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Select Committee on Estimates 2018-2019 - Inquiry into the ACT Appropriation Bill 2018-2019 and the Appropriation (Office of the Legislative Assembly) Bill 2018 - 2019
9:29:47 am for 55 seconds | Link

Ms Rachel Stephen-Smith MLA, Minister for Disability, Children and Youth
Minister/ Chair
9:30:42 am for 49 seconds | Link

Mr Ian Hubbard, Senior Director, Corporate Services, (Chair (1) in background)
Ms Lee/ Mr Hubbard
9:31:31 am for 46 seconds | Link

Ms Claire Barbato, Director, Office for Disability, Inclusion and Participation
Ms Barbato/ Chair
9:32:17 am for 3 minutes, 5 seconds | Link

Ms Jacinta Evans, Executive Director, Inclusion and Participation
Ms Evans/ Chair
9:35:22 am for 7 minutes, 13 seconds | Link

Ms Rachel Stephen-Smith MLA, Minister for Disability, Children and Youth
Minister/ Ms Barbato
10:03:08 am for 4 minutes, 29 seconds | Link

Ms Claire Barbato, Director, Office for Disability, Inclusion and Participation
Ms Barbato/ Ms Orr
10:07:37 am for 12 minutes, 19 seconds | Link

Ms Jacinta Evans, Executive Director, Inclusion and Participation
Ms Evans/ Ms Lee
10:23:37 am for 4 minutes, 39 seconds | Link

Ms Melanie Saballa, Director, Children and Families
Ms Saballa/ Ms Cheyne
10:29:11 am for 5 minutes, 4 seconds | Link

Ms Rachel Stephen-Smith MLA, Minister for Disability, Children and Youth
Minister/ Ms Le Couteur
10:40:55 am for 6 minutes, 30 seconds | Link

Ms Melanie Saballa, Director, Children and Families
Ms Saballa/ Ms Lee
11:21:03 am for 3 minutes, 56 seconds | Link

Dr Mark Collis, Deputy Director-General, Community Services Directorate
Dr Collis/ Ms Lee
11:24:59 am for 14 minutes, 1 second | Link

Ms Bernadette Mitcherson, Director-General, Community Services Directorate
Dr Collis/ Ms Mitcherson
11:39:40 am for 8 minutes, 7 seconds | Link

Ms Sally Gibson, Director, Quality, Complaints and Regulations, Human Services Registrar
Ms Gibson/ Ms Orr
11:47:47 am for 1 minute, 16 seconds | Link

Ms Rachel Stephen-Smith MLA, Minister for Disability, Children and Youth
Ms Mitcherson/ Minister
11:49:03 am for 2 minutes, 59 seconds | Link

Ms Helen Pappas, Executive Director, Children, Youth and Families
Ms Pappas/ Minister
11:52:02 am for 6 minutes, 44 seconds | Link

Ms Caroline Le Couteur MLA, (Ms Tara Cheyne MLA (Acting Chair) in background)
Ms Le Couteur/ Ms Mitcherson
11:58:46 am for 1 minute, 27 seconds | Link

Dr Mark Collis, Deputy Director-General, Community Services Directorate
Mrs Kikkert/ Dr Collis
12:10:30 pm for 23 seconds | Link

Ms Rachel Stephen-Smith MLA, Minister for Disability, Children and Youth
Minister/ Ms Cheyne
12:26:41 pm for 1 minute, 36 seconds | Link

Ms Jacinta Evans, Executive Director, Inclusion and Participation
Ms Evans/ Ms Cheyne
12:28:17 pm for 2 minutes, 46 seconds | Link


Select Committee on Estimates 2018-2019 - Inquiry into the ACT Appropriation Bill 2018-2019 and the Appropriation (Office of the Legislative Assembly) Bill 2018 - 2019
2:00:53 pm for 4 seconds | Link

Mr Mick Gentleman MLA, Minister for Police and Emergency Services
Minister/ Chair
2:01:26 pm for 42 seconds | Link

Mr Dominic Lane, Commissioner, ACT Emergency Services Agency
Mr Lane/ Ms Lee
2:02:51 pm for 6 minutes, 54 seconds | Link

Mr Howard Wren, Chief Officer, ACT Ambulance Service
Minister/ Mr Wren
2:14:36 pm for 1 minute, 7 seconds | Link

Mr Mick Gentleman MLA, Minister for Police and Emergency Services
Minister/ Chair
2:37:41 pm for 2 minutes, 24 seconds | Link

Mr Robyn White, Acting Director, Governance and Logistics
Mr White/ Chair
2:40:05 pm for 52 seconds | Link

Mr Bren Burkevics, Acting Senior Director, Security and Emergency Management Branch
Mr Burkevics/ Ms Cheyne
2:42:13 pm for 9 minutes, 34 seconds | Link

Assistant Commissioner Justine Saunders APM, Chief Police Officer
Mr Coe/ Ms Saunders
2:57:10 pm for 5 minutes, 35 seconds | Link

Ms Nicole Levay, Director Corporate Services
Ms Levay/ Ms Saunders
3:10:35 pm for 21 minutes, 27 seconds | Link

Mr Shane Rattenbury MLA, Minister for Corrections
Ms Le Couteur/ Minister
3:40:03 pm for 2 minutes, 51 seconds | Link

Mr Mark Bartlett, Offender Services and Corrections Programs, ACT Corrective Services
Mr Bartlett/ Ms Le Couteur
3:42:54 pm for 3 minutes, 12 seconds | Link

Mr Don Peach, Executive Director, ACT Corrective Services
Mr Peach/ Chair
3:46:06 pm for 8 minutes, 49 seconds | Link

Mr Richard Glenn, Deputy Director-General, Justice, JACS
Mr Glenn/ Ms Le Couteur
4:12:52 pm for 6 minutes, 28 seconds | Link

Mr Shane Rattenbury MLA, Minister for Justice, Consumer Affairs and Road Safety
Minister/ Ms Le Couteur
4:20:53 pm for 2 minutes, 42 seconds | Link

Ms Alison Purvis, A/g Chief Operating Officer, Access Canberra
Ms Purvis/ Chair
4:23:35 pm for 12 minutes, 40 seconds | Link