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Standing Committee on Climate Change, Environment and Water - Inquiry into Current and Potential Ecotourism in the ACT Region - Ms Meredith Hunter MLA (Chair), Ms Mary Porter MLA (Deputy Chair), Mr Zed Seselja MLA
2:08:43 pm for 0 seconds | Link

Opening statement, Dr Chris Watson, President, Ginninderra Falls Association and other Association representatives
Dr Watson/ The Chair
2:10:08 pm for 2 minutes, 30 seconds | Link

Opening statement, Mrs Anna Hyles, Member, Ginninderra Falls Association Committee
Mrs Hyles 2) / The Chair
2:12:38 pm for 4 minutes, 35 seconds | Link

Opening statement, Mr Graeme Barrow, Member, Ginninderra Falls Association Committee
Mr Barrow/ The Chair
2:17:13 pm for 3 minutes, 39 seconds | Link

Opening statement, Member, Ginninderra Falls Association Committee
Mr Cusack/ The Chair
2:20:52 pm for 13 minutes, 37 seconds | Link

Mr Graeme Barrow, Member, Ginninderra Falls Association Committee
Mr Cusack/ Mrs Hyles
2:45:43 pm for 6 minutes, 22 seconds | Link

Mr Graeme Barrow, Member, Ginninderra Falls Association Committee
Mr Barrow
2:52:05 pm for 6 minutes, 40 seconds | Link


Standing Committee on Climate Change, Environment and Water - Inquiry into Current and Potential Ecotourism in the ACT Region - Ms Meredith Hunter MLA (Chair), Ms Mary Porter MLA (Deputy Chair), Mr Zed Seselja MLA
3:18:06 pm for 1 second | Link

Opening statement, Mr Peter Byron, General Manager, Australian National Botanic Gardens
Mr Byron
3:18:53 pm for 4 minutes, 38 seconds | Link

Dr Lucy Sutherland, Assistant Director, Australian National Botanic Gardens
Dr Sutherland/ The Chair
3:23:31 pm for 2 minutes, 12 seconds | Link

Mr Peter Byron, General Manager, Australian National Botanic Gardens
Mr Byron/ The Chair
3:33:10 pm for 3 minutes, 1 second | Link


Standing Committee on Climate Change, Environment and Water - Inquiry into Current and Potential Ecotourism in the ACT Region - Ms Meredith Hunter MLA (Chair), Ms Mary Porter MLA (Deputy Chair), Mr Zed Seselja MLA
4:13:34 pm for 1 second | Link

Mr Simon Corbell MLA, Minister for the Environment and Sustainable Development
Mr Corbell
4:14:03 pm for 7 minutes, 16 seconds | Link

Mr Simon Corbell MLA, Minister for the Environment and Sustainable Development
Mr Corbell/ Mr Seselja
4:44:52 pm for 5 minutes, 45 seconds | Link