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Standing Committee on Public Accounts - Inquiry into Annual and Financial Reports - Chief Minister and Cabinet Directorate portfolio - Ms Caroline Le Couteur MLA (Chair), Mr John Hargreaves MLA (Deputy Chair), Mr Brendan Smyth MLA
9:32:08 am for 4 minutes, | Link

Mr Andrew Cappie-Wood, Director-General, Chief Minister and Cabinet Directorate (CMCD)
Mr Cappie Wood/ The Chair
9:36:08 am for 7 minutes, 10 seconds | Link

Mr Brendan Smyth MLA, (THE CHAIR (3) in background)
Mr Smyth/ Ms Gallagher
9:43:18 am for 4 minutes, 5 seconds | Link

Mr Andrew Kefford, Acting Commissioner for Public Adminstration and Acting Deputy Director-General, Workforce Capability and Governance, CMCD
Mr Hargreaves/ Mr Kefford
9:47:23 am for 28 minutes, 45 seconds | Link

Ms Liesl Centenera, Director, Public Sector Management, Workforce Capability and Governance, CMCD
Ms Centenera/ Mr Smyth
10:16:08 am for 18 minutes, 17 seconds | Link

Mr Jeremy Lasek, Executive Director, Culture and Communications Division, CMCD
Mr Lasek/ Ms Hunter
10:34:25 am for 1 minute, 18 seconds | Link

Mr Andrew Cappie-Wood, Director-General, Chief Minister and Cabinet Directorate CMCD
Mr Cappie Wood/ Mr Seselja
10:35:43 am for 9 minutes, 46 seconds | Link

Ms Pam Davoren, Deputy Director-General, Policy and Cabinet Division, CMCD
Ms Davoren/ Ms Hunter
10:45:29 am for 6 minutes, 59 seconds | Link

Mr Mick Chisnall, Interim Director, Government Information Office, Policy and Cabinet Division, CMCD
Mr Chisnall/ The Chair
10:52:28 am for 11 minutes, 2 seconds | Link

Ms Anita Phillips, ACT Public Advocate, opening statement
Ms Phillips
11:34:40 am for 16 minutes, 19 seconds | Link

Mr Andrew Crockett, Chief Executive Officer, opening statement
Mr Crockett/ The Chair
12:18:00 pm for 3 minutes, 38 seconds | Link

Standing Committee on Health, Community and Social Services - Inquiry into Annual and Financial Reports 2010-2011 - Mr Steve Doszpot (Chair), Ms Amanda Bresnan MLA (Deputy Chair)
2:03:47 pm for 44 seconds | Link

Ms Katy Gallagher MLA Minister for Health, opening statement
Ms Gallagher
2:04:31 pm for 2 minutes, 43 seconds | Link

Dr Peggy Brown, Director-General, Health Directorate
Dr Brown/ The Chair
2:07:14 pm for 25 seconds | Link

Mr Ross O'Donoughue, Executive Director, Policy and Government Relations
Mr O'donoughue/ The Chair
2:07:39 pm for 4 minutes, 48 seconds | Link

Ms Barbara Reid, Acting Deputy Director-General, Strategy and Corporate
Ms Reid/ Mr Hanson
2:22:50 pm for 1 minute, | Link

Mr Lee Martin, Deputy Director-General TCH and Health Services
Mr Martin/ Mr Hanson
2:23:50 pm for 5 minutes, 4 seconds | Link

Ron Foster, Chief Finance Officer, Financial Management
Mr Foster/ Ms Bresnan
2:28:54 pm for 8 minutes, 44 seconds | Link

Mr Phil Ghiradello, Acting Executive Director, Performance and Innovation
Mr Ghiradello/ Mr Hanson
2:37:38 pm for 22 minutes, 5 seconds | Link

Ms Liz Sharpe, Director of Nursing, Women, Youth and Children
Ms Sharpe/ Ms Bresnan
2:59:43 pm for 15 minutes, 52 seconds | Link

Ms Denise Lamb, Executive Director, Capital Region Cancer Services
Ms Lamb/ The Chair
3:15:35 pm for 5 minutes, 2 seconds | Link

Ms Kate Jackson, Executive Director, Critical Care and Imaging
Ms Jackson/ Mr Hanson
3:20:37 pm for 7 minutes, 17 seconds | Link

Standing Committee on Health, Community and Social Services - Inquiry into Annual and Financial Reports 2010-2011 Mr Steve Doszpot (Chair), Ms Amanda Bresnan MLA (Deputy Chair)
3:47:05 pm for 31 seconds | Link

Ms Katrina Bracher, Executive Director, Mental Health, Justice Health and Alcohol and Drug Services
Ms Bracher/ Mr Hanson
3:47:36 pm for 7 minutes, 51 seconds | Link

Ms Katy Gallagher MLA Minister for Health
Ms Gallagher/ Ms Bresnan
3:55:27 pm for 5 minutes, 14 seconds | Link

Ms Linda Kohlhagen, Executive Director, Rehabilitation, Aged and Community Care
Ms Kohlhagen/ The Chair
4:00:41 pm for 3 minutes, | Link

Ms Katrina Bracher, Executive Director, Mental Health, Justice Health and Alocohol and Drug Services
Ms Bracher/ Ms Bresnan
4:07:40 pm for 1 minute, 55 seconds | Link

Ms Judi Childs, Executive Director, Human Resource Management
Ms Childs/ Mr Hanson
4:09:35 pm for 21 minutes, 40 seconds | Link

Dr Paul Kelly, Chief Health Officer, Population Health
Dr Kelly/ The Chair
4:31:15 pm for 10 minutes, 20 seconds | Link

Mr Grant Carey-Ide, Executive Director, Service and Capital Planning
Mr Carey Ide/ Mr Hanson
4:41:35 pm for 18 minutes, 43 seconds | Link

Mr John Woollard, Director, Health Protection Services
Mr Woollard/ Ms Bresnan
5:00:18 pm for 2 minutes, 20 seconds | Link

Ms Daina Neverauskas, Acting Director, Women, Youth and Children
Ms Neverauskas/ Ms Bresnan
5:02:38 pm for 1 minute, 34 seconds | Link