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Standing Committee on Justice and Community Safety, Public Hearing: Inquiry into Liquor License Fees & Subordinate Legislation - Mrs Vicki Dunne MLA (Chair), Mr John Hargreaves MLA (Deputy Chair), Ms Meredith Hunter MLA
9:29:09 am for 12 seconds | Link

Mr Simon Corbell MLA, Attorney-General
Mr Corbell/ The Chair
9:30:27 am for 11 minutes, 4 seconds | Link

Mr Brett Phillips Executive Director & Commissioner of Fair Trading
Mr Phillips
9:41:31 am for 3 minutes, 7 seconds | Link

Mr Gwyn Rees - General Manager of Australian Hotels Association, Opening statement
Mr Rees
10:06:09 am for 9 minutes, 36 seconds | Link

Mr Jeff House, Chief Executive, opening statement
Mr House/ The Chair
10:20:26 am for 7 minutes, 54 seconds | Link

Mr John Hargreaves MLA (Deputy Chair)
Mr Hargreaves/ Mr House
10:28:20 am for 3 minutes, 31 seconds | Link

Ms Meredith Hunter MLA, (THE CHAIR (3) in background)
Ms Hunter/ Mr House
10:31:51 am for 6 minutes, 33 seconds | Link

Standing Committee on Justice and Community Safety, Public Hearing: Inquiry into Liquor License Fees & Subordinate Legislation - Mrs Vicki Dunne MLA (Chair), Mr John Hargreaves MLA (Deputy Chair), Ms Meredith Hunter MLA
10:46:15 am for 0 seconds | Link

Mr Lachlan McOmish, Proprietor, Wig and Pen, opening statement, (Mr Hargreaves in background)
Mr Mc Omish
10:46:42 am for 12 minutes, 28 seconds | Link

Mr John Hargreaves MLA (Deputy Chair)
Mr Hargreaves/ Mr Mc Omish
10:59:10 am for 24 hours, 10 minutes, 11 seconds | Link

Mr Mark Ryan, Proprietor, Krave Nightclub, opening statement
Mr Ryan
11:09:59 am for 6 minutes, 18 seconds | Link

Mr Luca Di Zillo, Proprietor, IL Covo, opening statement
Mr Di Zillo
11:20:45 am for 5 minutes, 44 seconds | Link

Mr John Hargreaves MLA (Deputy Chair)
Mr Hargreaves/ Mr Di Zillo
11:26:29 am for 2 minutes, 53 seconds | Link

Ms Suzanne Parkinson, President, Canberra Wine and Food Club, opening statement
Ms Parkinson/ Mr Hargreaves
11:30:00 am for 6 minutes, 44 seconds | Link

Mr John Hargreaves MLA (Deputy Chair)
Mr Hargreaves/ Ms Parkinson
11:36:44 am for 4 minutes, 53 seconds | Link


Standing Committee on Education, Training and Youth Affairs - Future use of the Fitters' Workshop, Kingston
The Chair
2:29:12 pm for 1 second | Link