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Standing Committee on Education, Employment and Youth Affairs - Inquiry into Standardised Testing in ACT Schools
9:37:27 am for 1 minute, 5 seconds | Link

Ms Yvette Berry MLA, Minister for Education and Early Childhood Development
Minister/ Chair
9:39:00 am for 5 minutes, 28 seconds | Link

Ms Natalie Howson, Director-General, ACT Education Directorate
Ms Howson
9:44:28 am for 42 seconds | Link

Ms Kate McMahon, Director, Learning and Teaching
Ms Howson/ Ms Mcmahon
9:46:00 am for 1 minute, 43 seconds | Link

Ms Deb Efthymiades, Deputy Director-General, System Policy and Reform
Chair/ Ms Efthymiades
9:47:43 am for 3 minutes, 14 seconds | Link

Ms Jo Padgham, School Improvement Leader, Schools Improvement
Minister/ Ms Padgham
9:50:57 am for 24 hours, 9 minutes, 48 seconds | Link

Mr Mark Huxley, Executive Director, School Performance and Improvement Division
Mr Huxley/ Mrs Kikkert
10:00:45 am for 14 minutes, 25 seconds | Link

Ms Deb Efthymiades, Deputy Director-General, System Policy and Reform
Ms Efthymiades/ Mr Wall
10:18:30 am for 12 minutes, 6 seconds | Link

Mr Anthony Vandermolen, Principal, Canberra Montessori
Mr Vandermolen/ Chair
10:48:04 am for 2 minutes, 25 seconds | Link

Mrs Elizabeth Kikkert MLA (Deputy Chair)
Mrs Kikkert/ Mr Vandermolen
10:50:29 am for 4 minutes, 29 seconds | Link

Mr Brett Stanton, Director, Performance Audit, ACT Audit Office
Mr Stanton/ Chair
11:17:27 am for 4 minutes, 16 seconds | Link

Mrs Elizabeth Kikkert MLA (Deputy Chair)
Mrs Kikkert/ Mr Stanton
11:21:43 am for 1 minute, 4 seconds | Link


Select Committee on an Integrity Commission 2018 - Inquiry into an Independent Integrity Commission
1:01:53 pm for 0 seconds | Link

Mr Tom Duncan, Clerk, Clerk of the ACT Legislative Assembly
Chair/ Mr Duncan
1:02:27 pm for 3 minutes, 35 seconds | Link

Mr David Skinner, Director, Office of the Clerk
Mr Skinner/ Chair
1:06:02 pm for 3 minutes, 8 seconds | Link


Standing Committee on Education, Employment and Youth Affairs - Inquiry into Standardised Testing in ACT Schools
2:04:35 pm for 0 seconds | Link

Mr Glenn Fowler, Branch Secretary, Australian Education Union (ACT)
Mr Fowler/ Chair
2:05:06 pm for 5 minutes, 39 seconds | Link

Mr Shane Gorman, AEU Branch Executive Member, Australian Education Union (ACT)
Mr Gorman
2:10:45 pm for 14 minutes, 39 seconds | Link

Mr Shane Gorman, AEU Branch Executive Member, Australian Education Union (ACT)
Mr Gorman/ Mr Fowler
2:42:55 pm for 1 minute, 32 seconds | Link

Mrs Elizabeth Kikkert MLA (Deputy Chair)
Chair/ Mrs Kikkert
2:44:27 pm for 1 minute, 6 seconds | Link

Mr Glenn Fowler, Branch Secretary, Australian Education Union (ACT)
Mr Fowler/ Mr Gorman
2:45:33 pm for 9 minutes, 19 seconds | Link