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Mr Tim Xirakis, former Project Director, City to Lake Project, Land Development Agency
Mr Xirakis/ The Chair
1:31:12 pm for 1 minute, 54 seconds | Link

Mr Michael Pettersson MLA (Deputy Chair)
Mr Pettersson/ Mr Xirakis
1:44:28 pm for 55 minutes, 53 seconds | Link

Mr Barry Morris, Director, Glebe Park Pty Ltd
Mr Morris/ The Chair
2:42:52 pm for 8 minutes, 53 seconds | Link

Mr Michael Pettersson MLA (Deputy Chair)
Mr Pettersson/ Mr Morris
2:51:45 pm for 23 minutes, 7 seconds | Link

Mr Paul Powderly, State Chief Executive, ACT, Colliers International
Mr Powderly/ The Chair
3:20:22 pm for 2 minutes, 38 seconds | Link

Mr Michael Pettersson MLA (Deputy Chair)
Mr Pettersson/ Mr Powderly
3:31:34 pm for 21 minutes, 27 seconds | Link

Mr Paul Powderly, State Chief Executive, ACT, Colliers International
Mr Pettersson/ Mr Powderly
3:53:01 pm for 54 seconds | Link