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Motion of Condolence Mr Kurt Steel
Ms Gallagher
10:10:52 am for 6 minutes, 59 seconds | Link

Motion of Condolence Mr Kurt Steel
Mr Hanson/ Madam Speaker
10:17:51 am for 4 minutes, 46 seconds | Link

Motion of Condolence Mr Kurt Steel
Mr Rattenbury/ Madam Speaker
10:22:37 am for 4 minutes, 36 seconds | Link

Motion of Condolence Mr Kurt Steel
Ms Porter/ Madam Speaker
10:27:13 am for 5 minutes, 49 seconds | Link

Motion of Condolence Mr Kurt Steel
Dr Bourke/ Madam Speaker
10:33:02 am for 2 minutes, 31 seconds | Link

Sitting suspended from 10:35am to 10:48am
Madam Speaker
10:35:33 am for 13 minutes, 13 seconds | Link

Assembly Business Order of the day No. 1 Standing Committee on Administration and Procedure - Presentation of report relating to standing order 241 (Disclosure of proceedings, evidence and documents), pursuant to order of the Assembly of 15 May 2014.
Madam Speaker/ Clerk
10:48:46 am for 46 seconds | Link

Assembly Business Order of the day No. 1 Standing Committee on Administration and Procedure - Presentation of report relating to standing order 241 (Disclosure of proceedings, evidence and documents), pursuant to order of the Assembly of 15 May 2014.
Report be noted, resolved in affirmative
Mr Rattenbury/ Madam Speaker
10:49:32 am for 4 minutes, 12 seconds | Link

Executive Business Notice No. 1 Statute Law Amendment Bill 2014 (No. 2)
Clerk/ Madam Speaker
10:53:44 am for 34 seconds | Link

Executive Business Notice No. 1 Statute Law Amendment Bill 2014 (No. 2)
Bill be agreed to in principle
Mr Corbell/ Madam Speaker
10:54:18 am for 7 minutes, 8 seconds | Link

Executive Business Notice No. 1 Statute Law Amendment Bill 2014 (No. 2)
Debate adjourned
Mr Hanson/ Madam Deputy Speaker Ms Porter
11:01:26 am for 22 seconds | Link

Executive Business Notice No. 2 Emergencies Amendment Bill 2014
Clerk/ Madam Deputy Speaker Ms Porter
11:01:48 am for 23 seconds | Link

Executive Business Notice No. 2 Emergencies Amendment Bill 2014
Bill be agreed to in principle
Mr Corbell/ Madam Deputy Speaker Ms Porter
11:02:11 am for 6 minutes, 39 seconds | Link

Executive Business Notice No. 2 Emergencies Amendment Bill 2014
Debate adjourned
Mr Smyth/ Madam Deputy Speaker Ms Porter
11:08:50 am for 17 seconds | Link

Executive Business Notice No. 3 Training and Tertiary Education Amendment Bill 2014
Clerk/ Madam Deputy Speaker Ms Porter
11:09:07 am for 24 seconds | Link

Executive Business Notice No. 3 Training and Tertiary Education Amendment Bill 2014
Bill be agreed to in principle
Ms Burch/ Madam Deputy Speaker Ms Porter
11:09:31 am for 8 minutes, 48 seconds | Link

Executive Business Notice No. 3 Training and Tertiary Education Amendment Bill 2014
Debate adjourned
Mr Doszpot/ Madam Deputy Speaker Ms Porter
11:18:19 am for 18 seconds | Link

Executive Business Notice No. 4 Planning, Building and Environment Legislation Amendment Bill 2014 (No. 2)
Clerk/ Madam Deputy Speaker Ms Porter
11:18:37 am for 29 seconds | Link

Executive Business Notice No. 4 Planning, Building and Environment Legislation Amendment Bill 2014 (No. 2)
Bill be agreed to in principle
Mr Gentleman/ Madam Deputy Speaker Ms Porter
11:19:06 am for 12 minutes, 45 seconds | Link

Executive Business Notice No. 4 Planning, Building and Environment Legislation Amendment Bill 2014 (No. 2)
Debate adjourned
Mr Coe/ Madam Speaker
11:31:51 am for 20 seconds | Link

Executive Business Notice No. 5 Workers Compensation (Cross-border Workers) Amendment Bill 2014
Clerk/ Madam Deputy Speaker Ms Porter
11:32:11 am for 26 seconds | Link

Executive Business Notice No. 5 Workers Compensation (Cross-border Workers) Amendment Bill 2014
Bill be agreed to in principle
Mr Gentleman/ Madam Deputy Speaker Ms Porter
11:32:37 am for 5 minutes, 30 seconds | Link

