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Standing Committee on Health Ageing and Community Services - Inquiry into Annual and Financial Reports 2018-2019
9:05:49 am for 7 seconds | Link

Ms Rachel Stephen-Smith MLA, Minister for Health
Minister/ Chair
9:08:19 am for 1 minute, 2 seconds | Link

Mr Michael De'Ath, Director-General
Mr De'ath/ Mrs Dunne
9:09:21 am for 3 minutes, 16 seconds | Link

Ms Liz Lopa, Executive Group Manager, Strategic Infrastructure
Ms Lopa/ Mrs Dunne
9:12:37 am for 2 minutes, 20 seconds | Link

Ms Jacinta George, Executive Group Manager, Health System Planning and Evaluation
Ms George/ Mrs Dunne
9:20:39 am for 3 minutes, 38 seconds | Link

Assoc Prof Bruce Shadbolt, Executive Branch Manager, Centre for Health and Medical Research
Assoc Prof Shadbolt/ Ms Le Couteur
9:24:17 am for 38 minutes, 12 seconds | Link

Dr Kerryn Coleman, Acting Chief Health Officer
Dr Coleman/ Ms Le Couteur
10:02:29 am for 11 minutes, 26 seconds | Link

Mr John Fletcher, Executive Group Manager, Corporate and Governance
Mr Fletcher/ Mrs Dunne
10:13:55 am for 15 minutes, 55 seconds | Link

Ms Bernadette McDonald, Chief Executive Officer
Ms Mcdonald/ Chair
10:45:15 am for 1 minute, 55 seconds | Link

Ms Kylie Jonasson, Deputy Director-General, Health Systems, Policy and Research
Ms Jonasson/ Chair
10:47:10 am for 7 minutes, 16 seconds | Link

Mr Michael Culhane, Executive Group Manager, Policy, Partnerships and Programs
Ms Le Couteur/ Mr Culhane
12:08:11 pm for 1 minute, 53 seconds | Link

Ms Denise Lamb, Executive Group Manager, Quality, Safety, Innovation and Improvement
Ms Lamb/ Ms Le Couteur
12:10:04 pm for 3 minutes, 43 seconds | Link

Mr Peter O'Halloran, Chief Information Officer
Mr O'halloran/ Ms Le Couteur
12:13:47 pm for 3 minutes, 30 seconds | Link

Ms Cathie O'Neill, Executive Director, Cancer and Ambulatory Support
Ms Mcdonald/ Ms O'neill
12:17:17 pm for 4 minutes, 7 seconds | Link

Mr Alan Philp, Executive Branch Manager, Prevention and Population Health
Mr Philp/ Ms Mcdonald
12:21:24 pm for 9 minutes, 48 seconds | Link