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Select Committee on Drugs of Dependence (Personal Use) - Inquiry into Drugs of Dependence (Personal Use) Amendment Bill (2021)
9:28:50 am for 1 minute, 46 seconds | Link

Mr Bill Bush, President, Families and Friends for Drug Law Reform
Mr Bush/ Chair
9:30:36 am for 2 minutes, 8 seconds | Link

Ms Jan Lee, Secretary, Families and Friends for Drug Law Reform
Ms Lee/ Chair
9:32:44 am for 9 minutes, 25 seconds | Link

Dr Marisa Paterson MLA (Deputy Chair)
Dr Paterson/ Ms Lee
9:42:09 am for 5 minutes, 10 seconds | Link

Dr Gemma Killen, Senior Policy Officer, ACTCISS
Dr Killen/ Chair
10:01:57 am for 21 minutes, 51 seconds | Link

Associate Professor Anna Olsen, Social Foundation pf Medicine, ANU Drug Research Network
Chair/ Ass Prof Olsen
10:45:24 am for 17 seconds | Link

Ms Kathryn Weight, National General Manager of Alcohol and Other Drug Services, Salvation Army (by phone link)
Chair/ Ms Wright
11:22:04 am for 22 minutes, 40 seconds | Link

Mr Christopher Gough, Executive Director, CAHMA
Chair/ Mr Gould
11:44:44 am for 31 minutes, 12 seconds | Link


DOD - Select Committee on Drugs of Dependence (Personal Use) - Inquiry into Drugs of Dependence (Personal Use) Amendment Bill (2021)
12:32:35 pm for 1 second | Link

Ms Julie Tongs OAM, CEO, Winnunga NAHCS
Ms Tongs/ Chair
12:34:17 pm for 5 minutes, 56 seconds | Link

Dr Marisa Paterson MLA (Deputy Chair)
Dr Paterson/ Ms Tongs
12:40:13 pm for 7 minutes, 15 seconds | Link

Professor Nicole Lee, CEO, 360 Edge (by phone link)
Chair/ Prof Lee
1:01:21 pm for 27 minutes, 41 seconds | Link

Ms Adele Stevens, Member, Health Care Consumers’ Association
Chair/ Ms Stevens
1:29:02 pm for 27 seconds | Link

Mr Simon Hansford, Moderator, Uniting Church (by phone link)
Chair/ Mr Hansford
2:46:24 pm for 49 seconds | Link

Ms Emma Maiden, Head of Advocacy and Media (by phone link)
Ms Maiden/ Chair
2:47:13 pm for 28 minutes, 44 seconds | Link

Mr Gino Vumbaca, President, Harm Reduction Australia (by phone link)
Chair/ Mr Vumbaca
3:15:57 pm for 31 minutes, 15 seconds | Link

Ms Erin Lalor, CEO, Alcohol and Drug Foundation (by phone link)
Chair/ Ms Lalor
3:47:12 pm for 31 seconds | Link

Ms Laura Bajurny, Knowledge Manager - Policy and Advocacy (by phone link)
Ms Bajurny/ Chair
3:47:43 pm for 21 minutes, 17 seconds | Link