PSM - ACT Ombudsman (Opening statement)
Mr Manthorpe/ The Chair
9:45:49 am for 4 minutes, 55 seconds | Link

Ms Bronwen Overton - Clarke, Public Sector Standards Commissioner
Ms Overton Clarke/ The Chair
9:50:44 am for 8 minutes, 4 seconds | Link

Mrs Giulia Jones MLA (Deputy Chair)
Mrs Jones/ Dr Cooper
9:58:48 am for 24 hours, 8 minutes, 3 seconds | Link

Mr Ajay Sharma, Principal, Professional Services, ACT Audit Office
Mr Sharma/ Mrs Jones
10:06:51 am for 5 minutes, 43 seconds | Link

Mr Michael Manthorpe PSM - ACT Ombudsman
Mr Manthorpe/ Ms Overton Clarke
10:13:57 am for 35 seconds | Link

Mr Stephen Skehill, ACT Legislative Assembly Ethics and Integrity Adviser
Mr Skehill/ Mr Duncan
10:33:32 am for 49 seconds | Link

Mr Tom Duncan - Clerk, ACT Legislative Assembly Clerk
The Chair/ Mr Duncan
10:34:21 am for 6 minutes, 50 seconds | Link

Mrs Giulia Jones MLA (Deputy Chair)
Mrs Jones/ Mr Skehill
10:41:11 am for 8 minutes, 28 seconds | Link

Mr David Skinner, Director, Office of the Clerk
Mr Skinner/ Mrs Jones
10:49:39 am for 1 minute, 47 seconds | Link

Mr Tom Duncan - Clerk, ACT Legislative Assembly Clerk
Mr Duncan/ Mrs Jones
11:06:00 am for 2 minutes, 37 seconds | Link

Mr Stephen Skehill, ACT Legislative Assembly Ethics and Integrity Adviser
Mr Skehill/ Ms Cody
11:08:37 am for 50 seconds | Link

Mr Chris Steel MLA, (Mrs Jones in background)
Mr Steel/ Mr Skehill
11:09:27 am for 3 minutes, 30 seconds | Link

Mrs Giulia Jones MLA (Deputy Chair)
Mrs Jones/ Mr Skehill
11:15:23 am for 11 minutes, 37 seconds | Link

Mr David Skinner, Director, Office of the Clerk
Mr Skinner/ Mrs Jones
11:27:00 am for 5 minutes, 12 seconds | Link

Mr Jon White SC, ACT Director of Public Prosecutions
Mr White/ Mrs Jones
11:32:47 am for 7 minutes, 16 seconds | Link

Mrs Giulia Jones MLA (Deputy Chair)
Mrs Jones/ Mr White
11:40:03 am for 4 minutes, 24 seconds | Link