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Standing Committee on Environment, Climate Change and Biodiversity - Inquiry into ACT Budget 2021-2022
9:34:43 am for 2 seconds | Link

Ms Rebecca Vassarotti MLA, Minister for the Environment
Minister / Chair
9:35:31 am for 7 minutes, 13 seconds | Link

Mr Ian Walker, Executive General Manager, Environment, Heritage and Water
Mr Walker / Chair
9:42:44 am for 1 minute, 26 seconds | Link

Ms Geoffrey Rutledge, Deputy Director-General, Environment, Heritage and Water
Mr Rutledge / Mr Braddock
9:45:03 am for 28 seconds | Link

Ms Edwina Jans, Senior Director, ACT Heritage
Ms Jans / Chair
11:39:31 am for 1 minute, 1 second | Link


Standing Committee on Economy and Gender and Economic Equality - Inquiry into ACT Budget 2021-2022
12:30:58 pm for 1 second | Link

Mr Chris Steel MLA, Special Minister for State
Minister / Chair
12:33:58 pm for 1 minute, 39 seconds | Link

Mr Glenn Bain, Executive Group Manager, Procurement ACT
Mr Bain / Minister
12:37:25 pm for 3 minutes, 24 seconds | Link

Mr Graham Tanton, Executive Group Manager, Shared Services and Property
Mr Tanton / Ms Orr
1:01:48 pm for 2 minutes, 59 seconds | Link

Ms Dani Wickman, Executive Branch Manager
Ms Wickman / Mr Davis
1:16:31 pm for 1 minute, 1 second | Link

Ms Scott Saddler, Executive Branch Manager
Mr Saddler / Dr Paterson
1:27:58 pm for 2 minutes, 40 seconds | Link

Ms Bettina Konti, Deputy Director-General and Chief Digital Officer
Minister / Ms Konti
1:35:39 pm for 2 minutes, 20 seconds | Link

Mr Dave Purser, Executive Branch Manager
Mr Purser / Mr Bain
1:55:23 pm for 3 minutes, 1 second | Link

2:10:03 pm for 7 minutes, 16 seconds | Link

Mr Kim Salisbury, A/MAI Commissioner, A/LTCS Commissioner
Mr Salisbury / Minister
2:27:46 pm for 3 minutes, 35 seconds | Link

Ms Nicola Clark, A/Executive Branch Manager
Mr Cain / Ms Clark
2:39:37 pm for 2 minutes, 11 seconds | Link

Ms Penny Shields, General Manager, ACT Insurance Authority
Ms Shields / Mr Cain
3:12:43 pm for 2 minutes, 25 seconds | Link

Mr Matthew Elkins, Executive Branch Manager, Venues Canberra / Economic Development
Mr Elkins / Chair
3:23:20 pm for 3 minutes, 2 seconds | Link


Standing Committee on Planning, Transport and City Services - Inquiry into ACT Budget 2021-2022
3:45:38 pm for 1 second | Link

Ms Rebecca Vassarotti MLA, Minister for Sustainable Building and Construction
Minister / Chair
3:47:38 pm for 4 minutes, 2 seconds | Link

Ms Bethel Sendaba, Executive Branch Manager
Dr Brady / Ms Sendaba
3:55:28 pm for 1 minute, 13 seconds | Link

Mr Duncan Edghill, Chief Projects Officer
Mr Edghill / Ms Lee
4:28:01 pm for 2 minutes, 6 seconds | Link

Ms Geoffrey Rutledge, Deputy Director-General
Mr Rutledge / Mr Parton
4:45:56 pm for 2 minutes, 29 seconds | Link

Mr Adrian Piani, Chief Engineer / Executive Group Manager
Mr Edghill / Mr Piani
4:53:18 pm for 2 minutes, 47 seconds | Link