Executive Business Notice No. 5 Workers Compensation (Cross-border Workers) Amendment Bill 2014
Debate adjourned
Mr Smyth/ Madam Deputy Speaker Ms Porter
11:38:07 am for 23 seconds | Link

Assembly Business Order of the day No. 2 Proposed referral of 2013-2014 annual and financial reports to Assembly committees
Clerk/ Madam Deputy Speaker Ms Porter
11:38:30 am for 17 seconds | Link

Assembly Business Order of the day No. 2 Proposed referral of 2013-2014 annual and financial reports to Assembly committees
Resumption of debate, resolved in affirmative
Mr Rattenbury/ Madam Deputy Speaker Ms Porter
11:38:47 am for 38 seconds | Link

Assembly Business Notice No. 1 Proposed adoption of the ACT Lobbyist Regulation Guidelines
Clerk/ Madam Deputy Speaker Ms Porter
11:39:25 am for 6 seconds | Link

Assembly Business Notice No. 1 Proposed adoption of the ACT Lobbyist Regulation Guidelines
Motion be agreed to
Ms Gallagher/ Madam Deputy Speaker Ms Porter
11:39:31 am for 8 minutes, 16 seconds | Link

Assembly Business Notice No. 1 Proposed adoption of the ACT Lobbyist Regulation Guidelines
Mr Hanson
11:47:47 am for 5 minutes, 49 seconds | Link

Committee Statement Standing Committee on Education, Training and Youth Affairs - statement pursuant to standing order 246A relating to statutory appointments
Ms Porter/ Mr Assistant Speaker Dr Bourke
11:53:36 am for 2 minutes, 18 seconds | Link

Committee Statement Standing Committee on Planning, Environment and Territory and Municipal Services - statement pursuant to standing order 246A relating to a proposed inquiry.
Ms Berry/ Mr Assistant Speaker Dr Bourke
11:55:54 am for 1 minute, 28 seconds | Link

Committee Statement Standing Committee on Public Accounts - statement pursuant to standing order 246A relating to statutory appointments
Mr Smyth/ Mr Assistant Speaker Dr Bourke
11:57:22 am for 1 minute, 18 seconds | Link

Committee Statement Standing Committee on Public Accounts - statement pursuant to standing order 246A relating to inquiries into certain Auditor-General's reports
Mr Smyth/ Mr Assistant Speaker Dr Bourke
11:58:40 am for 3 minutes, 13 seconds | Link

Motion Precedence to Executive Business - pursuant to standing order 77 (e) That Executive Business be called on forthwith
Madam Speaker/ Mr Corbell
12:01:53 pm for 16 seconds | Link

Executive Business Order of the day No. 1 Major Events Bill 2014 Detail Stage Clause 1
Clerk/ Madam Speaker
12:02:09 pm for 26 seconds | Link

Executive Business Order of the day No. 1 Major Events Bill 2014 Detail Stage Clause 1
Resumption of debate, amendments
Mr Corbell/ Madam Speaker
12:02:35 pm for 21 minutes, 39 seconds | Link

Executive Business Order of the day No. 1 Major Events Bill 2014 Detail Stage Clause 1
Mr Hanson/ Madam Speaker
12:24:14 pm for 2 minutes, 56 seconds | Link

Executive Business Order of the day No. 1 Major Events Bill 2014 Detail Stage Clause 1
Mr Rattenbury/ Madam Speaker
12:27:10 pm for 4 minutes, 46 seconds | Link

Q1 Government - polling
Ms Gallagher/ Madam Speaker
2:30:41 pm for 2 minutes, 49 seconds | Link

Q2 Education - school chaplaincy program
Mr Doszpot/ Madam Speaker
2:33:30 pm for 1 minute, 4 seconds | Link

Q2 Education - school chaplaincy program
Ms Burch/ Madam Speaker
2:34:34 pm for 9 minutes, 46 seconds | Link

Q3 Canberra Hospital - inpatient care
Ms Lawder/ Madam Speaker
2:44:20 pm for 1 minute, 53 seconds | Link

Q3 Canberra Hospital - inpatient care
Ms Gallagher/ Madam Speaker
2:46:13 pm for 3 minutes, 9 seconds | Link

Q3 Canberra Hospital - inpatient care
Point of order
Mr Hanson/ Madam Speaker
2:49:22 pm for 49 seconds | Link

Q3 Canberra Hospital - inpatient care
Answer continuing
Ms Gallagher/ Madam Speaker
2:50:11 pm for 6 minutes, | Link

