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Standing Committee on Public Accounts - Inquiry into elements impacting on the future of the ACT Clubs sector
2:00:59 pm for 3 seconds | Link

Senator Nick Xenophon, Independent Senator for SA ( BY CONFERENCE PHONE), (Mr Rattenbury in background)
Senator Xenophon/ The Chair
2:01:14 pm for 20 minutes, 1 second | Link

Senator Nick Xenophon, Independent Senator for SA ( BY CONFERENCE PHONE)
Senator Xenophon/ Mr Rattenbury
2:32:37 pm for 5 minutes, 30 seconds | Link

Ms Mary Porter AM MLA (Deputy Chair)
Ms Porter/ Senator Xenophon
2:44:16 pm for 14 minutes, 37 seconds | Link

Standing Committee on Public Accounts - Inquiry into elements impacting on the future of the ACT Clubs sector
3:02:19 pm for 2 seconds | Link

Mr Mark Henley, Manager Advocacy and Communications, Community Engagement Unit, Uniting Communities, SA
Mr Henley
3:03:42 pm for 34 seconds | Link

Ms Meg Richens, Executive Officer from UnitingCare Kippax
Ms Richens/ The Chair
3:04:16 pm for 17 minutes, 3 seconds | Link

Ms Mary Porter AM MLA (Deputy Chair)
Ms Porter/ Mr Henley
3:21:19 pm for 5 minutes, 26 seconds | Link

Mr Mark Henley, Manager Advocacy and Communications, Community Engagement Unit, Uniting Communities, SA
Mr Henley/ The Chair
3:31:06 pm for 2 minutes, 7 seconds | Link

Ms Meg Richens, Executive Officer from UnitingCare Kippax
Ms Richens/ Mr Rattenbury
3:33:34 pm for 2 minutes, 26 seconds | Link

Ms Mary Porter AM MLA (Deputy Chair)
The Chair/ Ms Porter
3:52:12 pm for 2 minutes, 24 seconds | Link