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Ms Mirjana Wilson, Domestic Violence Crisis Service, ACT Women's Services Network
Ms Wilson
10:16:20 am for 3 seconds | Link

Ms Marcia Williams, CEO, Women's Centre for Health Matters, ACT Women's Services Network
Ms Williams
10:16:23 am for 3 seconds | Link

Ms Susan Clarke Lindfield, Toora, ACT Women's Services Network
Ms Lindfield
10:16:26 am for 4 seconds | Link

Ms Francis Crimmins, YMCA, ACT Women's Services Network
Ms Crimmins/ The Chair
10:16:30 am for 14 minutes, 36 seconds | Link

Ms Marcia Williams, CEO, Women's Centre for Health Matters, ACT Women's Services Network
Ms Williams/ The Chair
10:47:35 am for 54 seconds | Link

Ms Mirjana Wilson, Domestic Violence Crisis Service, ACT Women's Services Network
Ms Williams/ Ms Wilson
10:53:53 am for 4 minutes, 15 seconds | Link

Ms Francis Crimmins, YMCA, ACT Women's Services Network
Ms Williams/ Ms Crimmins
10:58:08 am for 2 minutes, 42 seconds | Link

Ms Susan Clarke Lindfield, Toora, ACT Women's Services Network
Mr Steel/ Ms Lindfield
11:00:50 am for 1 minute, 45 seconds | Link

Dr Christina Jarron, Executive Manager, Research and policy, White Ribbon Australia
Dr Jarron/ The Chair
11:30:02 am for 6 minutes, 26 seconds | Link

Ms Susan Helyar, Director, ACT Council of Social Service Inc. (ACTCOSS)
Ms Helyar/ The Chair
12:01:08 pm for 7 minutes, 28 seconds | Link

Mr Chris Steel MLA , (Ms Lawder in background)
Mr Steel/ Ms Bell
12:45:33 pm for 3 minutes, 49 seconds | Link