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Mr Andrew Barr MP
Ms Chiaka Barry MP
Ms Yvette Berry MP
Mr Andrew Braddock MP
Mr Peter Cain MP
Ms Fiona Carrick MP
Ms Leanne Castley MP
Ms Tara Cheyne MP
Ms Jo Clay MP
Mr Ed Cocks MP
Mr Thomas Emerson MP
Mr Jeremy Hanson MP
Ms Elizabeth Lee MP
Mr James Milligan MP
Ms Deborah Morris MP
Miss Laura Nuttall MP
Ms Suzanne Orr MP
Mr Mark Parton MP
Ms Marisa Paterson MP
Mr Michael Pettersson MP
Mr Shane Rattenbury MP
Mr Chris Steel MP
Ms Rachel Stephen-Smith MP
Ms Caitlin Tough MP
Ms Rebecca Vassarotti MP
Mr Taimus Werner-Gibbings MP
Former Members
Mr Wayne Berry MP
Mr Chris Bourke MP
Ms Amanda Bresnan MP
Ms Candice Burch MP
Ms Joy Burch MP
Ms Jacqui Burke MP
Ms Kate Carnell MP
Ms Bec Cody MP
Mr Alistair Coe MP
Mr Bernard Collaery MP
Mr Terry Connolly MP
Mr Simon Corbell MP
Mr Greg Cornwell MP
Ms Helen Cross MP
Ms Emma Davidson MP
Mr Johnathan Davis MP
Mr Tony De Domenico MP
Mr Steve Doszpot MP
Mr Craig Duby MP
Ms Roslyn Dundas MP
Ms Vicki Dunne MP
Ms Annette Ellis MP
Ms Meegan Fitzharris MP
Ms Rosemary Follett MP
Ms Deb Foskey MP
Ms Katy Gallagher MP
Mr Mick Gentleman MP
Ms Ellnor Grassby MP
Mr Deepak-Raj Gupta MP
Mr John Hargreaves MP
Mr Jayson Hinder MP
Mr Harold Hird MP
Ms Lucy Horodny MP
Mr Gary Humphries MP
Ms Meredith Hunter MP
Mr Val Jeffery MP
Mr Norm Jensen MP
Ms Giulia Jones MP
Mr Trevor Kaine MP
Mrs Elizabeth Kikkert MP
Mr Hector Kinloch MP
Mr David Lamont MP
Ms Nicole Lawder MP
Ms Caroline Le Couteur MP
Ms Louise Littlewood MP
Ms Karin MacDonald MP
Ms Carmel Maher MP
Ms Roberta McRae MP
Mr Michael Moore MP
Mr Richard Mulcahy MP
Ms Robyn Nolan MP
Mr Paul Osborne MP
Ms Mary Porter MP
Mr Steve Pratt MP
Mr David Prowse MP
Mr Ted Quinlan MP
Mr Gordon Ramsay MP
Ms Marion Reilly MP
Mr Dave Rugendyke MP
Mr Zed Seselja MP
Mr Brendan Smyth MP
Mr Jon Stanhope MP
Mr Bill Stefaniak MP
Mr Dennis Stevenson MP
Ms Helen Szuty MP
Ms Kerrie Tucker MP
Mr Andrew Wall MP
Mr Lou Westende MP
Mr Paul Whalan MP
Mr Andreww Whitecross MP
Mr Bill Wood MP
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