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Select Committee on Election Commitments Costing Bill 2011
Mr Speaker/ Mr Smyth
10:02:14 am for 1 minute, 2 seconds | Link

Duties Amendment Bill 2012 (No. 1)
Debate adjourned
Mr Smyth/ Mr Speaker
10:07:36 am for 19 seconds | Link

Duties Amendment Bill 2012 (No. 2)
Bill be agreed to in principle
Mr Barr/ Mr Speaker
10:08:15 am for 2 minutes, 53 seconds | Link

Duties Amendment Bill 2012 (No. 2)
Debate adjourned
Mr Smyth/ Mr Speaker
10:11:08 am for 19 seconds | Link

Rates and Land Tax Legislation Amendment Bill 2012
Clerk/ Mr Speaker
10:11:27 am for 21 seconds | Link

Rates and Land Tax Legislation Amendment Bill 2012
Bill be agreed to in principle
Mr Barr/ Mr Speaker
10:11:48 am for 2 minutes, 52 seconds | Link

Rates and Land Tax Legislation Amendment Bill 2012
Debate adjourned
Mr Smyth/ Mr Speaker
10:14:40 am for 21 seconds | Link

Land Rent Amendment Bill 2012
Bill be agreed to in principle
Mr Barr/ Mr Speaker
10:15:21 am for 4 minutes, 15 seconds | Link

Land Rent Amendment Bill 2012
Debate adjourned
Mr Seselja/ Mr Speaker
10:19:36 am for 19 seconds | Link

Human Rights Amendment Bill 2012
Bill be agreed to in principle
Mr Corbell/ Mr Speaker
10:20:17 am for 14 minutes, 4 seconds | Link

Human Rights Amendment Bill 2012
Debate adjourned
Mr Seselja/ Mr Speaker
10:34:21 am for 17 seconds | Link

Statute Law Amendment Bill 2012
Bill be agreed to in principle
Mr Corbell/ Mr Speaker
10:35:01 am for 8 minutes, 14 seconds | Link

Statute Law Amendment Bill 2012
Debate adjourned
Mrs Dunne/ Mr Speaker
10:43:15 am for 20 seconds | Link

Classification (Publications, Films and Computer Games) (Enforcement) Amendment Bill 2012
Clerk/ Mr Speaker
10:43:35 am for 27 seconds | Link

Classification (Publications, Films and Computer Games) (Enforcement) Amendment Bill 2012
Bill be agreed to in principle
Mr Corbell/ Mr Speaker
10:44:02 am for 5 minutes, 41 seconds | Link

Classification (Publications, Films and Computer Games) (Enforcement) Amendment Bill 2012
Debate adjourned
Mrs Dunne/ Mr Speaker
10:49:43 am for 22 seconds | Link

Road Transport (General) Amendment Bill 2012
Bill be agreed to in principle
Mr Corbell/ Mr Speaker
10:50:28 am for 17 minutes, 22 seconds | Link

Road Transport (General) Amendment Bill 2012
Debate adjourned
Madam Deputy Speaker Ms Porter/ Mr Coe
11:07:50 am for 28 seconds | Link

Planning, Building and Environment Legislation Amendment Bill 2012
Clerk/ Madam Deputy Speaker Ms Porter
11:08:18 am for 27 seconds | Link

Planning, Building and Environment Legislation Amendment Bill 2012
Bill be agreed to in principle
Mr Corbell/ Madam Deputy Speaker Ms Porter
11:08:45 am for 6 minutes, 38 seconds | Link

Planning, Building and Environment Legislation Amendment Bill 2012
Debate adjourned
Mr Seselja/ Madam Deputy Speaker Ms Porter
11:15:23 am for 19 seconds | Link

Long Service Leave (Portable Schemes) (Security Industry) Amendment Bill 2012
Clerk/ Madam Deputy Speaker Ms Porter
11:15:42 am for 37 seconds | Link

Long Service Leave (Portable Schemes) (Security Industry) Amendment Bill 2012
Bill be agreed to in principle
Dr Bourke/ Madam Deputy Speaker Ms Porter
11:16:19 am for 13 minutes, 29 seconds | Link

Long Service Leave (Portable Schemes) (Security Industry) Amendment Bill 2012
Debate adjourned
Mrs Dunne/ Madam Deputy Speaker Ms Porter
11:29:48 am for 17 seconds | Link

Select Committee in ACT Supermarket Competition Policy
Clerk/ Ms Le Couteur
11:30:54 am for 13 seconds | Link

Select Committee in ACT Supermarket Competition Policy
Resolved in affirmative
Madam Deputy Speaker Ms Porter/ Ms Le Couteur
11:31:07 am for 46 seconds | Link

Proposed establishment of a Select Committee on Estimates 2012-13
Clerk/ Madam Deputy Speaker Ms Porter
11:31:53 am for 4 seconds | Link

