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Select Committee on Estimates 2018-2019 - Inquiry into the ACT Appropriation Bill 2018-2019 and the Appropriation (Office of the Legislative Assembly) Bill 2018 - 2019
9:31:01 am for 1 second | Link

Mr John Knox, Managing Director, Icon Water Limited
Mr Knox/ Chair
9:33:27 am for 5 minutes, 6 seconds | Link

Mr Sam Kachse, Chief Financial Officer
Mr Sachse/ Ms Cheyne
9:50:53 am for 3 minutes, 24 seconds | Link

Ms Jane Breaden, General Manager Business Services
Ms Breaden/ Ms Orr
10:06:56 am for 1 minute, | Link

Mr John Knox, Managing Director, Icon Water Limited
Mr Knox/ Ms Breaden
10:09:49 am for 11 minutes, 36 seconds | Link

Mr John Fletcher, General Manager, ACT Insurance Authority
Mr Fletcher/ Chair
10:45:34 am for 8 minutes, 25 seconds | Link

Mr Shaun Strachan, Deputy Under Treasurer, Commercial Services and Infrastructure
Mr Strachan/ Mr Coe
10:59:17 am for 8 minutes, 45 seconds | Link

Mr Gary Davis, Executive Director, Shared Services ICT
Mr Davis/ Ms Cheyne
11:10:33 am for 4 minutes, 20 seconds | Link

Mr Graham Tanton, Executive Director, Shared Services
Mr Tanton/ Ms Le Couteur
11:15:26 am for 9 minutes, 26 seconds | Link

Mr Gary Davis, Executive Director, Shared Services ICT
Ms C Burch/ Mr Davis
11:40:44 am for 3 minutes, 45 seconds | Link

Mr Peter Murray, Executive Director, Infrastructure Finance and Capital Works
Mr Murray/ Chair
11:44:29 am for 1 minute, 24 seconds | Link

Mr David Asteraki, Director, Infrastructure Finance and Reform, Capital Works
Mr Asteraki/ Chair
11:45:53 am for 5 minutes, 20 seconds | Link

Mr Andrew Parkinson, Director, Commercial Infrastructure, Capital Works
Mr Murray/ Mr Parkinson
12:04:57 pm for 10 minutes, 11 seconds | Link

Mr Glenn Bain, Executive Director, Operations
Mr Bain/ Chair
12:15:08 pm for 2 minutes, 33 seconds | Link

Ms Sophie Gray, Director, Health Infrastructure Program, Capital Works
Ms Gray/ Chair
12:17:41 pm for 3 minutes, 18 seconds | Link


Select Committee on Estimates 2018-2019 - Inquiry into the ACT Appropriation Bill 2018-2019 and the Appropriation (Office of the Legislative Assembly) Bill 2018 - 2019
2:00:47 pm for 29 seconds | Link

Mr Kim Salisbury, Executive Director (ACT Commissioner), Revenue Management
Mr Salisbury/ Mr Coe
2:01:48 pm for 3 minutes, 54 seconds | Link

Mr David Nicol, Under Treasurer, Chief Minister, Treasury and Economic Development Directorate
Mr Nicol/ Mr Salisbury
2:06:13 pm for 21 seconds | Link

Mr Stephen Miners, Deputy Under Treasurer, Economic Budget and Industrial Relations
Mr Miners/ Chair
2:45:41 pm for 1 minute, 32 seconds | Link

Ms Sue Vroombout , Executive Director, Economic and Financial Group
Ms Vroombout/ Ms Lee
2:48:02 pm for 2 minutes, 30 seconds | Link

Ms Lisa Holmes, Director, Financial Framework Management and Insurance
Ms Holmes/ Ms Lee
2:50:32 pm for 3 minutes, 58 seconds | Link

Ms Kathy Goth, Director, Economic and Financial Analysis
Ms Goth/ Ms Orr
3:01:06 pm for 4 minutes, 41 seconds | Link

Mr David Nicol, Under Treasurer, Chief Minister, Treasury and Economic Development Directorate
Mr Nicol/ Minister
3:54:10 pm for 4 minutes, 36 seconds | Link

Ms Kathy Goth, Director, Economic and Financial Analysis
Mr Nicol/ Ms Goth
3:58:46 pm for 40 seconds | Link

Mr Stephen Miners, Deputy Under Treasurer, Economic Budget and Industrial Relations
Mr Nicol/ Mr Miners
4:14:38 pm for 2 minutes, 10 seconds | Link

Mr Joe Dimasi, Senior Commissioner, ICRC
Mr Dimasi/ Mr Coe
4:16:48 pm for 5 minutes, 56 seconds | Link

Mr Patrick McAuliffe, Director, Asset Liability Management, Economic and Financial Group
Ms Le Couteur/ Mr Mcauliffe
4:33:13 pm for 2 minutes, 21 seconds | Link

Mr David Nicol, Under Treasurer, Chief Minister, Treasury and Economic Development Directorate
Mr Nicol/ Ms Le Couteur
4:37:41 pm for 4 minutes, 2 seconds | Link