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Standing Committee on Public Accounts - Inquiry into elements impacting on the future of the Clubs sector
1:34:27 pm for 1 second | Link

Professor Bryan Rodgers, Director, Australian National University (ANU) centre for Gambling Research
Prof Rodgers/ The Chair
1:35:51 pm for 51 seconds | Link

Dr Tanya Davidson, Australian National University (ANU) centre for Gambling Research
Dr Davidson/ The Chair
1:36:42 pm for 19 minutes, 34 seconds | Link

Ms Mary Porter AM MLA (Deputy Chair)
The Chair/ Ms Porter
2:00:10 pm for 6 minutes, 59 seconds | Link

Professor Bryan Rodgers, Director, Australian National University (ANU) centre for Gambling Research, (Mr Rattenbury in background)
Prof Rodgers/ Ms Fitzharris
2:07:09 pm for 3 minutes, 57 seconds | Link

Dr Tanya Davidson, Australian National University (ANU) centre for Gambling Research
Ms Lawder/ Dr Davidson
2:13:12 pm for 39 seconds | Link

Ms Juleen Schiefelbein, ACT Manager, Relationships Australia, opening statement
Ms Schiefelbein
2:37:01 pm for 3 minutes, 12 seconds | Link

Ms Carmel Franklin - Director Care Financial Counselling Service and the Consumer Law Centre of the ACT
Ms Schiefelbein/ Ms Franklin
2:45:42 pm for 3 minutes, 52 seconds | Link

Ms Fiona Loaney, Business Development Manager, Relationships Australia
Ms Schiefelbein/ Ms Loaney
2:49:34 pm for 1 minute, 24 seconds | Link

Ms Mary Porter AM MLA (Deputy Chair)
The Chair/ Ms Porter
2:57:30 pm for 6 minutes, 8 seconds | Link

Ms Juleen Schiefelbein, ACT Manager, Relationships Australia
The Chair/ Ms Schiefelbein
3:03:38 pm for 1 minute, 17 seconds | Link