Q4 Community Services Directorate
Mr Gentleman/ Madam Speaker
2:56:52 pm for 7 minutes, 28 seconds | Link

Q5 Education - school chaplaincy
Ms Burch/ Madam Speaker
3:04:46 pm for 5 minutes, 21 seconds | Link

Q6 Infrastructure - proposed new convention centre
Mr Smyth/ Madam Speaker
3:10:07 pm for 49 seconds | Link

Q6 Infrastructure - proposed new convention centre
Mr Barr/ Madam Speaker
3:10:56 pm for 7 minutes, 5 seconds | Link

Q7 Disability services - children
Ms Burch/ Madam Speaker
3:18:22 pm for 6 minutes, 32 seconds | Link

Q8 Environment - West Belconnen
Mr Corbell/ Madam Speaker
3:25:16 pm for 3 minutes, 14 seconds | Link

Q9 Environment - waste management
Mr Rattenbury/ Madam Speaker
3:29:03 pm for 3 minutes, 33 seconds | Link

Q10 Infrastructure - investment
Ms Gallagher/ Madam Speaker
3:33:02 pm for 6 minutes, 14 seconds | Link

Q11 Canberra Hospital - bed availability
Ms Gallagher/ Madam Speaker
3:39:58 pm for 5 seconds | Link

Discussion of Matter of Public Importance - The importance of Government getting its education priorities right for ACT residents
Mr Assistant Speaker Dr Bourke
4:12:22 pm for 25 seconds | Link

Discussion of Matter of Public Importance - The importance of Government getting its education priorities right for ACT residents
Mr Smyth
4:12:47 pm for 15 minutes, 9 seconds | Link

Discussion of Matter of Public Importance - The importance of Government getting its education priorities right for ACT residents
Discussion, Mr Doszpot interjecting
Ms Burch/ Mr Assistant Speaker Dr Bourke
4:27:56 pm for 10 minutes, 22 seconds | Link

Discussion of Matter of Public Importance - The importance of Government getting its education priorities right for ACT residents
Mr Rattenbury/ Madam Assistant Speaker Ms Lawder
4:38:18 pm for 5 minutes, 2 seconds | Link

Discussion of Matter of Public Importance - The importance of Government getting its education priorities right for ACT residents
Mr Doszpot
4:43:20 pm for 10 minutes, 11 seconds | Link

Discussion of Matter of Public Importance - The importance of Government getting its education priorities right for ACT residents
Ms Berry/ Madam Assistant Speaker Ms Lawder
4:53:31 pm for 10 minutes, 6 seconds | Link

Executive Business Order of the day No. 2 Heritage Legislation Amendment Bill 2013
Clerk/ Madam Assistant Speaker Ms Lawder
5:03:37 pm for 15 seconds | Link

Executive Business Order of the day No. 2 Heritage Legislation Amendment Bill 2013
Resumption of debate
Mr Rattenbury
5:03:52 pm for 15 minutes, 48 seconds | Link

Executive Business Order of the day No. 2 Heritage Legislation Amendment Bill 2013
Debate be adjourned?
Mr Coe/ Madam Assistant Speaker Ms Lawder
5:19:40 pm for 2 minutes, 56 seconds | Link

Executive Business Order of the day No. 2 Heritage Legislation Amendment Bill 2013
Resolved in negative
Madam Assistant Speaker Ms Lawder/ Clerk
5:22:36 pm for 1 minute, 18 seconds | Link

Executive Business Order of the day No. 2 Heritage Legislation Amendment Bill 2013
Mr Coe
5:23:54 pm for 6 minutes, 5 seconds | Link

Executive Business Order of the day No. 2 Heritage Legislation Amendment Bill 2013
Close the debate
Mr Corbell
5:29:59 pm for 48 seconds | Link

Executive Business Order of the day No. 2 Heritage Legislation Amendment Bill 2013
Debate, amendments
Mr Corbell/ Madam Deputy Speaker Ms Porter
5:30:47 pm for 8 minutes, 45 seconds | Link

Mr Ian Fraser
Mr Corbell/ Madam Deputy Speaker Ms Porter
5:39:32 pm for 3 minutes, 58 seconds | Link

Snowy Hydro South Care helicopter
Mr Coe/ Madam Deputy Speaker Ms Porter
5:43:30 pm for 3 minutes, 14 seconds | Link

Australian geography
Dr Bourke/ Madam Deputy Speaker Ms Porter
5:46:44 pm for 3 minutes, 43 seconds | Link

Sitting suspended from 5:50pm to 21 October 2014 at 10:00am
5:50:27 pm for 22 minutes, 53 seconds | Link