Proposed establishment of a Select Committee on Estimates 2012-13
Motion be agreed to
Mr Smyth/ Madam Deputy Speaker Ms Porter
11:31:57 am for 1 minute, 8 seconds | Link

Proposed establishment of a Select Committee on Estimates 2012-13
Debate, amendment
Ms Bresnan/ Madam Deputy Speaker Ms Porter
11:33:05 am for 1 minute, 13 seconds | Link

Proposed establishment of a Select Committee on Estimates 2012-13
Mr Hargreaves/ Madam Deputy Speaker Ms Porter
11:34:18 am for 2 minutes, 50 seconds | Link

Proposed establishment of a Select Committee on Estimates 2012-13
Debate, Mr Hargreaves interjecting
Mrs Dunne/ Madam Deputy Speaker Ms Porter
11:37:08 am for 2 minutes, 18 seconds | Link

Proposed establishment of a Select Committee on Estimates 2012-13
Point of order
Mr Hargreaves/ Madam Deputy Speaker Ms Porter
11:39:26 am for 11 seconds | Link

Proposed establishment of a Select Committee on Estimates 2012-13
Resolved in affirmative
Mrs Dunne/ Madam Deputy Speaker Ms Porter
11:39:37 am for 1 minute, 17 seconds | Link

Proposed standing orders for e-petitions
Clerk/ Madam Deputy Speaker Ms Porter
11:40:54 am for 4 seconds | Link

Proposed standing orders for e-petitions
Motion be agreed to
Ms Bresnan/ Madam Deputy Speaker Ms Porter
11:40:58 am for 59 seconds | Link

Proposed standing orders for e-petitions
Resolved in affirmative
Mr Corbell/ Mr Speaker
11:41:57 am for 1 minute, 59 seconds | Link

Report 4 entitled Officers of the Parliament
Mr Speaker/ Ms Bresnan
11:43:56 am for 1 minute, 35 seconds | Link

Report 4 entitled Officers of the Parliament
Report be noted
Madam Deputy Speaker Ms Porter/ Mr Rattenbury
11:45:31 am for 4 minutes, 29 seconds | Link

Report 4 entitled Officers of the Parliament
Mr Rattenbury/ Madam Deputy Speaker Ms Porter
11:50:00 am for 5 minutes, 18 seconds | Link

Report 4 entitled Officers of the Parliament
Mr Hargreaves/ Madam Deputy Speaker Ms Porter
11:55:18 am for 5 minutes, 29 seconds | Link

Report 4 entitled Officers of the Parliament
Debate adjourned
Mr Corbell/ Madam Deputy Speaker Ms Porter
12:00:47 pm for 24 seconds | Link

Motion to enable the report of the Independent Auditor into staffing matters in the Leader of the Opposition's office
Mr Hargreaves/ Madam Deputy Speaker Ms Porter
12:01:11 pm for 3 minutes, 3 seconds | Link

Motion to enable the report of the Independent Auditor into staffing matters in the Leader of the Opposition's office
Resolved in affirmative
Mr Speaker
12:04:14 pm for 13 seconds | Link

Motion to amend the resolution of the Assembly resolution on maintenance of Lake Burley Griffin.
Mr Speaker/ Mr Corbell
12:04:27 pm for 2 minutes, 37 seconds | Link

Motion to amend the resolution of the Assembly resolution on maintenance of Lake Burley Griffin.
Resolved in affirmative
Mr Speaker
12:07:04 pm for 13 seconds | Link

Statement regarding gender pay equity
Ms Burch/ Mr Speaker
12:07:17 pm for 13 minutes, 6 seconds | Link

Statement regarding gender pay equity
Ms Hunter/ Mr Speaker
12:20:23 pm for 2 minutes, 29 seconds | Link

Statement regarding the resolution of the Assembly of 7 December 2011 relating to English as a second language in schools
Dr Bourke/ Mr Speaker
12:22:52 pm for 47 seconds | Link

Secondary water use in the ACT
Resolved in affirmative
Mr Corbell/ Mr Speaker
12:23:54 pm for 1 minute, 10 seconds | Link

Q1-0329 Schools - Taylor primary school
Dr Bourke/ Mr Speaker
2:01:20 pm for 4 minutes, 29 seconds | Link

Q3-0329 Education - excellence and enterprise framework
Ms Hunter/ Mr Speaker
2:08:04 pm for 35 seconds | Link

Q3-0329 Education - excellence and enterprise framework
Dr Bourke/ Mr Speaker
2:08:39 pm for 1 minute, 27 seconds | Link

Q5-0329 State of the environment report
Mr Corbell/ Mr Speaker
2:22:13 pm for 1 minute, 31 seconds | Link

