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Ms Meegan Fitzharris MLA, Minister for Transport and City Services
Minister/ Mr Parton
2:32:09 pm for 35 seconds | Link

Mr Duncan Edghill, Deputy Director-General, Transport Canberra
Mr Edghill
2:32:44 pm for 54 seconds | Link

Mr Scott Lyall, Executive Director, Procurement and Delivery - Light Rail
Mr Lyall/ Mr Parton
2:33:38 pm for 6 minutes, 26 seconds | Link


Ms Meegan Fitzharris MLA, Minister for Higher Education, Training and Research
3:29:48 pm for 2 minutes, 42 seconds | Link

Mr Ian Cox, Executive Director, Innovate Canberra
Mr Cox/ The Chair
3:32:30 pm for 2 minutes, 6 seconds | Link

Mr David Miller, Director, Skills Canberra
Mrs Kikkert/ Mr Miller
3:34:36 pm for 2 minutes, 39 seconds | Link

Ms Kareena Arthy, Deputy Director-General, Enterprise Canberra
Ms Arthy/ Mr Steel
3:44:56 pm for 15 minutes, 9 seconds | Link

Ms Meegan Fitzharris MLA, Minister for Higher Education, Training and Research
Minister/ The Chair
4:00:05 pm for 6 minutes, 41 seconds | Link

Mr Glenn Carter, Chief Executive Officer, Training and Authority
Mr Carter/ Minister
4:07:30 pm for 37 seconds | Link

Mr David Miller, Director, Skills Canberra
Mr Miller/ Mr Wall
4:08:07 pm for 2 minutes, 40 seconds | Link

Mr James Service, Chairman, Training Fund Authority
Mr Service/ Mr Wall
4:10:47 pm for 1 minute, 53 seconds | Link

Ms Leanne Cover, CEO, Canberra Institute of Technology
Ms Cover/ The Chair
4:16:22 pm for 14 minutes, 35 seconds | Link

Mr Craig Sloan, Chair - CIT Board, Canberra Institute of Technology
Mr Wall/ Mr Sloan
4:30:57 pm for 4 minutes, 49 seconds | Link

Ms Meegan Fitzharris MLA, Minister for Higher Education, Training and Research
Minister/ Ms Cover
4:35:46 pm for 1 minute, 23 seconds | Link