Q6-0329 Planning - Kambah shopping centre
Ms Gallagher/ Mr Speaker
2:24:15 pm for 4 minutes, 46 seconds | Link

Q7-0329 ACT Policing - Belconnen Police Station
Mr Hanson/ Mr Speaker
2:29:01 pm for 20 seconds | Link

Q7-0329 ACT Policing - Belconnen Police Station
Mr Corbell/ Mr Speaker
2:29:21 pm for 2 minutes, 49 seconds | Link

Q8-0329 ACTION bus service - routes
Ms Gallagher/ Mr Speaker
2:32:30 pm for 4 minutes, 50 seconds | Link

Q9-0329 Domestic Animal Services - sale of dogs
Mrs Dunne/ Mr Speaker
2:37:20 pm for 43 seconds | Link

Q9-0329 Domestic Animal Services - sale of dogs
Ms Gallagher/ Mr Speaker
2:38:03 pm for 2 minutes, 46 seconds | Link

Q10-0329 Productive infrastructure - investment
Ms Porter/ Mr Speaker
2:40:49 pm for 37 seconds | Link

Q10-0329 Productive infrastructure - investment
Mr Barr/ Mr Speaker
2:41:26 pm for 4 minutes, 1 second | Link

Discussion of Matter of Public Importance - The importance of sustainable planning in the ACT.
Madam Assistant Speaker Mrs Dunne
3:32:00 pm for 26 seconds | Link

Discussion of Matter of Public Importance - The importance of sustainable planning in the ACT.
Ms Bresnan
3:32:26 pm for 11 minutes, 24 seconds | Link

Discussion of Matter of Public Importance - The importance of sustainable planning in the ACT.
Mr Corbell
3:43:50 pm for 8 minutes, 10 seconds | Link

Discussion of Matter of Public Importance - The importance of sustainable planning in the ACT.
Mr Seselja
3:52:00 pm for 10 minutes, 7 seconds | Link

Discussion of Matter of Public Importance - The importance of sustainable planning in the ACT.
Ms Le Couteur
4:02:07 pm for 10 minutes, 6 seconds | Link

Discussion of Matter of Public Importance - The importance of sustainable planning in the ACT.
Ms Porter
4:12:13 pm for 10 minutes, 3 seconds | Link

Discussion of Matter of Public Importance - The importance of sustainable planning in the ACT.
Mr Smyth
4:22:16 pm for 13 minutes, 55 seconds | Link

Select Committee on estimates 2012-13 - members
Madam Assistant Speaker Ms Le Couteur
4:36:11 pm for 15 seconds | Link

Select Committee on estimates 2012-13 - members
Motion be agreed to, resolved in affirmative
Mr Corbell/ Madam Assistant Speaker Ms Le Couteur
4:36:26 pm for 12 seconds | Link

Executive Business Order of the day No. 1 Electoral Amendment Bill 2012
Clerk/ Madam Assistant Speaker Ms Le Couteur
4:36:38 pm for 10 seconds | Link

Executive Business Order of the day No. 1 Electoral Amendment Bill 2012
Resumption of debate
Mrs Dunne/ Madam Assistant Speaker Ms Le Couteur
4:36:48 pm for 18 minutes, 37 seconds | Link

Executive Business Order of the day No. 1 Electoral Amendment Bill 2012
Ms Hunter
4:55:25 pm for 15 minutes, 4 seconds | Link

Executive Business Order of the day No. 1 Electoral Amendment Bill 2012
Close the debate
Mr Corbell
5:10:29 pm for 9 minutes, 50 seconds | Link

Executive Business Order of the day No. 1 Electoral Amendment Bill 2012
Resolved in affirmative
Mr Speaker
5:20:19 pm for 18 seconds | Link

Executive Business Order of the day No. 1 Electoral Amendment Bill 2012
Debate adjourned
Mr Speaker/ Mr Corbell
5:20:37 pm for 22 seconds | Link

Kapa Huka festival
Mrs Dunne/ Madam Deputy Speaker Ms Porter
5:21:35 pm for 3 minutes, 51 seconds | Link

Ginninderra District Girl Guides Heart Kids hill climb
Mr Coe/ Madam Deputy Speaker Ms Porter
5:25:26 pm for 2 minutes, 32 seconds | Link

Special needs education fundraiser, Malkara School
Mr Doszpot/ Madam Deputy Speaker Ms Porter
5:27:58 pm for 4 minutes, 58 seconds | Link

Nexus eWater, Earth hour
Mr Rattenbury/ Madam Deputy Speaker Ms Porter
5:32:56 pm for 5 minutes, 1 second | Link

Sitting suspended from 5.42pm to 1/ May 2012 at 10.00am
Madam Deputy Speaker Ms Porter
5:42:35 pm for 0 seconds | Link